Le Revisionist Grandma

Remember Ursula Haverbeck? If you don't, no matter, but essentially this woman is joining the legion of based grandmas who realize the Holocaust was a hoax and they don't give a fuck.

Watch this video. Don't worry, the violin is only like 5 seconds.

Basically, it's about this Canadian woman of German heritage who grew up being ashamed of her German heritage and also of her parents, for she was confused how they could support a genocidal regime and did nothing to stop the "death camps."

By exposing herself to Revisionist material in the digital age, such as Ursula Haverbeck and Ernst Zundel, she's realized that the Holohoax is a massive and evil lie, and she is able to apologize to her parents and find peace & relief in the fact that her parents and grandparents were great people who did nothing wrong.

This is the perfect video to redpill "normies" about the Holohoax with.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/?ion=1&espv=2#q=witold pilecki

oh wow this thread again

fuck off

First reply, always a shill.

We know what you are up to. You won't win here, go and bother morons on FaceBook.

Think about what you are doing with your life, we are sat conversing over a wide range of topics and you are battling that, trying to promote ignorance.

You are less than scum.

A bump for you, Moshe.

Soon a whole army of 90 year olds Wehrmacht soldiers is going to start a rebellion in Germany.




The funniest part is that they could probably take modern Germany.

During the Nazi German occupation of Poland in World War II, Weigl's research attracted the attention of the Nazis. When they occupied Lviv, they ordered him to set up a vaccine production plant at his Institute.
About a thousand people worked there. Weigl employed and protected Polish intellectuals, Jews and members of the Polish underground. His vaccines were smuggled into ghettos in Lviv and Warsaw,
saving countless lives, until the Institute was shut down by the Soviet Union following their 1944 anti-German offensive.

Probably imagine a bunch of senile old men in full SS garb getting into firefights with ami's niggers and muzzies in downtown Berlin.

Make it so.

Sweating already, Chaim?

I had a grandfather who fought in WW2, for the fuhrer. One of the things he predicted is how spic and niggers in the US will become cops to kill the "white race" as Hitler put it.

link: 8ch.net/pol/res/6631742.html

google.com/?ion=1&espv=2#q=witold pilecki


Tthis guy BTFOs out of Holla Forums everytime. Fucking retards.

whoops, better video


Ebin. Simply ebin.


That reminds me, I need to keep learning German so I can send a letter to her before she dies.

Is this the old woman who got thrown in jail in Germany a while back or a different one?

bumping for buttholocaust


This damage control is pathetic.
Who needs obvious patterns like how you're always the first post when your post content is so uniformly cancerous.

Kek accepts your tithe of salt.

German-Canucks seem cool tbh.



I'm not surprised, would you act any different if your death is imminent? Might as well go out fighting. In fact that's the way many people on pol behave. No life to live so might as well sacrifice myself. 1488 from the old folks home.

Wait, how old are you m8 ?

Every time the 1st post is a shill I bump

It's a bot. They're always (1), and then people that respond to them are responded to because that's and easy thing to program to make it look like there's consensus against the respondent. Notice how the responses are set up. First response never addresses the content in any way but an extremely general sense, like there's a scraper picking up keywords in the content. For example, a couple days ago a thread about Milo strengthening accusations of BLM's leader and Twitter's CEO being literal gay lovers is responded to immediately with "muh e-celeb", completely bypassing the actual material. The thread was then shillbombed manually because we didn't let them bury it.

The first response to you is an equally tepid "everyone who doesn't agree with me is a shill" equivalent, likely a bot response banking on people picking up on the falsehood of the first response and calling it out.

Whoever we're pissing off, they're getting better programmers/social engineers. Look closely. I'm noticing just slightly jilted-from-proper-context replies all over the board in the past couple days.

They're spending 6-figure numbers on this astroturfing. Those programmers/social engineers don't come cheap. I know a few of them. Stay salty, Twitter/Google/Microsoft/DNC/Clinton Foundation/alphabet agencies/anyone else with the cash and motive to see this place divided.

And just like that, the thread spam starts. Check the catalog. We're being botted again.

Kek, anti first reply shill bot bump

Yeah, there's some racemixing and racebaiting threads.

OP FAGGOT! The violin starts again at 5:14.
Good find OP

Man does it feel good to hear those words come out of her mouth.


how can people deny the holocaust in 2016 when we have such solid evidence that millions were gassed?

i understand most modern nazi's are wuzkingsdindunothings, genetic and financial failures incapable of shifting away from the crumbling miasma of backward historical masturbation that is western civilization and into comfy mixed marriage with an asian and riding the golden dragon into the century of gook, but how do other people fall into this trap?

Whether you are 1 or 100 years old, what the National Socialists did in Germany 80 years ago barely affected non Europeans then, and has zero impact on you now in 2016.

This is exactly like when you used to play civ3 vs your autistic friend over LAN in HS. You would rush spearmen and horses and he would turtle into the space age and crush you with superior tech tree and resource management.

China could offshore 500million of it's poorest people to completely crush the America economy and still be unaffected by the loss of human capital domestically. Meanwhile the world's 'superpower' is electing its next emperor on the whims of 15 million niggers who may or may not vote. Absolutely lmao.

To pretend like you could even win a war vs a combined 3 billion people united in their disgust for your decadence and wastefulness is beyond hilarious.

But yeah, keep worrying about guns and the holocaust and what words to say. Over on the other side of the world, China and Russia are building a little something called the future.


Not like China is going to crash and burn soon or anything, no way. CHINA STRONK!

The worst part is, trolls join in. I'm sure more than once, people have posted first in a thread with similar bullshit just for the sake of causing shit. In fact, I would bet on it.

It makes the shills that much harder to detect.

it's rotating to a policy of internal consumption.

When you have central authority that can benevolently plan the lives of billions you can rule the world. Don't believe the cuck capitalist dereg faggots and their pipe dreams, monopolies rule the world and there isn't a bigger more united monolithic monster than the chinese leadership and their decision to expand China the correct way.

China needs America for another decade maximum, then the debt strings get cut and your joke of an empire can go back to lawless wilderness and hillbillies fucking their cousins.

*yawn* what tortured camp guard testimony have you dug up this time chaim

I'll take that bait for bump's sake:


To anyone who is painfully researching revisionist material, this is your motherlode. You can download most of the books from the page as 300mb zip. Well worth it. These people went to jail for writing those.