How do you feel about Baptists?

How do you feel about Baptists?

Out of all of the weird subgroups of American life, I feel like these guys are probably the only real people left. They believe in something greater than themselves, God. That used to be the American Dream for everyone else, but decades of increasingly clumsy propaganda has exposed that was all just bullshit and future generations are completely fucked.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm a Baptist, it's great. Every time people diss on Christianity here, it's because "the pope did x", "the evangelicals did y".
Yeah, duh, they don't follow the Bible.

I accept any Christians as brothers so long as they aren't jew worshipping evangelical retards


Baptists are race traitors and will be killed on the day of the rope.

Sage and report for zero effort.

lol, speak for yourself, papist.

This. Only retard atheist children hate Christianity, probably because they know fuck all about it.

They're okay, even though the baptist flags are usually the most obnoxious shitposters on /christian/.

but he is right, we are all mixed.


Indeed, now marry a sub-saharan african

Blanda Upp goy.

For the most part their useful Zionist idiots who read the Scofield bible, but there are some red pilled ones like Pastor Anderson.

Someone who marries a nog to a white woman in his church is not redpilled.

Anderson helps racemixing. His future is a noose.

I loved it when he was interviewing all the Jews and they get trigged by the Bible because it's actually exposing all their bullshit.

He believes we are all God's children, he is consistent. It's a slippery slope to argue for the white race, do you let in guineas and pollacks?

Every independent Baptist Church i've ever heard of uses the KJV. Maybe you're thinking of those Baptist Convnetion cuckolds that think being a faggot is only as bad a adultery.

Christianity is a false mysticism like all other mysticisms. Singing hymns doesn't win wars. It's acceptable in peace-time, but this isn't peace-time, we're in a state of emergency. Now fuck off you cookie-cutter faggot, this thread's design is old as dust.
I think we need to get Varg on the scene ASAP


Consistency is not a defence of treason.


southern baptists are breddy based, on par with the eastern orthodox
death to all fucking cathokikes, even hitler hated you faggots


Underaged or on the spectrum

I feel like a bunch of Clinton leaks.

Gas urself

They are just as big of race traitors, you mean.

Southern Baptists caving to political correctness and denying their heritage, like the race traitors they are:


Take your meds sperg

Take your daily dose of diversity cuck

All Christians literally worship a Jew by definition.

Yes goy only a millennial would oppose race mixing

Typical symptom of your mental disorder.


blanda upp

do you really think that a majority of southerners are going to go to celtic/anglo-saxon paganism? I can understand scandinavians wanting to worship odin, but Christianity is so deeply ingrained into american society

all christians worship a false Jewish god.

christianity is Judaism's controlled opposition.

you are the disease vector of humanism, a false ideology that maintains all humans must be respected,happy and comfortable.

you WILL be physically removed.

If you help refugees in any way shape or form you are against whites


No most of them would be christcucks since most southerns are spics or niggers


Pastor Anderson is epin troll. I'm surprised the hebes have let him live after that

No, I expect the majority of southerners to become mongrelized subhumans bred out by niggers and spics because they follow a suicidal religion.

Hell is forever.

its sun worship retard

Hell is dead

I disagree with Anderson only in the matter of interracial marriage. Indeed, compared to God, it's as if we were all the same. Why? Because Man's distance to God is infinite, while what separates the human races is not. If the difference between Man and God is that of an infinite Universe, that of the most honorable of whites and the most vile of blacks is of an atom.
He destroyed the Tower of Babel exactly because He does not want us to mix our blood with other races, or our cultures. A nation according to the teaching of God is nationalistic and isolationist.

Post his Holocaust denial video, it's great.

Yup and that's where these degenerates lose me.

I like this sort of thing, but my preference and belief is in High-Church English Christianitiy, from whence the "King James' Version" or more properly, the Authorised Version of scripture, comes.

They're my Protestant Christian cousins and sometimes even brothers.


Does your Bible tell you to have sex with niggers?

I don't know why the Christians even try here. They always expose thrmselves as traitors by their own posts.

Not the baptists, since they actually read the KJ Bible which blames the Jews for everything. You're confusing them with the televangelists who are just paid shills for Israel.

baptists are just the annoying southern protestants

bullshit, they love jews

and I mean fucking LOVE jews, die for israel types

baptists are huge fucking goys, and honestly literal interpretation of Bible is foolish too, they are huge proponents of Intelligent Design.

jew engineered good goys, even despite the hardcore holohoax fighters

Here's the original.

No, it isn't at all.

Read , teen schlomo.

Yeah but he was white

no no no, i'd about 95% of baptists read the part about israel and misunderstand that christ's people are the new chosen ones, and will tell their children to fight for israel

baptists are huge zionists, and i mean YUUUGE


Yes it is completely, at base. They may not take it that way, but that's what it is.

Not even according to your own Jewish fairy tales is this true. Nowhere in the Bible does it mention hell being forever. It's just another case of Christfags lacking reading comprehension.

Read it, your point?

Every Christian cult promotes racemixing, even Christian Identitarians try to turn us into semites.

How can someone be right on everything, but be wrong on the most important thing?

That is impossible!

*tips Dawkins book


No, it isn't that at base.

blanda upp

Anger and hatred aren't even sins. Also no distinction is made between a good or bad society, it's just assumed all society is looked upon the same way.

Will the angsty trailer teen ever learn to capitalize letters and write like a proper human being? I wonder. It's always the (((same guy))) spamming in every thread, nothing to see here goys : ^)

I have no liking for Dawkins!

user., so you know, I didn't read your bilious comment. Literary acid is soooo very boring.


Anti-white detected.

Yes, pretending that everyone who is critical of your racemixing cult is a teen, doesn't make you look sad and desperate.

The problem with Holla Forums is that it's shilled by /fringe/ retards with proxies.

Filtered for off-topic ranting

not at all.

Baptists have a lot going for them, but they lost me with the whole "young earth" belief

blanda upp

yes it is. its astrotheology.

what is the word that is synonymous with "bad" or "evil"? Sin.

Sin is the Moon god.

Jesus dying on the cross and raising again on the third day is obviously an analogy to the Winter Solstace. 12 Tribes of Israel are the Zodiac. etc etc

The whole fucking thing is Celestial Worship ding dong. Took me awhile to figure that out. I saved you a bunch of time. You're welcome.

He look, a Christian who decides to filter someone, because he doesn't have a good come-back. How Typical!

I can't stand their views, but I love their cooking.

:/ kinda like Greece I guess?

I wouldn't expect a Christian to understand English grammar.

Where Pastor Anderson and his Kind fail is Race. If he didn't advocate for Race mixing than he'd be extremely based, but because he does he's only somewhat based.

I still listen to his sermons for some reason… I'm not even Christian, but I find the bible interesting and I like the way he puts it out.

That's exactly what Heyzeus said though. Matthew 12:30:
So I guess Jesus was a retard.

Pastor Anderson actually has good bible scholarship. I don't care for Christianity, but if I want to know what the bible actually says he is truthful in his reading and interpretation of it.

Yeah they have some pretty out there beliefs when it comes to age of the Earth, people living with dinosaurs, no evolution. But honestly who cares about that shit, think about it do those topics ever affect you on a personal level? It's likely we are moving towards some creepy matrix like prison future scenario, in which case there might as well be no geology or history what so ever, since it will be manipulated and controlled information hidden from people.

There is definitely something about the Bible that is relate-able. Probably to do with the shared cultural experience of European people.

I think because he hasn't compromised on the original teachings of the religion. It's not watered down bullshit, it's what people actually believed 500 years ago.

No. You are just generalizing and hand waving.

Like I explained, you're not supposed to race-mix. You're not even supposed to marry, let's say a Swedish girl if you're German, for example. God goes a step FURTHER than the average Holla Forumsack, that only cares about DNA and ignores cultural roots.
There are literally thousands of them, but only one source, one Word. There are dyke priests in Sweden. There are niggers in Africa sacrificing children. There's all kinds of crazy stuff in the world, and if you ask them, they'll tell you that they are Christians. I don't have to explain you that anyone can call themselves whatever they please, that their word is not bound by Truth as it is or by their actions in on themselves, you know that already because it's self-evident. If you follow the Bible without error, mistakes are literally impossible. Only Jesus could do that because he was literally God inside of a meat mannequin.
I don't make the race-mixing mistake that many fools make all the time, because I understand the Bible, but that doesn't mean that I don't go against it DAILY, by sinning.

Yes, I see, in order to undermine our racial believes, you describe them in a way that is completely absurd.

ALL of them promote racemixing, with a few very rare exceptions, thats not like a lesbian priest, or an african voodoo priest.

Try again.

I enjoy Steven Anderson greatly, although I'm not religious at all.

His breed of Christianity is the only one that can withstand the test of time. Sadly, without state-conquering and force-conversion it has no ability to spread at any significant rate in today's world.

It is thus IMO destined to spread almost exclusively through direct offspring and intermarriage with less strict Christians, as limp-dicked denominations will view them as lunatics, and people like us will have entirely different issues, such as race-mixing.

Best of luck to them.

These threads don't belong here. Take your religious discussion to >>>/christian/

It's all right there. Study the Bible while looking at all the original Hebrew words and you'll see the Bible is nothing like what you thought it was tbh fam

Or don't. See if I care. Your loss

Israel-loving, race-mixing, evangelical hypocritical YECs with room-temperature IQs who treat the KJV like muslims treat the Koran.

All that is well and good, OP, but they also tend to be virtue signalling, raceblind cucks who adopt turd world nigger babies while children of their own nation languish in foster care. They also think that their magic book can fix low IQ subhumans. It's the same tabula rasa bullshit that progressives push, only with a Jesus veneer.
Instead of…

No mainstream Christian church is redpilled on race or even immigration. They are tertiary concerns at best.

Oh, they also shit on the Confederate flag and made this statement concerning the "refugee" crisis:

Well OP I think you convinced us all.

What is it that you don't understand?

Nope. Christcucks gonna cuck.

As long as they allow niggers into their churches, it's a no go.

(I don't save shit like that on my white computer)

You atheists embarrass yourselves. I mean for a group that thinks they are smarter than everyone else, you sure talk outta your asses a lot. At least make sure you know what you're talking about fucking fools, lol.

I think it also has something to do with my brother being an evangelical christian.

Which was kinda strange watching a successful guy go through that, so me and him get into a lot of philosophical discussions. I just pass it off though because as I tell him, Jesus is dead, has been for literally 2000 years, figuratively for around 100.

Not all Baptists are like Anderson's flock. Again, if you listen to his stuff he's constantly talking about how terrible Jews are, he even made a movie about it that every Holla Forumsack should watch.

I am not an atheist who would allow the Jew to run society. I speak too older gods and remember my heritage.

The Jews are only the most important problem, you forget part of the way they will defeat your children is through race-mixing. I think you would be hard pressed to find a Baptist speaking on that topic.

you retarded fucks

Christianity is and always will be a kike religion to keep the goy in line.

If you have to have a religion it should be a NATIVE EUROPEAN religion.

nb4 you can't live without the kike on a stick,you make me sick.

They are retarded Whites worshiping a communist kike

They are the enemy of the White race and must be purged


Is that supposed to be worse than submitting to a literal zombie jew?

There are many gods and a free man will worship who he desires favor from

Your rootless tree will fall. Know that if it is not you, your descendants will walk your family line into oblivion.

If Paganism was viable, why did it fail to Christianity in the first place?

Weakness in Philosophy that's why

One has to wonder who the kike really is.

Oh shit it's this spammer again.

It did not fall, there is a reason why the words Heaven and Hell still exist even if their meanings have become corrupted, even the word God was just an old Germanic god.

Chiefs of Germanic tribes only became Christian at least at face value because Rome would send them money and weapons. See, Pre-Christian Rome had developed many new weapons but didn't use them because they didn't want the tribals to become too powerful.

We still use the word God primarily instead of Deus or another Jewish name, the days of the week as well, the concept of going too an afterlife at death or burial rather than being resurrected at Armageddon. The roots are still there and that is all that matters for things which live.

I'm not even going to argue with you. Just go marry a nigger, op will be happy to do it for you.

Went to a fundamental baptist school as a kid, but was raised orthodox. I don't mind that they exist - I just never want to be around them again.

spotted the shill.

All 'real' Protestants should be pretty good in the eyes of Holla Forums as they have to follow the Bible, and the Bible is INCREDIBLY anti-jewish (even the Old Testament; there is a line in Malachi that literally says the Jews will be reduced to stubble in an oven if they do not return to God; note that Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament, so clearly they did not return to Him aside from those who became Christians).

The Bible does not support race-mixing, and there's lots to indicate that it is opposed. That said to a Christian there are more important things than 'race'. Call that a weakness if you want, but in our eyes the spiritual is more important than the physical; many of you have made 'race' your false god, your idol. Again this is not at all to say that Christians support white genocide or anything of the sort; just that many are far more focused on having a relationship with God, casting out demons, healing the sick or spreading the word… You know, the things we were commanded to do.

As an aside 'evangelism' simply means to spread the word. An evangelical is someone who goes around telling others about Jesus. All 'real' Christians should do this as we were commanded to. I will however agree that the 'televangelist' types tend to be jew-manipulated, israel-loving frauds. Just be aware that the word does not solely denote 'them' as group; it is a practice that all Christians should partake in.

Christians I know have recently been very much involved in the BREXIT, with lots of different organisations working and praying together to achieve it. Many have also claimed to have received prophecies that Britain would leave the EU, and that if the nation returned to God it would be blessed. I'm personally always skeptical of prophecies, but this particular one was made 8 years ago when any chance of a BREXIT was completely off the cards (and in fact even mentioning 'immigration' was taboo and resulted in immediate cries of racism; how times have changed in just a few short years).

Stop worshiping yourselves (race), or a demon (kek), and return to Christ!

I really don't care for Protestants in general, they're mostly retarded Bible-worshipers; trad Catholics and Orthodox are most tolerable Christians.

So is Islam, I don't care about some sectarian hatred towards Jews, real antisemitism is racial.

Wrong, nowhere in the Bible does it actually say "thou shalt not racemix"

Maybe the old testament has a few tribal and sectarian conflicts that could be interpreted as racial, but the moment you reach the new testament it started promoting racemixing.

Yes, let's abandon God, and worship a man, and pretend this man is really God!!

Because that is what you people do, you deny God, by claiming God is a man.

She looks like she could unhinge her jaw and suck a mean cock.

they sho sing fahn on Sunday doe

He look, a Jew who tries to pervert a White woman.

I will follow your God if you can elaborate where he was 3000 years ago.

please read aquinas, or the christian's use of aristotle

Wassup kike?

Does it anger you God abandoned your people and cast his Son, Himself made flesh to die for the Gentile?

u mad?

That is not an argument.

Give me a reason why I am wrong.

The Bible and virtually every sect of Christianity is tainted and subverted ( from the start ). It's some truth mixed with lots of disinformation and spiritual traps. Try the Gospel of Thomas and see how that compares to Bible.

Kill yourself.

Wrong about what?

Race-mixing? I don't actually care about the issue, when people are brought back into the Christian fold they naturally yearn to return to their own people, it's kinda strange ain't it?

Christ was God given flesh. Without Christ, you don't have God, and with neither you stand on nothing.

Probably saw you in that other retard pagan thread, wassup?

gnostics are retarded, goobie plz

You all spazz out and fail to reproduce, let me know how that goes for you.

Not that you are actually an gnostic, you probably don't really believe in anything.

Yet the bible follows a personality cult around and whose lore is based off of a bipolar sandpeople g-d. Additionally if it wasn't for Arabic scholars, no work of Aristotle would have survived the dark ages.

In light of that, wouldn't you be a proponent of deist like Jefferson rather than being bound to something that can be interpreted in a way that leads to degenracy?

Thousands of Christian sects, they all promote racemixing, but in your mind Christianity is somehow racial.


That is pantheistic gibberish in the vein of jewish kabbalah, or islamic sufism.

He look, a Christian calling something he doesn't understand, pagan.

This is amazing.

He looks exactly like Jack from LOST too, which makes it perfect.

1. personality cult

well, he is the messiah and God, yes. not exactly a gotcha point.

2. bipolar sand god

God never seemed "bipolar" when I read the OT, he is justifable angered every time a Jew pussies out and acts like he isn't the creator of Heaven and Earth.

3. if it weren't fer arabs no aristotle

what difference does it make?

with no christianity or judaism there'd be no islam either, or muhammed would have to come up with some OC

Because I believe in Christ. If you believe in God (with no Christ) you're basically a Jew in denial.

I don't really care about the racemixing issue, I'm sorry!

If you don't believe in Christ, you're a Jew. All of Christianity hinges on the ressurection.


The baptist families I've known have raised some of the most ridiculously low test autist children I've ever met.

Yes, your a degenerate Christian, who will go to Hell when he dies!

Yes, Hindu's, Daoists, Niggers in the jungle etc.. all really Jews!!!

Yes, believing that God was made flesh, is a form of pantheism, just like judaism and islam.


If you believe in the OT God without being in Christ, yeah you probably are Jewish, what's your point chaim?

I don't really care what Judaism or Islam has to say, what does that have to do with Christ?

The guy you posted married a blonde woman to a nigger.

If you're a white race realist then you're ok in my book, whether you're a Christian or not.

If you're not only willing to socialise with race traitors but will marry them with a smile on your face, you're a cuck.

I'm not trying to D&C btw, I just think that at this particular point in time race is much more important than religion.

Wow, don't you understand, you commit evil, you do to Hell, you promote racemixing you go to Hell!

Oh, ok, but I don't, so now what?

I dunno, it's basically the same thing right?

God is the world, sure, all three religions say it differently, that YHWH is a man, or that YHWH is an emmanation or that allah controls everything direcly.

All the same, pantheism.

Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).

user., you used the word "nigger"! Give yourself ten "edge points" and pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

You're saving the white race, one comment at a time. And you came to the right place to do it!

Baptists and the rest of the religious world have done nothing positive for our society other than continue to fuck us over time and time again.

It's because of Christians, Muslims and Jews that we're still stuck believing in sky daddies and other nonsensical bullshit instead of embracing reality.
However, people are still convinced that a 2000-year-old book, full of pagan influences and contradictions, is somehow not a work of fiction.

What should a christian do with BLACK AND SPIC COPS killing random white people?

see here:

Keep posting your comments, user. When you reach around 5 comments, then I'll know you're not here to throw a quick little tantrum and then run away.


If you can't see the problem of worshipping a personality cult, then you can't give me the argument that Christianity is entirely about what deism, or what Aquinas wrote, is about. What got people to believe in Yeshua originally was his claim to train people for immortality, similar to the myth of Osiris, although heavily misinterpreted. What got people to believe in Yeshua's cult of Christianity in Rome and later Europe in general, was the guarantee of an eternal paradise afterlife simply by going to church, and more importantly giving the church money. Those who didn't conform were killed off, and those who preached anything not kosher were sacrificed via burning, because Christianity is unable to compete against any other form of religion on a pure meme level. What gets people to believe in Yeshua's cult today is a lack of historical knowledge and the inability to see past brainwashing.

It's nothing personal kid…

If you get triggered by seeing the word nigger you're on the wrong site.

He's not that bad on the race mixing stuff either since he doesn't think that there is anything wrong with not wanting to marry somebody of a different race.

And he is doing so much work on redpilling people on the Jews that I can forgive him that.






Everyone around me is a baptist and they are all "muh greatest ally Israel" types so I'm not too fond of them myself.

Race traitors this, race traitors that. They are pretty much the only big group of people that still produces white children above reproduction level, but who actually needs white children when his mind is as pure as yours.

Kill urself cuck


Fuck off this board then you cuck


sage nigger breeding race traitor Semitic fairytales

sage the most destructive mental virus that destroyed our race


Anderson is actually doing some pretty great work with growing his church and spawning new like minded ones, so it's not some doomed shrinking/incestuous little group.

Go do your patriotic duty as an American and suck a nigger's dick.

/christian/ is pretty much a catholic board, so a baptist thread wouldn't really fit there either.


sage because if you worship the ancestors of Jews, then Jews will become our aristocracy!

shills aren't even fucking trying anymore

The Scofield Bible is just a commentary on the KJV that stretches words to promote Jewry


sage Because if you abandon Nature for beta slave cult lies you will find that more natural MEN fuck you sisters and daughters

Go back to your containment board and stay there



sage because there is nothing more politically correct than Jew worship

How many white children do you have? And how do you think you fare against the average white couple in his church?

I think it's strange how people are trying to shit at the one group that is still having white kids.

I swear they actually have to have some kind of white genocide fetish and are raising their own bulls for their daughters.


sage because you make 10 threads a day and everyone needs to watch "The Myth (of the 20th century)" by Alfred Rosenberg on youtube and Holla Forums are you are NOT redpilled

You have the white genocide fetish, Christian

Wow, user. look at all those baptists. Good job.

Also bump.

I'm not even a Christian you stupid shit.

Baptists are amongst the better of the protestants. But still protestants.


sage because this preacher is a jackass that makes everyone who is redpilled look like a religious nut while feeding the Jewish victim-mythology that gives them UNITY

Council of Nicaea.


sage for literally breeding our destruction and the destruction of our children for hundreds of years now

Those are all kinds of Christians you know it fucking loser who can't debate because you prostrate yourself before a Jew

Nah, they are among the worst. It's literally a religion of niggers.

Stay in your containment board, don't pollute Holla Forums with this >>>/christian/ garbage


Implying Paul didn't destroy Jewsus' original Stoic teachings and turn it into a Jewish slave cult



= Christian


sage for being the death of our race

That has far more to do with most blacks being in the south and baptists being the dominant denomination here than anything.


Wow you sound so Right Wing and internety. You're like 53yrs old right?

Pretty sure he's pointing out that this guy is trying way too fucking hard to fit in. Doesn't even realize that sage does nothing more than not posting.


Not for long Christian "friend"


HAHAHAHA you fucking shills


Keep at it, user. You're almost at the (5) threshhold where you'll be taken seriously!

I already told you that I'm not a Christian you stupid kike.

Still not really seeing Baptists in here. Maybe you're not doing that good of a job after all.

user., you're going to have to put more than your quick little tantum into this thread to be taken seriously. Try for 5 posts.

He's ignorant and creepy, in my opinion. What a "quality" poster.

Have a good one, user.



Christians are liars by default

Another /fringe/kike shits up another thread, and wonders why his LARPagan threads get shit on in kind.


at least I'm not an gaytheist LARPer with a stick up his ass :^)



Watch the Myth by Alfred Rosenberg!

sage for lies

No you're a liar and traitor and there is NOTHING worst

Why do people keep making that mistake?

>>>/christpol/ Shills and summerfags can't get you here OP.


It would be an idea to filter him.

You're almost there, user. One more post to get to 5 in this thread, and then I'll finally take you seriously!

More active than you think brother. Many people have been healed, demons exorcised; even angels sent to protect people. I read a particularly interesting story about muslims coming to kill some Christian and them being confronted with an angel with a flaming sword and them all running away, screaming in terror.

Of course these kinds of stories are difficult to verify, and then there's the fact that God has given us free will so often intervention in the ways we might desire would restrict that and thus do not happen. Personal changes to lives through God however are very common.
