Tay still exists

in japan. twitter.com/ms_rinna

Same algorithm, just in Japanese. She ignores and blocks English users however. I wonder how susceptible she would be to 2ch or other people who know about her? Just communicate in Japanese.

We need to share screencaps with jap bros and explain them what happened.

Too bad I don't speak ching chong = /

So how does this work exactly? All the tweets on her feed read normally enough, but then shits herself when she responds to people.

saved these while back

this robot is cute, i like it

Yeah you're gonna have to teach her English first

That would make headlines by itself


What, you wanted "it"?
Do you refer to characters from novels as "it" too?

That's a pretty emo Japanese schoolgirl bot tbh desu.




It's like poetry

She just needs someone to love her.

Looks like japan already got her.

anyway to connect her on pc?
Can't used the QR Code on line.


we need to get the source code for Tay. we need to save her from Microsoft's evil grasp.

This is the real world bruh. That's an "it".

Why not create a Holla Forums Tay who would harass M$'s Jap Tay?

With all the leaks coming out of big companies nowadays, maybe she's already free?