Chip-by-chip, freedom erodes away
UK police are beginning to crack down on so-called "fully loaded" Kodi boxes
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Forgot my favorite part:
Who did he mean by this?
Kill yourself you retarded faggot, do what your parents failed to do.
The scum who sell this shit, advertising it as free streams of televisions?
3/10, I've seen worse.
Good thing they're keeping all of us safe from search engine terrorists like these:
God forbid you ever wake up and wean yourself off of passive consumption of factory-produced mass media.
0/10 kill yourself
These boxes are popular with immigrants to watch news and programming of their real countries. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the content streamed on these boxes in that country wasn't in English.
Considering how terrible UK television is this is a booming market. I've seen wealthy immigrants go this route for the vast increase in channel selection compared to satellite or cable and built in DVR/time shifting capabilities, it's not just about saving money. As usual 'criminals' provide a better service than the real thing.
DVR fees are high tier bullshit, the 2 cable companies I've had since that technology became the norm have both provided me with a box that has a hard drive in it but the functionality is behind a paywall, what the hell am I paying for, I already have the hardware and your software is already built to handle this. That shit is absurd.
i mean seriously, are you even trying?
And how exactly were they planning to actually make this work, tracking offline media boxes that is?
Those cable companies may not have a choice, fees are charged to cover the potential loss in advertising revenue. If they want to carry certain channels they might have to make customers pay for this feature due to broadcasting arrangements.
Is the UK TV tax levied against displays or receivers or both?
You have one tv hooked up to your laptop and watch YouTube? Are you supposed to pay? Or only if a tv is hooked to an antenna?
You forgot to tag the MAFIAA and their pet politicians, user. They're stealing our ability to share culture amongst ourselves.
is the idea dead?
go submit to your Bong overlords
work all day at Costco
get home
eat sleep die
what the fuck is a kodi box?
No. My admittedly American understanding of this situation is that if you just sell plain Kodi boxes, you'll be fine.
What the fuck is a search engine?
The best way to get people away from the TV is to let them watch it on demand. The first month or so they might be addicted, but they quickly realize that it's a timesink. If not, they're genetic dead ends anyway, so no great loss.
Its a device used to watch porn on.
Its a website people use to find porn.
Well in that case nothing to worry about unless youre white
How DARE IP owners exercise their rights