RIP chans
>close some boards
And nothing of value was lost
t. some faggot that posts in a board that struggles to break 20pph
t. butthurt cuckchan redditor
t. newfag
They definitely should close /g/
/g/ closing would change nothing about Holla Forums. They would all go to where they belong: Reddit and Holla Forums. The Install Gentoo wiki is updated almost exclusively by Holla Forumsnophiles.
nVidiot/M$/Jewgle shills have 4chan, chump/jewish shills have Holla Forums, live and let live.
The wiki should be updated to make the fact of who effectively runs it clear then.
Nah, then we would get all the faggot halfchan idiots here. Just delete all references to imageboards altogether and make it just a site named after a stale meme.
So, Lynxchan?
No idiot. Lynxchan is still fairly dank; I am talking about Install Gentoo: The Stale Meme Wiki, rather than Install Gentoo: The 4chan/Holla Forums Wiki
It should redirect all the normies there, because Lynx is a pandering shitbag
I hear Notch is interested in become the Lord of shit posts.
Wouldn't he be blowing through his mountain of coke
The 4chan administration is always whining and bitching about server costs, even though they make a boatload of money in reality.
This is nothing more than an attempt to legitimize /vip/.
He did used to lurk 4/v/ when Minecraft was still in alpha and he was shilling it. I could see him buying it but it could be a money sink for him
Honestly, instead of keeping 4chan running it might be worth more to just salvage all of its servers for something else and just shoot the dog out back you know?
Of course this could mean another exodus but I can't see it happening. I think with all the media exposure its safe to say the average 4cuck does know we exist, but what is keeping them from coming here is;
1.) We're blocked by Google
2.) Most 4cucks are too used to ADHD levels of board speed and complain we're "hurrr 2slow"
3.) Most of them might actually be SJW faggots who don't want to be associated with the "Central hub of the alt-right movement/GamerGate"
I'm hoping Martin Shkreli buys the site. Surely whatever he does will be good for a few chuckles.
What does the PPH have to do with the ability to use basic common sense? This is just shitposting, right? Please let this be shitposting.
I'd need a citation on how much they make as their bandwidth costs alone are probably pretty fucking high (though maybe it's cutting into their salaries). I agree that this is a push to legitimize a pay-to-post model.