So I am looking to upgrade and now motherboards have UEFI. It seems UEFI is a firmware operating system to load the operating system. Sure there are advances but they seemed to went and unsurprisingly there are already bugs reported in UEFI that of course is expected due to how many lines of code UEFI has.
So what is it good for? Is legacy mode still the way to go, or libreboot (that raises support issues)?
I still use legacy when I can as uefi seems to just make things harder.
Ryan Clark
It's a complete clusterfuck, made by both Microsoft and Intel, the masters of clusterfuck. Avoid.
Noah Sullivan
BIOS is nicer and simpler. And I never came close to maxing out the limits for disk partitions or disk size. Anyway they could have just upgraded the BIOS limits.
Mason Hernandez
The only good think I can think of about it is it has an integrated bootloader, meaning GRUB is almost useless. But having my boot partition in vfat is fucking retarded and it's been a headache to deal with all its clusterfucked configured for the pleasure of normies.
Parker Perez
Forcing motherboard manufacturers to implement something new and at least 32-bit instead of piling shit upon shit upon shit for 30 years to save a cent per unit.
Kayden Moore
The UEFI is now around 4 megabytes and its entire job is to initialize the hardware and pass it off the OS kernel. Meaning UEFI is now many times more complex then CP/M (as software) brining with it far more bugs and exploits. Didn't Intel hear of Keep It Simple, Stupid?
Jonathan Hill
UEFI alone doesn't fix the problems with x86 architecture as a whole. It just needs to be killed at this point. Watch this video to see how far deep the problems are: Pretty much the whole design needs to be scrapped and start over from scratch.
Phew, I'm still safe. I can make my new drive MBR them. I though the limitation was 1TB
Jace Adams
Please note. This man is a Freetard, no, not a FOSS enthusiast, but a freetard, the difference is Freetards would rather post links to spread blatant disinformation and rally against new technologies he knows absolutely nothing about.
Secure Boot and UEFI are two separate technologies, the only crimes UEFI committed was giving developers like Microsoft the ability to make SecureBoot happen
UEFI is the result of streamlining the boot process of x86_64 PCs. A big plus is more comprehensive ACPI configurations for OS' to use, allowing better OS hardware support between different platforms. It also contains rudimentary tools for loading simple PE binaries to simplify the booting process and an interactive shell for basic drive operations.
On the surface it looks no different from the old BIOS (although some manufactures like putting flashy bitmap graphics but this is rare)
Retards hate it because its different and thus triggers their autism
Jack Thompson
Making the book process more bloated, the average UEFI file size is now larger then the size of the Amiga kickstart and Amiga OS 3.1 combined, meaning it is the size of a operating system. So the motherboard is booting a OS kernel just to boot the OS kernel you really want. There was a joke some years ago that Emacs will eventually ported to UEFI (the joke being UEFI is already a full OS kernel).
Aaron Powell
Have never had in issues with UEFI in practice loading a variety of operating systems.
The only think one might be worried about is expanded attack surface from outsiders as well as Intel/Microsoft.
Charles Hughes
I bet you say shit like this unironically while still using GRUB and Ubuntu
Elijah Morales
IIRC BIOS can boot off GPT disks. It's Wangblows that refuses to do so unless you're on UEFI, though.
Robert Lee
Oh please, you know very well that secure boot is not the only problem with UEFI. The potential to brick your motherboard from improper updates is another major issue.
Austin Sanders
Please note. This man is a Micro$oft shill. Not an user, but a shill, the difference is Micro$oft shills would rather promote a service that forces Linux and BSD developers to bow down to Microsoft and have them sign their operating system in order for them to work on UEFI-enabled systems.
UEFI is cancer. Microsoft shills aim to promote a system where Linux is not allowed to operate without Microsoft's explicit, signed permission.
Kevin Richardson
Pretty sure on any x64 system UEFI is x64 code. I thought there was only a little while that x32 UEFI code was out in the wild.
Ryan Lopez
You're confusing UEFI and Secureboot. Secureboot is cancer, but UEFI did nothing wrong.
Austin Evans
Secureboot did nothing wrong. If you want to properly secure a Linux box, it and trustedgrub are necessities.
Luke Miller
You don't need any of that overcomplicated shit. An old system from 10-20 years ago with just BIOS, and encryption fixed disk that you boot from removable device (with LILO and kernel) is all that's needed.
Mason Gonzalez
being a huge pain in the ass
you can compile a kernel as an efi stub though, so no bootloader- straight into Linux
grub shat its pants on a new machine I got, it couldn't even find the NVMe disk so I couldn't use it :'(
That was a while ago now, so I should check to see if it's been updated with support for this stupid over-complicated hardware
Lucas Turner
Ok, I'll bite. What about HVM virtualization, anons? Can't get a full hardware passthrough without EFI. It took me almost a year to git good at UEFI. The main benefit to me is not longer having to fuck with bootloaders.
Elijah Harris
UEFI is Microsoft and Intel's attempt at making BIOSes completely unusable instead of vaguely usable.
Noah Morales
It is a giant clusterfuck that doesn't do the thing it's supposed to.
It is actually a good idea, with what the signed operating systems and all, it's just used incorrectly since windows OS' are the only ones that are 'legal'.
Kevin Torres
UEFI *is* SecureBoot. It's literally called UEFI SecureBoot.