Is Russia in Asia or Europe?
Is Russia in Asia or Europe?
it is in both
It's in Eurasia
At least it isnt eurabia.
You mean Europe?
European moral decay and faggotry will end for the better.
and Christianity will end.
Asia. they have nothing in common with European civilization no matter how much they claim otherwise
I feel like Finland and Slavland should have their own continent.
Percentually there are more muslims in Russia than any European country.
I agree with this. Russia is somewhat european on the outside, but mentally they have adopted a lot of traits from mongols, mongols treated them with unimaginable cruelty and they still haven't recovered from that till this day. Communism didn't help either.
Russia has the most musliums in Europe, the highest abortion rate in Europe, the highest murder rate in Europe, the highest drug use in Europe, everyone rich is a jew, tartar or chechnyan, free speech is banned, the Internet is censored.
Russia has more terrorist attacks then western Europe and they pay massive amounts of money to Chechnya to keep them from revolting.
Everything east of the Urals is Asia you stupid cunt.
Border Gore: The country
what do you mean?
It's borders are an artificial mess concocted by the Soviets after WW2. There is no reason for it to be blobbing into Slovakia or Galicia, and why does it have that tiny sliver of Bessarabia?
Ukrainian independence is a stupid concept anyway. The entire thing should belong to Russia.
There's also lots of cp with russian/ukrainian girls.
fuck off RIDF
And that's bad because…. ?
I'm not Russian, I just like sensible borders. I also think that Pooland should be returned to British rule. Does that make me BIDF?
Moscow, SPB and the cities with a lot of white European immigrants are essentially just like any other European city; it's around Chechnya and that general area that the high number of Muslims comes from.
less so because not so many economic migrants
white/maybe white/not white, approx.
Eurasia. Europe and Asia are not seperate continents and anyone who thinks they are is factually retarded.
added that to my list of how to trigger pol
It's like you're not even trying goy
You do know it's only a matter of convention?
Its wherever CNN tells you it is to make them seem scary.
Yes, but there are people who think that they are two continents. They're not. See: Eurasian plate.
That makes you an imperialist and an enemy of freedom.
Those pictures are from Moscow.
None of the other ex-soviet east european countries have a muslim problem
"Old" Europe is letting in muslims by its own will, while Russia have muslims because of imperialism.
Have a list of would be countries that didn't make it out of soviet union and territories currently annexed by Russia:
1. Республика Адыгея (Майкоп)
2. Республика Алтай (Горно-Алтайск)
3. Республика Башкортостан (Уфа)
4. Республика Бурятия (Улан-Удэ)
5. Республика Дагестан (Махачкала)
6. Республика Ингушетия (Магас)
7. Кабардино-Балкарская Республика (Нальчик)
8. Республика Калмыкия (Элиста)
9. Карачаево-Черкесская Республика (Черкесск)
10. Республика Карелия (Петрозаводск)
11. Республика Коми (Сыктывкар)
12. Республика Марий Эл (Йошкар-Ола)
13. Республика Мордовия (Саранск)
14. Республика Саха (Якутия) (Якутск)
15. Республика Северная Осетия-Алания (Владикавказ)
16. Республика Татарстан (Казань)
17. Республика Тыва (Кызыл)
18. Удмуртская Республика (Ижевск)
19. Республика Хакасия (Абакан)
20. Чеченская Республика (Грозный)
21. Чувашская Республика (Чебоксары)
22. Республика Крым (Симферополь)
Didn't mean it's bad. It's good.
If the Brits still owned India they would probably have toilets.
i didnt say there's no muslims in the main cities, clearly there is, but when considering the muslims population of russia as a whole, it's naive to assume it's spread out; its mostly concentrated
I think he means the Muslim were imperialists.
Like the Ottoman empire and shit.
they both were, but in places such as Chechnya the russians managed to hold onto that area, which is an important factor in their muslim population
Eurasia.It's a Dugin world we are living in it.
continents aren't defined by tectonics
In what country did you receive your education?
great argument. i dismiss my case
No need to get overly defensive. It was a serious question. Because that's not what they taught me in school.
a continent is a physical thing
the border between europe and asia isn't real
eurasia is real
chill out you're probably both right, from wikipedia:
it's the arbitrary level of water that creates cuntinents
mountains don't make borders
see: literally every mountain
Russia is in Russia
What are you of talking about comrade ?
Turks and Greeks are practically identical in terms of DNA
Oh, Baba!
define practically identical
by some definition monkeys and humans are too
Maybe after the Turks conquered and raped the Greeks for centuries.
as in only a couple of genes' worth of difference
could you make a list humans can read?
I was actually interested
Turkey isn't fully Turkish (as in, descended from Turkish invaders from the east) in the same way that England isn't fully Anglo Saxon; the inhabitants of Turkey before it became Turkish would likely be considered European if they existed as a unique group today.
Do you guys not know how plates and shit work? The Urals, the Caucasus' and the strait through Constantinople are what separate Europe from Asia, it's why the geographical part of Turkey is called ASIA minor.
So technically speaking Russia is in both Europe and Asia but the majority of people in Russia live in Europe.
aka Greeks
like you and a chimpanzee, then
I don't think they were all Greeks all the way through modern Turkey. The west coast was inhabited by Ionian Greeks, not sure about the rest.
Greek settlement stretched at least to what was then known as Trebizond, just south of modern Georgia
If google images is to be trusted, it looks like they didn't stray far from the coast, what was in the middle areas of Turkey?
no idea. maybe the middle was too poor to bother with
generally in asia. Theyve got Kaliningrad Oblast in europe, but its tiny
Rus Time ?
both and all over washinton too.