Hello im cat

Hi Holla Forums, I'm Cat!

hi cat
what do you do?


Do you enjoy pussy?

Do you go on cool cat adventures?

Do you do you do you do you do you?

Would you?

Why you no like dogs?




What is your favorite kind of hat


Do you have a job?

what program are you using for these brilliant quick doodles?


Antennas? Are you a robot cat?



I'm sorry Cat, I didn't mean it. I know you're a real cat. What do you do every day? Do you have a job?

I fucking love OP in this thread.

Do you think the man that invented the hat also invented the pants or do you think that was handled by a separate team?


hey cat, whatever happened to femanon?


I think she got doxxt

Can you make a cute meow at me?

Cat, do you consider yourself to be a supreme gentleman?




I like you cat, have some catnip.


Can I grab you by the pussy?



Is cat a girl?

Is she? he?

I wouldn't be too sure about that

thats just a black bar, for all you know she could have really long beef curtains

Do you like video games?

Did OP fall asleep?

All that catnip must have wore him out

That's a good theory. It's fine though, I'm patient.


yes pls





its perfect

heh it kind of looks like pizza

actually fairly realistic

Why is this shit board 25 pages long?

Page 25 goes back almost 8 fucking days! Shameful.

What number would you rather have?

I've tried 1, 5, 10, 15, 23, and 25.

Cut it down to 15 and if that doesn't work out go all the way down to 10 and weed out the shit threads faster.

do old threads really bother you that much?

One sad user can keep bumping his thread every night without fear of it disappearing. 10 pages is fine for this board at this level of active anons.

Here have a spooky skeleton for listening to me rant.

tfw no sad user to bump my threads

are you a long-cat, cat?

And with only 10 or 15 pages a faggot like you who floods the board with contentless threads can wipe all non-shit threads before they gain traction. Something various autists have done before numerous times, which you'd have noticed if you weren't in coma or on 4chan.
