Why is technology digressing?

Why is technology digressing?

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because investors only want safe investments

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

because niggers love to stuff giant sail phones in the back of their pants

Because turns out, companies don't have to cater only to your autistic needs.

As more and more of the general public get on board with something, companies stop caring so much about catering to the original audience and instead start caring more about the lowest common denominator for the general public because that's what makes them the most money and all large companies care about is money.

Because the average consumer doesn't need powerful hardware and just wants things to be power efficient (Got to have that battery life). the average consumer doesn't care about security, the fact that others already use it without security qualms is enough for them to feel safe. The average consumer doesn't care about how things work and doesn't want to figure out what their devices actually do. The average consumer is intimidated by the idea of editing a file, so they prefer it if a device is completely locked up.

There is good technology around. It's just become a niche. You just need to do a little more research before buying something. Stop buying normalfag devices and let normalfags have their crappy iphones.

Do you have any specific complains about the phone you posted? I haven't used a smartphone in a while because they honestly remind me of using someone else's malware/adware ridden PC that they never tried to fix when I was younger (except even when I tried to fix my smartphone it still felt like shit). Honestly, if it wasn't for the whole "I can finally afford something like the UMPCs/palmtops that I've thought were cool but couldn't afford since middle school" appeal I wouldn't have kept trying to make the best of it for as long as I did.

Designated shitting phone.

It's the current year, why don't you use the botnet at home and support pajeeeted.com yet?


It's astounding that people would pay $649 for a phone with only 3 years of security updates. And that's only if you buy it at launch.

The sad thing is that the botnet devices are the longest supported devices for Android. At least they are supported by many alternative roms.

You don't have to buy a flagship smartphone, you know. There are tons of good ones for $150 or less.

Now, I see OP's point, and I shall present something to rustle your jimmies.

See pic related? My sis has one of these. It's a Motorola Xoom, released in 2011. It was pretty good at the time. It has a dual-core Tegra 2 processor, 1GB RAM, and - attention to this bit - 32GB of internal storage, expandable with a microSD slot.

Now, the "basic" Pixel phone has 32GB of internal storage. Non-expandable. Funny how a brand-new device that sells for a whooping $650 has a worse specification than a device from half a decade ago.

But "digress" doesn't mean what you think it means, moron.

Not if you have normies who force shitty apps on you.

also without jewgle duo there are no remote fapping sessions with my gf

Multiple reasons.
The less possibility to repairs means more phones are sold .
The less possibility of expansion means more phones are sold for the next + version.

We have no or little manual for the components.
We don't have or little source code under a free/libre software license.
Meaning that you are dependent for the next version of the phone for software upgrade.

Because people are more interested in hype/lies than the real technical aspect.

This is the hell hole that RMS tried to prevent.



yes and no

Depends on the user, some want to be secure but they don't know and the others who don't give a fuck are just brainwashed Orwellian style.

True, but is that a good thing ?

no, they are scared of fucking up
pic related
That is the sort of thought that apple or samsung or any proprietary software would have.


You mean video calls? Doesn't Hangouts also allow that?


because all the smartest engineers are too busy engineering the next social network instead of working on important things like quantum computers

smartphones are becoming commoditized

Someone fork cloud to butt and turn it into smart to botnet.


Consumers don't want the best, they want what they've been told to want.

Pajeet is the new black

you're going to become millionaire hosting scat porn

Can you not

Companies want to make more money, consumers want to buy shit they don't need or know how to use, and governments want to spy on people and control them.

It's the perfect storm.



Read Free Software Free Society by Richard Stallman


Where have I heard that word being shilled before...