Give some good dating advice.
Dating Help
let them come to you.
Drop the anime and she'll drop her pants
just be yourself
Dont Holla Forums happy, comprehensive, beta, "good guy", listener, etc.
Dont waste your money.
Dont take friendzone and shit like that, just leave the girl alone like an alpha if the girl dont let you advance/friendzone you and never talk to her again, the more manly the escape the faster the girl will come to you, already happened to me, dont turn back and go without moving your neck, if she talk to again (it will gonna happen) answer only if the girl is in "please senpai mode" but dump her inmediatly if she didnt want anything more and dont talk to her ever again. Protect your resources.
The first date is the more expensive, if not the girl is a whore and you a beta cuck, change inmediatly and dump the girl if she didnt change.
Time is a resource.
Dont take a no from non virgins, dont be a cuck, just dump her and remember, virgins cant control themselves properly.
See them as 12 years old.
Step 1: be rich
Step 2: there is no step 2
According to your logic step 3 is buying all the bitcoins you can and run to asia…
this guy knows whats up,
On the other hand, Don't. women are parasites.
12 years old atheist detected.
now you're just being retarded for the hell of it
Get /fit/, be funny, become an alpha. If you need advice on women listen to Bill Burr.
Get /fit/, be funny, become an alpha. If you need advice on women listen to Bill Burr.
If you ask more people for what you want, you have a higher chance of getting it.
Completely remove women and relationship prospects from your life and maximize pleasure without them
If I do that I won't know if I am missing anything.
Stay away from women
I want to have sex so bad though!
Not worth.
Ask your dad.
They aren't telling to to not have relationships or sex though.
money, for 3DPD, is the most important thing when looking for mate
What are u trying to say.
The statistics are brutally honest:
Date whites or people of East Asian origin (like Japan) because everyone else has hideous STD rates.
Dating outside your religion, age group, or race tends to go badly. TV says it's fine, but TV lies.
If you're white, don't bother with black chicks at all. Her friends/family/social circle are likely to include at least some felons/drug users/people who hate whites and don't mind showing it. She's also more likely to be violent than you are, even if you're the star QB and she's only 100 pounds.
Not so bad for hispanic girls, but still a sackload of problems compared to dating white girls. Unless white hispanic and middle class.
Avoid sluts, bitches, man-haters. They are NOT worth your time. Nice girls will fuck you if you can be bothered to be nice to them and have a relationship.
Don't fuck first date. That's how drunk bitches feel guilty next day and make fake date rape claims.
Look closely at her friends. Will you fit in? Are her friends all getting pregnant while unmarried, and sucking child support out of guys? Don't go near her. She's poison.
Be nice without being beta. Beta is poison. Respect yourself and her. Any other approach won't work. If you don't like her or respect her, do NOT bother dating her, it will be disastrous.
The RADIO SHOWS of Course!!…
Askrosebudd is Advice from a FORMER PIMP, so He Knows what he's Talking About (check out His Show [[[[DownAndDirty101]]]] is Pimp Advice if you Want to be a Pimp)… Remember HE is a Former Pimp with 40 YEARS In the Game so HE KNOWS What he's Talking About…
TheManMindset Show is Advice from a Former Gigalo (Male Prostitute FOR Women)…
I Like Askrosebudd and DownAndDirty101 the Most because I Like the Pimp Advice…
Rosebudd Changed His Show though so Check Out his Twitter for the Link to His New Show…
The jews control who have sex and who doesn't.
They control the media, they control the economy, they control everything. Women are social creatures, they follow social rules. The jews control society because they control media, which create social rules. Because of the jews we cant have a white 8/10 girlfriend. The jews are our enemy, and we must destroy them.
Its not about being strong, tall or pretty. Because if you go on the streets you will see manlets/niggers dating hot blonde girls.
Those sluts will have sex with anyone the jews tell them to have sex.
We have to destroy the jews, so we will no longer be incels.
Bill Burr married an ugly, black SJW who preys on all of his insecurities and completely dominates his life. She got a dog without asking him, then waited for him to get attached to it and made him give it up when they had a baby. She's a sociopath. Bill Burr MARRIED a sociopath.