What do people of colour smell like, I've never had the privilege to get up and personal with one.
What do people of colour smell like, I've never had the privilege to get up and personal with one
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Niggers smell like a mix between wet dogs and grease.
they kind of have this sickly sweet smell
also, they smell like when your skin gets all oily from not showering for a week except worse.
Like a garbage can mixed with greasy skin smell
Black men smell like cocoa butter. It's really nice.
Do coalburners lack the genes to smell niggers or something, how do they overcome the fucking smell?
Get out nigger
No you don't
My gf's daughter is 300lbs. and a mud shark. She moved in for about a month when she was in between apartments. Her bf stank to high heaven and we made him sleep out back. We started calling him the porch monkey.
I always pegged it as rotten fruit
He he he, how humiliating.
rotten onions, mouldy potatoes, BO, unwashed ass and occasionally lighter fluid
Brown people smell really bad be it gypsies niggers or anyone with brown skin. This is how nature tells us to stay away from them.
you look like shit and you smell like shit
it's like you're walking up and down in a block of flats, smelling all the different things everybody's cooking
that, plus crap
Salty milk and coins
black women with any sort of straight hair smell like curling irons (burnt hair) and a particular, strange smell that is hair straightening chemical.
Used to date a blackish girl and this smell reminds me of her.
Somalian smell strongly of herbs. Hilariously enough, I think it's Cumin.
t. cuckLand
Strong smell.. it can be a nice smell like a perfume ish smell, or it can be a bad smell if they do not wash themselfs
Black people smell like cabbages.
they smell like criminals
They smell like whatever they bathed with. I'm mexican and I use axe, so people tell me I have strong cologne.
Even the upper-class most educated specimens smell mostly like the cheap ass aftershave they soak their face with but you can still smell their typical ass crack sweat odor from a mile.
I almost lose my lunch when I smell a genuine nigger.
it's true
and also why white men spend hundreds on cologne when all black men have to do is shower
The black mans sweaty balls smell like french brie
I found the nigger. > hundreds on cologne, doesn't know majority of crackers don't use that sheeeet. Stay stinky nigg.💩👳
Just to counterjerk for a moment, PoC generally have much higher grooming standards than other races, use better smelling soaps, shampoos, cologne, etc; dress better and spend more money on clothes, and comport themselves in a more constrained manner. That this is a result of white supremacist society and the beauty norms that enforces is besides the point. Anyone enlightened enough to not look at others through a racist lens can plainly see PoC are much more pleasing to all senses.
Why don't y'all sit right on down and let ole Johnny Rebel tell you about them niggas
Like a man
Well since I'm black and have lived in chicago most of my life, I can say for certain that I know what they smell like. The dirty ones smell like musty dirt and sometimes shit, the mid tier ones (me) smell like whatever soap and deodorant they used, and the clean ones smell like they bathe in perfume or cologne
what's your iq, nigger? who taught you to read, write and use a human machine?
I haven't taken an IQ test so I'm unsure of my actual score. I taught myself how to read by reading dictionaries leisurely, I learned to write via copying (my skill is to perfectly copy anything), and I learned how to use "human machines" from tv as well as trial and error
This. It's an earthy smell like mold or an old basement.
they actually do, its weird
Because they use cocoa butter. It's the good shit.
The few functioning blacks smell like perfume or cologne. They have to take care of their hair thats what smells like shit, Niggers smell like musty ass. Kind of like if you stick your finger in your ass and around your gooch then smell it like 10 minutes later.
higher income people are better groomed, and blacks are disproportionately lower income.
it's not the race that keeps the standard it's the income level.
they smell like a disgusting mix of grease, oil and chocolate
if you hang around one for too long the smell dissipates tho
Im cool with everyone, I fucking despise BLM and I'm about to receive my masters in architectural design
who said anything about that commie nigger who doesn't know why's water is taxed? im talking about you, nigger. go back to africa NOW.
I can't go back to a place I've never been. And the "commie" you're talking about is still me
you can get out of my country because you sure as hell don't belong here, nigger. you either get out or pic related very soon. go back to your natural habitat, you dumb ape. you're a communist? lol shabbos nigger goy eh?
They smell greasy, like if you didn't shower for a year.
You are wrong, vol. Blacks are 78% more likely than average to say they no longer wear clothes from a year ago because they are no longer in style. They also say they will spend more on expensive toiletries and cosmetics and keep informed about fashion than average.
Sauce: Experian. No agenda aside from tracking $$$ and trends
Facts. Please explain Experian's bias if you can.
Different races have different sweat smells. I was thinking about this recently when in a used car imported from Japan I could smell their sweat and odour as it hadn't been valeted yet.
as someone who went to a majority black school and currently works at a job where my coworkers are majority hatian, i think i have an ok idea as to what blacks smell like.
They don't all smell bad, just a lot of them. the ones that do smell bad smell like a mixture of:
Nice sources. You got rekt, face it.
Also please notice that these spending habits are dumb for black people to be indulging in. People do not become financially solvent by blowing lots of money on clothes and toiletries. In the long run it's a shit strategy. But the average black guy vs. the average white guy, even and especially amongst the poor, will be better put together in both clothes and hygiene. And that is why white girls love them.
If the entire country understood this, there would be no more poverty.
White genocide is overdue. Breed them out faster.
you started with reason and logic, then moved to kill whitey. come on
i fell for the bait though