Craigslist ad in Dallas TX calls for CRISIS ACTORS - 19 days ago!
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And this, boys n gals, is why we archive shit.
Like this?
Of course niggers are spreading this like wildfire on Twitter. Fucking idiots will believe anything that fits their narrative.
How often do we see intelligence agencies recruiting for secret treasonous operations involving wet work post ads in craigslist? Man, they must have been real desperate!
Hmm. Nothing fishy at all.
Seems like somebody was trolling.
19 days ago?
I hope you die of dick rot you brain dead faggot
It's been edited, you idiots. Why would you take blame away from blacks with the stupid false flag narrative? kill yourselves
As opposed to?
Worthless faggot cunt i think masturbating to gook cartoons has actually made you retarded.
BLM please go.
It tells you if it has been edited, craigslist will say "Last updated x days ago."
Nvm bump
Look you got trips.
But you will still wakeup a faggot loser tomorrow.
Enjoy your random numbrr generator and continue failing at life you pozzed bitch nigger.
Continue to wait for hitler, masturbate to animu and think youre some kind of enlightened intellectual copy pasting frog memes and sucking on each others cocks.
Because the trees in the Maidan were cut down afterwards.
This. I've already seen some nig on yahoo answers trying to claim it was a false flag. Blacks are pathetic
Aww, don't be mad, azzan.
Whatever narrative we push, we need to know what it actually is. If it was a false flag, it's going to be used against us. That doesn't mean "support dindus" that means know what the dindus handlers are planning.
Rick, I…
Whoa, is that you, Rick?
Niggers are violent enough too do the work for them.
My wonder is since I think this took place in Dallas, MN, where there are a whole lot of refugees. It very well could be Isalmic State? Or even better Somali Refugees with funding from ISIS but were apart of BLM!
Dallas is in Texas, Eurofriend.
OP is a negroid
What a lazy ruse
You can make a post and then later edit it and it keeps the original post date. Faggot.
i know larping is fun and all but i dont think you guys even begin to understand how many implications arise if this thing is legit (and it isn't). it's just conspiratards trying to pin every single event that happens on the jews. they have insane control, but you're a fucking idiot if you think no one can get shot without their 'ok'.
oh you
nice trips, but are you actually fucking retarded? tell me, does international banking stop at funding advantageous groups and controlling the media for instance, or do we actually have no free will at all? is every thought i have sent to me by the great jewish radio tower and transmitted into my brain?
Have an archive in ss form
If you're a Jew, yes.
If you're a goy, yes.
4 niggers were able to take out 10+ cops, knew how to use military sniper tactics, and news now says they were planning this for quite some time. all just random events. those niggers werent trained at all…
apparently they were part of a gun club, so that might be able to explain their 'super advanced elite squadron sniper 360 noscopes'. you make it sound like they infiltrated some top secret event and assassinated a president. they literally sat in some buildings and shot into a crowd of heaps of people. you're an idiot.
If this is a false flay, we need to get it out, but I'm not going gung ho until we have definitive proof that it is a FF
Well, shit. Is it possible to find who posted this?
yeah dude, an unverifiable source for an ad on a website for a crisis actor is a good starting platform for an investigation into the entire dallas shooting not actually happening at all. great stuff my dude
Thats why I won't call the troops until I know its legit. Until then, I can only wait and watch
Does this not seem fishy to anyone else?
I'm going to speculate that they created that listing on purpose as bait to drive conspiracy discussion in the wrong direction.
This attack is incredibly similar to incidents where police "fired" on protesters during the colour revolutions over a decade ago.
The aim of this attack is to encourage police to shoot back, and drive animosity for the police among blacks. Does anyone else remember when the media falsely reported the Ukrainian Police shooting protesters in 2014 after jackals fired on the Ukranian police?
But the police did not shoot back at the protesters, as they are fully aware of what happened in Fergusson. Whoever organized this conspiracy to attack the police, the police weren't in on it at any level.
This is either a retaliatory attacks, or they are planned from a subtle influence.
you are aware why they supposedly hire crisis actors, right? to simulate a crisis. but yeah, all the niggers that were commenting on youtube during the livestream were saying cnn made it up and it didn't actually happen.
This would have been the contact link, if you can magically bring it back somehow:
This is my thought as well. They want an American Maidan.
Or to control the narrative after a real event.
I seriously can not wrap my fucking head around what you're trying to propose here. You're implying that the news stations hired random ass actors to deliver a false narrative, and staged all the scenes that transpired on TV. What happens after when these semi illiterate niggers get the cash and realize they are a part of a grand conspiracy? Are they really going to remain silent? I might be missing something here but every time a happening occurs this crisis actor shit comes up and the amount of people who would have to be in on it would not be possible to keep secret. This is literally on the same level as flat earthers, where all the scientific institutions and governments, we're talking about an absolute fuck load of people, keep the illusion that we're on a globe. It's the ultimate form of larping for no other goal than to feel more intelligent than the 'sheeple'.
like its never happened?
didn't these protests start because cops killed some niggers a few days? this ad was made 19 days ago. something in your conspiracy theory doesn't add up
I'm proposing we dig deeper into this, shove the rest of that post up your ass.
Yeah if it was a hoax they'd need actors but when you organise people to shoot and kill police then you don't need to hire extras.
Or you find a few mentally unstable BLM members and train them in basic ambush tactics.
You need to control the narrative to have it be worthwhile. You need people ready to talk to the press.
To every person who will inevitably argue against this idea solely by lampooning the idea that "BLM dindu nuffin", the timing of this wipes Hillary's public denunciation by the FBI director out of the news.
Additionally, even though Clinton and BLM are both Jew pawns, the latter group has a severe image problem, and Clinton has avoided closely associating herself with them, so sinking them with a false flag is to Clinton's advantage.
no he doesn't make it sound like that, faggot.
that's what you make it sound like because that is what you are fuckin' saying you, double nigger
addendum: more than anything related to crisis actors or any of that other shit, the effectiveness of the attack should point to a possible false flag.
Consider the possibility completely confirmed if it is revealed that the suspects were using legally acquired guns. (i.e. yet another attempt to shift the narrative to gun control)
Lets be clear here, the idea that niggers, with their famous level of competence, would be able to pull an attack like this off stretches credibility to the breaking point already.
The idea that niggers who have the MOTIVATION to carry out such an attack are not felons and thus legally acquired the guns they were using should be considered an impossibility.
Someone without a significant record wouldn't have the animosity towards police to take this action. In this sense, the potential false-flag being sold here (if they claim the guns were legal) might be deeply flawed.
Here you go. Controlling the narrative. We should dig on this "witness" who says many (((convenient))) things.
It's not actually a terribly competent attack, though the shooter caught on camera looked experienced. Despite the media saying "snipers" it was pretty much an ambush of sitting ducks at a point where it was well known beforehand what the police tactics and route would be. Dindus are incompetent, but they do have a long history of successfully ambushing and killing cops.
I see what you did there, nigger…. To bad this theory will be bumped all week by infowar fags and the two nigs on here
Yes it is.
You had marksmanship AND teamwork from a bunch of niggers. That takes more than just a little time down at the range.
As soon as the first shot is fired, every cop is going to be moving and taking cover, yet they scored a LOT of hits ONLY on cops; i.e. no wild shots nailing somebody in the crowd.
That's not exactly a Nazy Seal skillset, but when you cross-reference those skills with the kind of feckless rejects who would actually have the motivation and mindset to COMMIT a crime like this? It doesn't add up.
Also, judging by my digits, Kek agrees.
One dead nigger, three in custody, 5 dead cops. Also the cops aren't mixed in with the crowd, and will have a hard time getting to cover in the panic. It requires more training than "Here's your gun, it's basically CoD IRL." but it's well within the range of niggers if they have a handler who trains them and plans it for them.
How about you actually evaluate the facts rather than acting like a god damned TV pundit?
I want d&c shills to fuck off
We're getting to you, that means we're winning. Kek will not be mocked.
not saying they didnt do nuffin, am saying they were trained and (((people))) knew something like this was going to happen almost a month in advance. mass shooters and jihadists are just "useful idiots."
Because it looks more like a troll than anything else. Unless it's reverse psychology, where this recruitment is meant to look like a troll to deflect suspicion.
Either way, unless we find the guy who posted this we're not getting anywhere.
This shooting sure did come at a great time to the benefit of a certain someone indeed.
They didn't shoot into a crowd though, they shot the cops after the crowd dispersed. They also were able to flank cops. They had better training than the cops likely CIA training at ft braggs like we've proved many of the cartel leaders got.
Man, that cop never stood a chance.
Also is this ANOTHER shooting or part of the earlier shootings?
False flag is not the same thing as a staged hoax newfriend.
It doesn't read like a real ad for crisis actors at all.
must be ok with selling soul to some alphabet agency.
That ad is just a joke. Posted 18 days ago, before the death of the black guy in Louisiana and the one in Minnesota.
Crisis actors exist and sometimes massacres happen during a drill with crisis actors (i.e. Sandy Hook) but if anyone wants to push the hoax / false flag narrative they're going to need something solid, not this stupid ad on CL.
crisis actor ad post in dallas nearly month ago.
references KKK.
calls for LE and medical training.
totally just (((coincidence)))
Who could have guessed snipers would be shooting at the cops at the end of the protest? They surprised them, that's why they were able to shoot 11 of them.
Yes, it looks like they were trained but that doesn't eliminate the possibility that they trained themselves.
Anyway, I blame George Soron. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's behind this.
Yeah this, but by the same token what's getting me is that there's very limited shilling compared to the time we stumbled on proof the fagclub shooting was an outright hoax.
I think your first point is right, we and shitter in general are being allowed to call this one a false-flag, because that's along the lines of what (((TPTB))) want us to do. I think they're trying to co-opt FF accusations and lump them in with BLM so that anyone who puts 2 + 2 together gets branded as some leftist anarchist who wants random cops to die just for being cops.
… He ruins his 'message' by larping so hard.
Stop posting.
you guys are buying the nigger narrative. this wasn't a false flag.
Niggers are really into conspiracy bullshit to wrap things into a way to give them a reason to be 'oppressed'. They rap about it. Post about it.
Is this the first time you saw a crisis actors ad on CL? I remember seeing one or two and they were neutral in tone and they had some details, they weren't written like this one. And real ads for crisis actors don't actually use the words 'crisis actors', or if they do it's very rare.
Here's one for an exercise near Austin:
here's one for a military exercise in San Diego:
How many phony ads are posted on CL every day?
(((they))) deliberately push crazy sounding conspiracy theories to paint anyone doing legitimate research on these events as crazy.
e.g. the holographic planes theory on 9/11
The reddit theories on the boston bombing (e.g. no explosives everything was fake blood nonsense).
People need to be think logically. (((they))) have already killed millions, why would they fake killing a few more when they can just do it for real for the same effect and less risk.
>we stumbled on proof the fagclub shooting was an outright hoax.
Nigger, even if the cops killed more people than the terrorist himself it still wasn't a 'hoax' because people died.
i swear sometimes it's like these goys forget who the real enemy is
i'll attribute it to the msm conveying this board's name and all these newfag libshits are getting mass redpill doses from the dallas cop massacre and the reveal of a shadow governemnt at the Comey hearing before Congress at the same time as they discovered this board
if that's not the case, goys, remember what this is about
So was this edited at a later date to pretend it's a false flag or was the even really a false flag?
Real or fake it still encourages a race war.
Agents provocateurs.
The mess in Ukraine was sponsored by George Soron, they even gave him a medal.
We have absolutely no proof of that. I'm not confusing my terms, fagclub was a hoax, though it was also a false-flag. The two are not mutually-exclusive.
Lol holographic planes were the only way to explain those videos man. Good disinfo dump faggot.
Remind me how the planes travel 200+ mph beyond their max at this altitude?
Or how they sliced right through, wing and all, concrete and steel column facade, the nose coming out the other side of the building?
its fake as fuck