Income taxation to any degree is theft, that includes taxes on the income of corporations and people alike. People don't realize that they would have more money to spend if there was less income tax, not more.
Income inequality is a good thing. Cars when they first came around were expensive as fuck, and so were cell phones. Only the rich could afford them. The rich are the guinea pigs of the free market. Without them, cars and phones would never have become so affordable like they are now
Trump is actually a good person. The media just fucks him like an Irish whore and whenever he lashes back they point and cry. Remember when he "made fun of that disabled reporter"? If you ever watched the whole video, he was calling ALL journalists retards.
Homosexuality is not a mental illness and should be accepted by society. Loving another human being is fine and natural, just like hating another one is.
Transgender people have mental illnesses and should be treated as such. It shouldn't be illegal to be trans, there shouldn't be any discrimination based on tranny status, but it should be considered a mental illness
The Beatles weren't that good
America is the greatest country on earth. "Buh…but what about THIS bad thing they did?" America has done bad things, obviously. Let he without sin cast the first stone. Every nation has fucked up, but I'll die defending America's honor rather than living tearing it down.
Only K-12 education should be government funded in any way. College is expensive as fuck because of federal interference
If every person lived by the NAP the world would be a better place
Islam is a religion that promotes violence, oppression, homophobia, sexism, and every other leftist buzzword you can think of. It is a vile religion and the world would be better off without it. (Notice how I didn't say Muslims. You can be a peaceful Muslim, but Islam at its roots is in no way peaceful)