I want to support the Movement, but I fear I'll be the first one to go the Gulag if the movement succeeds. I'm torn, what should I do?
I like White Nationalism but Im puerto Rican
Become an honorary Aryan
What is it about white nationalism that you find attractive?
Getting rid of (((Them))) and Black people.
How much of your heritage is spanish/european OP?
It depends on who the one in power at the time will be.
If it's your average Holla Forumsack then you get deported. If it's one of the less extreme ones, you might be declared a honorary aryan for your support.
If it some faggot like ImKampfy or TheRealMoonman though, you're going to get gassed and then have your corpse raped by him
jews or mudslimes?
three echoes refers to kikes, newfag
muslims are any insult with mud, shit or sand in them
puerto ricans are white
The White Hispanic meme needs to stop
nice try, kike
your jewish divide and conquer tricks have no power here
how are people who literally look bronze white?
Whats the difference?
one seeks separation, the other the first's extinction
if you judge whiteness by how white a person's skin is then next you'll be telling me that jews are white
nice try, kike
Hispanic isn't a race you faggot, it's a classification for Latinized diaspora nations. It's like you forget that most of the natives died from smallpox and wars.
t.hwyte "hispanic" with pure European ancestry
are there a lot of german people in argentina? most of latin america seems like a shithole but i'd actually kind of like to visit patagonia.
it is. You are implying you can identify whites by something else other than their skin, just like the niggers and kike in my example.
This is incorrect. You are either white or a mixed race ubermensch
You are part of America, if by "White Nationalism" You mean "American Nationalism" then that makes you a Civic-Nationalist, not an ethno-nationalist
You're a jew. Next you'll be saying that "bronze-skinned" mediterraneans aren't white because of that one-drop of sandnigger blood in their neighbor from 12 generations ago.
People with the vast majority of European heritage are white, and jews (like you) try to muddy the waters of what is and isn't white by excluding as many allies as possible. Your divide and conquer tactics are too obvious here, try Reddit you'll have better luck there
They're noticable in the colony towns, but the US and Europe aren't the only places that are being forced to accept 3rd world niggers. My mother came from Chile in the 70s, and she says they all hated niggers, and any Chileans that come into contact with Mexicans hate them too. Urban areas get fucked, rural areas stay white, same as applies in any other European founded nations.
They're bronze-skinned because the mediterranean areas have more sun faggot, not because they mixed with mudslimes.
I'm non-jewish and want nothing to do with Mediterraneans. their culture is as incompatible with mine as niggers.
you're the jew, schlomo
found the jew
I agree, just look at this disgusting degenerate Mediterranean architecture. These people must be just as bad a niggers. oyy veyy
brazilians are white
brazil consists of seminiggers and whites, but primarily seminiggers
seminiggers are still niggers
it's like you've never been in a room with a guido before. they're loud and obnoxious.
WHY do people keep using this phrase? Surely there are non-white Americans who are nationalists. Is nationalism meant only for whites? I am confuse.
nationalism without a racial component is just patriotism. Everyone claims to be a patriot, therefore it is a completely useless concept.
no, that's different
this is about creating a homeland for white people
i want to be white so bad
holy fuck i love being white
Puerto Rico isn't good enough for you, you want gulag too?
"White" nationalism, ok. But the US of A is made up of European descendants, native peoples, and negroes, so I suppose "pan nationalism" could apply to patriotic Americans BUT the MSM keeps using the term "white nationalist" and it's pissing me off because what it really means is "racist."
Please stop
Please stop
pol here
just stay in your shithole and don't marry a hwyte womyn and we will have no problems
t. pure blooded aryan
Holla Forums truly is a cancer upon humanity.
You are cancer upon civilization. And what is humanity without civilization?
Follow your heart and you'll be honorary aryans, everyone hates jews
I'm in the same position as you, I'm a spic as well. Life is suffering when you take the redpill and realize your race are violent subhumans who deserve nothing less than ethnic cleansing.
Maybe, MAYBE latin america is redeemable
OP, I'm an actual nationalist and have been since 2013. I watched many holohoax debunking documentaries and have taken the 7 big redpills. I will say this as an american, I do not want your crazy aztec blood around me or my children. I will never be your friend, I will never consider you my fellow countryman. You better find some like minded hispanics because you are NOT white and you are NOT welcome in the movement. I wouldn't have you gassed but I would deport you ASAP. Any questions?
I don't want to live around these savage low IQ spics, can I still stay in the US as long as I live innawoods and not race-mix? I'm completely fine with this as long as I have internet connection for my animu.
I mean the nips are making huge leaps in sex bot technology so you don't have to worry about me MUH DICKing
Stupid nigger
Once the white race establishes a pure homogeneous ethno state, we may steal high IQ members of the sub human races for scientific purposes and allow them to live among us in segregated communities. However, this will not be for a long time. The white race will continue to decline and we may never make a comeback. But if we do it will be big. Until we get exactly what we want, you shouldn't try to live in our countries because we will likely be exterminating everything that isn't white. You could get an American citizen ship and live among the niggers in the southern states or in the liberal cities that are already home to several million spics. Rural white america probably won't accept you unless you're rich and dress like a cowboy.
what exactly constitutes as the "white race"? I'm light skinned and have the phenotypes as my aryan mother but have slightly small eyes.
As a spic in Texas can I stay in Texas?
25% chink is not white. Maybe if you mix race with a 100% white girl your children can sneak into the white race. You're not asian either. You're a mixed race you and belong to no country. Race mixing is immoral and destroys identity.
one-drop rule, nigger
Become an ardent National Socialist with a proven history of advocacy for the racial separation and when the time comes we'll relocate you peacefully to a new community and support you starting a new business and getting your new life together and stuff.
what if i just want to be a neet and watch anime
Then you're a subhuman degenerate?
I'm an ardent national socialist with a proven history of advocacy for racial separation that faps to anime
Believing in national socialism while living the degenerate neet life style is not good enough. You're a poser and a fraud.
Embrace the NEET, it'll set you free
"White Hispanic" is redundant. Only the fake news MSM uses the term "white hispanic."
I'm Puerto Rican, the reality of the situation is that you will not be killed or deported as long as you're a contributing member of a society. Whites are not barbarians, they will not kill you for simply being different ethnically. Be a positive member of society, stay on the side most supportive of white nationalism and you will find yourself in a good situation. America simply has too many Blacks and Hispanics to purge, there will be many (the best of both races) that will remain. If you support white nationalism the best thing you can do is let whites shine. If you can do something to help, do it. It's very important to understand fully that you will never be fully white. You are mixed with sub-human blood, and that will remain with you forever. If you were to die in the hands of either the enemy or those who you defend, you should die knowing that it is for the best of those you love.
Why can't you just be a American Nationalist, why bring race into it? You are fine the way you are, you aren't inferior too me. I really can't understand why some people hate themselves for things they can't change, Culture is what matters, not skin color.