Lets make a web browser

Firefox runs like shit, Chrome is botnet trash, Chromium lacks customization.

Why doesn't Holla Forums make our own browser?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll start on the logo! ;^)

that fucking hurt my hand

Who needs botnet browsers when I have "M-x eww"?

I'll start the name

Call it the Trump browser

So we plan to sell it to the Jews when we're done?

We sure as fuck aren't waiting for the Hitler browser now are we? We will build a firewall to keep normalfags out of the interned!

What license will it use? How restrictive will it be against my fundamental freedoms? Will it be libre, gratis, or both? Are users going to be able to modify the browser to their liking? Will users be able to redistribute the browser? What specifically are the freedoms that must be protected in the development of a new browser? How can we define freedom?

At least a Hitler browser would be legal, since Trump would probably demand we remove his likeness from the name.

If we are serious about this, all that is open to discussion. Right now we just need a group together.

Would he though? Lets be real here, there are properties like the Trump Taj Mahal that are no longer directly owned by him that still bear his name and he doesn't give a fuck
And even if he did, the word "Trump" has more than one meaning so it would never hold in any court

There needs to be a logo before there can be a group.

What language are we writing it in?

Approved choices

Fuck you no way tier:

C is in the fuck you tier because we don't need another unsafe browser in the world.


working on logo guys

Too pure, and it is hard to reason about Haskell performance.

The core will be written in C, the core rendering engine will be written in Go

Agreed? Okay great! Lets get started!

With a Scheme extension language.

Fine. Typed Racket?

Fine by me.

(with C for the performance intensive stuff obviously)

Go is better faggots

Swift it is.

I vote for C

We should set up a group
Discord, TOX or Skype?

Or you know, find a website out there that lets us post messages to each other. Any ideas?

Reddit? Perfect! What sub should we all meet up on?

4chan for dev sounds terrible


Why not make a browser in Node.js?


Are we going to make our own rendering engine, or use Gecko or WebKit?

Perfect, we'll continue development of Trump browser there

Own rendering, that way we can throw out all the shit we don't need.


Should I make a Discord group to organize this?

We'll develop our own rendering engine entirely in OpenGL for pure speed!

It's as good as any of the ideas in this thread, or any of the ideas in the shitpile of past threads dedicated to making a phresh browser.

You faggots will never succeed. Good luck.

that doesnt sound like a wise idea

Who writes JS code, for free and for fun?

Should we use the userland network stack or write our own kernel module for i/o?


HE'S A PAJEET!!!!! BURN HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The browser should be written in pure assembly

I meant userland syscalls, not network stack.

How about we meet in the middle

We use a high level of abstraction between the browser core and the rendering engine itself for a high level of modularity! So for the 10 percent of internet devices online that don't have a proper GPU they could use a different rendering engine

We write our own kernel mode network drivers! For pure speed and we can add modules for every known network device for a high level of compatibility!

That could work. An OpenGL rendering engine might not be too bad

Should we follow the unix philosophy and make separate programs for each stage?

fetch "muhpage..." | layout | style > muhrender.png

This is all very nice.



Priorities, everyone. Priorities.

Even maintaining a few patches to Chromium and making nightly binaries is currently beyond Holla Forums. Why not start small?

join fuckers

Just blit everything to the frame buffer directly. Targeting abstractions is bloat.

use this instead

I don't actually think writing a browser in JS is a good idea. I also don't think this thread will actually yield any actual results, just like all the other nu-browser projects.

Why not contribute to ungoogled-chrome/Inox or palememe?

Almighty faggots lets do this

Dubs gets to pick what


going for head developer

re roll

Rolling for Head of Diversity

No kidding.


Rolling for brainfuck as core language.

Can we make it in LOGO?


You're a fucking newfag if you thought these threads ever yielded results

rolling for BSD license

rolling for Proprietary license


This thread sure went from zero to cancer fast.

This board is slow as fuck so I'm changing the rules from dubs to odd numbers

I hope you realize this thread was a joke from the beginning right?

You know what would make this board better? A board culture beyond worshipping Terry Davis and memes borrowed from halfchan. We could try having fun for once

re roll

rolling for logo





rolling proprietary

Remember guys, the rule is now odd numbers

Fuck what did he mean by this?

Why not fork Chromium and add the desired customization?

Will it have built in zeronet support?


Can we call addons Adolfs,
aka. Adolfs for trump browser :^)


Name: Trump browser

ayy, so far so good

Rolling for Pony lang.

PHP is the ultimate browser language.

I think Jeb!s and Randlets should find a place in the nomenclature.


"Jeb" would be a settings toggle on mobile, a mode optimized for low energy browsing.


rolling to hire josh as head developer, what could possibly go wrong

Its odd numbers only now since this board is too slow to wait around for dubz

I'll roll for this

Is it even possible to write compiled software in PHP?

let's look at the first google result to find out!

Huh. Well, it's an appropriately shitty name I suppose.

Pretty damn funny, have a rare Trump.

I support this, but not only must it be in PHP, but he must use a PHP framework.

All loops must be at least O(n^2).

So it's called Trump because we know no one is getting paid for this.

Pretty sure it's your candidate who has to pay for support (CTR).

Well which is harder to write, fantasy stories, or a program that works?

PHP is god-tier you massive faggot.


Hi Josh

Proprietary and a questionable business model.

Even Pajeets would laugh at your skills.

Where is the Uranium browser you faggot?

PHP was literally made by a person who hated programming, not even joking.

Considering how shit and impractical the languages that are made "with

the languages are*

It's also no different from Chrome. Infact it's LITERALLY just Chrome with a fancy bloated UI on top.


absolutely designated



Do you seriously think street-shitters use PHP?

Do you seriously think they don't?

Your point?

My point is that you're fucking retarded.

Conceding defeat already I see.

The only thing I concede is that you are a designated PHP pro and should hang yourself from the nearest rafter immediately.

I assumed it would, but still did it.

Only my right hand hurt though, my left hand was fine. Wonder what that means.

I approve of using obscure languages that nobody in the world cares about anymore. It adds a small layer of obscurity for would be hackers to get through.

Because after all the larpers where done grand talking, the first people who would actually write some lines would be burned down for what they did, no matter what it was.

I'm ok with this, so long as it's something like 8080 asm for CP/M machine.

I'm out then, I only know Z80 and 6502.


Just help develop Breach.js.

this thread again

I'll start the wiki

No one? There's also the Waterfox project, but haven't tried it yet

A UI written in javascript too! On slow machines, you can see it redrawing as you resize.

Pajeet you're hired.


streetshirtters don't count as trained developers


It's not written in Javascript, it's written in Angular :^)
Chromium's own UI uses JS and it isn't anywhere near as much of a clusterfuck

And it barely has any features beyond Chromium. Really, people just want Opera again.

*Opera 12

Assembly core language

Rollan shakespearelang for core language.


What about the plumbing system?

That's written in Rust.

Sounds incredible, actually.

C to the core.


My oh my, JIDF demoralization shills are in full force today.

They don't need any.

We don't even have a logo yet, how do you expect us to get anything done?

Quads confirm, we write it in Visual Basic.



why won't you instead improve firefox and torbrowser?
or make firefox/palemoon fork?

from urllib.request import urlopenresponse = urlopen("google.com")

Render the response and you've made a better browser than Microsoft.

That's the entire hard part

Because making a web browser is one of the most ridiculously hard shits you could do.

We could make however a UI for one. Except this is Holla Forums and most of you faggots don't know how to code.

Oh. Trivial.


Instead of inventing the SJW shitfest known as Rust, wouldn't it be better to invent a compile-time garbage collector for C?
C + CTGC would be less harmful than C + manual memory management.

Rust does a bit more than that.

Same. I assume because the dominant hand is stressed more typically.

Thanks for your contribution, rustacean memer.
One day you'll realize that there are more classes of bugs than memory bugs, and that Java (being a highly memory-safe language) would have wrecked C++ long ago if memory safety actually meant anything.

What the fuck are you doing?
Of the two meme languages you pick the slower one with the fucked up build toolchain?

What's left of the core after the rendering engine?
Cookies? Connection handling? Plugin handoff? You'd get almost nothing out of writing those in C.

Yes it comes with SJW

More besides that, too. Do you know what memory safety is?

Excuse me Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Memory Safety?

There's something similar in HotSpot (the Oracle Java Virtual Machine). It's known as escape analysis. It still doesn't prevent the need for a runtime GC, as the interactions between objects are often complex and it's difficult or impossible to predict at what point in code an object needs to be freed.

My point is that even if you have good reasons for disliking Rust, thinking that it can be replaced by C with compile-time garbage collection is retarded.

Different guy

I'm aware of that. I just thought you had a problem with my post.

Well, yes. Memory safety is often touted as a key feature of rust but it exists in almost all programming languages. The only practical difference in rust's case is that it is trying not to sacrifice runtime performance in the process.


Honestly we should. All browsers out there are shit.



We do make dank memes, faggot.

How about we call it Lemniscate?

Sounds like "Lemonskate"

I'm going to make a fork on Netsurf.

I'll start with the UI

Name it MemeBrowser.

Whoever is developing this browser's a fucking fag. I'm going to fork it and have my own and make it 10x better.

Trump means fart in the UK (as in trumpet)

I just figured out the slogan for this new browser:

Browsers are obsolete, apps are the future.

Good luck, i highly doubt anything will get done like the last browser "project" was done.

can't you just write it in shell script?

Any of the current browsers are fine, 99.9999% of the population don't have crippling autism about muh botnet.

I'll leave this here.


I finished my browser core, next step is too implament and understand SSL capability between my internet and browser.
Where are you guys at?

I'm doing my part by looking through the comments and replacing gendered pronouns into xir.


It would be nice if the big guy could get us some nice kickstarting money.

I bet he'd like to have his own browser. Just sayin.

I made a discord server to gauge interest for the project.



We exodus for a reason. Don't fucking bring your cancer here too.

You guys realise that writing a browser is probably one of the most difficult software projects imaginable today? Have you actually seen how long the HTML5/CSS3/whatever the fuck ESCAscript standards are?

>>>Holla Forums6287989 hits the nail on the head, almost as hard as you were as a baby

not an argument

That's not even the difficult part, and even that is ridiculously insane. What is challenging is to make it all performant and secure. It's one of the most fragile pieces of software you'll use, because by it's nature it is a vehicle for remote code execution. Even Google with talented developers, consistently find exploits in their product, on pretty much a weekly basis.

All these companies that build business around their browsers never start from scratch, just look at Opera, Vivaldi and Brave running Chromium based browsers. Opera even with dozens of programmers couldn't sustain the necessary effort to maintain their Presto engine.

So yes, I'm sure most here realize all that, and hopefully everyone understands that this thread is a bit of a joke.

Finished mine. The unique feature of my browser is that I do not encumber web programmers with a sandbox. This enables new possibility paradigms for developers to access the vast array of services available to a client machine, including the ability to install software and interface with local files.

Now websites can work in tandem with you, delivering a rich and unique experience. And we think you're going to love it.

You're browser is recommended when visiting fixmypc.ru

Rolling for language being c++

Meanwhile, all their hen-pecking and mouse farts are monitored 24/7 by cia niggers, with the webcam and microphone running at full blast.


so it needs to

what else?

Ditch the sandbox as written here .

Until we have seamless interaction between web content and our client software, we're not using the web to its full potential. It's like we have these amazing operating systems which are completely tuned for running programs, and then we throw it all away by using a web browser which contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of an operating system just so we can launch shitty javascript apps. People hate javascript, and they want to run their creations with native code.

wouldn't that create an anonymity issue?

We don't have anonymity as it is, in fact the situation is made worse because to create richer advertising, advertisers have to conduct covert profiling by cobbling together personality dossiers from a wide range of sources.

That's early millennium thinking. Imagine a website that can build rich and meaningful experiences with you. Music websites that can actually tailor themselves to content you'll be interested in because they can scan your music library. It's a web that is for everyone and uniquely you.

I didn't realize you were shitpostign until the second paragraph, good job

The web is for documents, not files, not binaries, DOCUMENTS, deal with it
Go fiddle with your shitty proprietary streamed asm somewhere else
Webassembly is shit and so are you

Who said anything about WebAssembly? I want bare metal access to the host processor, and access to system APIs. We're retarding ourselves by constructing an artificial barrier that says, "this is local pc", "this is web". This only came about because un networked PCs were popularized in the 90s, an then the internet arrived as a sort of bolt on afterthought. Scrap it, and rebuild everything as internet. Seamless interaction to harness unseen vistas.

So basically how the Xerox Alto did network applications in the 70s?

Alright, for the past several posts about Sandbox, I've obviously been shit posting.

That said, even as I wrote that nonsense, I couldn't help but realize that there probably are some really cool things we can do with such a setup, and yeah, like those big systems in the 70s.

I use it just because I prefer the UI to chrome/chromium

nice self-referencing reddit comment. upboat

Microsoft had an inferior solution in the 90s called ActiveX. Would a SmallTalk system be viable today? I think the technology is there with multi-core chips.

kys, jewish defeatist

Stop. Stopstopstopstopssstaph STOP.

Don't. Just don't. We don't need that.

Fix Gecko.

It's too late user. People have already started working on the logo, and designing the CSS for the browser page. Git repos have been initialized and even the name has been decided.

Did we choose the mascot though? Maybe it can still be stopped if we don't have a mascot yet...

nigger if you aren't the kind of person who should be browsing this board just fucking lurk

I suggest TrumpScript.

Le reddit tier joke.

We don't even have an outreach coordinator or a Code of Conduct. That's the real outrage, and why we should immediately stop.


mythical man month


I am not sure if it is a case of "it's okay when we do it" or blatant newfaggottry

It's an ideological war, and they have to die to pave the way for our one true correct way of thinking.

You have first for trying to rise above the freigh and "see both sides".

*hang first.



Rolling for it to be written with javascript/asm.js

Some generous user have made donations which almost exceed $250,000 per year. I'm so proud to announce that we can advertise for an outreach coordinator and developer advocate, two positions which will pay $125,000 per year.

Applicant must meet the requirements:

No programming or mathematical background is necessary. Familiarity with critical theory is super positive.

Rolling for Brainfuck.

What the fuck is it with that face? Is it something in the water?

Low-T levels.

On a serious note, if you through out javascript support, it wouldn't be too hard to build a browser that could handle a site like Holla Forums. The difficult part would be implementing renderer in accordance to CSS styles, but I still think it's within reason for most competent programmers to finish in a short time.

*threw out.

CSS is pretty complicated itself. At this point, it would be easier to get the raw data via an API (json or whatever) and then just format it yourself (without HTML or CSS, since we're talking about the raw post data). Plus that gives the user more flexibility. That's basically how Usenet readers operate, and they let you toggle between different kinds of thread views, sorting, and regex-based filtering.

Oh it's very complicated, I'm referring to the subset of CSS this site uses.

I agree an API could work, but I still want a simple browser, not just an Holla Forums app on the desktop. I just plan on ignoring most of the internet and building a browser around what I need.

And by "short time" I mean within several months, as opposed to the lifetime you'd need to build a modern web browser.

Why not just use firefox 2 with script turned off?

"Not invented here". I'm looking at it as more of a fun project than something too serious.

The web specs are massive and sprawling. It won't be fun by week 2.

An XML parser would be much easier than full HTML5 parser with all those weird exceptions, and oh look this site is HTML5.
Will you be using slow-assed 2D drawing, or uploading tiles to the GPU for 60fps scrolling. We take this stuff for granted now, but browsers have been an optimization target for literally decades.

Use an existing parser or write your own?
Use libpng or write your own?

I think it only makes perfect sense to use 3rd party libraries, providing they have a good security track record, and until you have good reason to replace them.

Completely agree that as time goes on the project gets less and less interesting, because the task is hard and the rewards are dubious. Even just reading RFCs is mind numbing.

I really don't understand why there aren't more actual web browser engines on the market. A web browser is just an html/javascript parser and then it draws shit on a screen, to simplify it down to the lowest level. I don't even know why everyone treats CSS as another language, since you never would use it outside of a website. What was even the point of it? Its just a glorified table maker.

How would you build a web browser engine from scratch anyway?

Hire 10k SJWs
make promises for most of a decade

If you want to make a general purpose browser that implements the set of W3C standards, then this job is so much work if you're doing it from scratch. The parsing and rendering engine is the hardest part of the web browser. This is the reason why Apple decided to fork their Webkit engine from KHTML many years ago. This is the reason why Google decided to fork Webkit rather than start a new web renderer from scratch.

I would laugh if that wasn't exactly what happened to Zirconium

And that was the closest we ever got to a Holla Forums browser

We've had one or two creators of browsers post on Holla Forums, for what it's worth. The creator of KDE Fiber likes to drop by when people link his blog and I have some vague memories of the creator of qutebrowser posting here.

There've been no googlable updates since last year. Has he said anything about when he's going to release the code?

waz a documents?

KDE Fibre is basically the professional equivalent of a Holla Forums browser in that it never got past the logo and the concept.

Why don't you guys infiltrate Mozilla and kick out the SJWs instead? They still have some marketshare and the main devs don't dye their hair green.
Servo is planned to be merged into Firefox at some point which will probably make it faster than Chrome, that can happen sooner than a meme browser.
Chrome would take years to catch up with their pooinloo java devs.

How many times are we going to have this thread?

For as long as people feel victimized in the free software they use. The spirit of free software is "please take responsibility over yourself". At least the spirit of this thread is to call people into action for writing software.

Please make Firefox just not have memory leaks. It's a perfect browser besides that one issue.

If this doesn't function like a non-leaky Firefox you're just going to produce another shit browser.

Why has nobody yet added middle-click scrolling to Chromium yet?


This is the best browser name ever.

Truly, the pinnacle of perfection.

What is the SLOC for all the other browsers?

Btw, isn't Firefox intentionally compromised? Wasn't there a wikileaks or something article about how code was purposely added to it to slow it down and how jewgle also does some fuckery to slow it down when it accesses youtube and so on?

I think the browsers right now are intentionally crippled.

This is the most sensible answer. Palemoon is a Firefox fork that does this. They get modern versions of the Gecko HTML renderer and they maintain their own XUL based UI on top of that.

[Citation needed]