So I have a friend in SF who made an image board. The site is slow and not very well laid out yet. Normally a site like this would just fly under the radar as the nothing it is, but not this one. What makes it unique is the owner has been tagging the site all over SF but most specifically the Haight Asbury area. The bums constantly threaten to find and kill them while he taunts them back. Its a unique situation because the audience of the image board is whomever sees the tags.
It isn't my site but yes I would like to see more traffic to get the ball rolling on the site to see what it becomes.
So I have a friend in SF who made an image board. The site is slow and not very well laid out yet...
Other urls found in this thread:
The only people his attracting to the website is those who are going to rant about the vandalism
Do they love Laura B?
i gotta admit, that one triggered me a little
i hope they find your friend and beat the piss out of him
Also people who are just curious. I keep telling my friend he needs to have the option available to let ppl create their own custom boards in order to re attract people. Its one thing to come through and say something or lurk for a second but if people can come and make their own little clubhouse then they are more likely to come back and spread the word to friends. If ppl could make boards then they would have a place with minimal traffic to congregate online.
You should post over there and ask, the owner needs to be put to work. Im curious to see how the situation would be handled. A ban? Post deletion?
The issue is that all the haight and castro bums are so damned drunk and high that they won't do shit unless he falls into their lap. Being homeless in SF you wind up sticking to the places you know best and never really venturing out.
was for
made this post
I'm curious how people from the SF bay area would react to the first couple parts of TGSNT.
I love replying to these faggots and their stupid posts.
I think its funny. its a slap in the face to the hippies that painted that shit in the 60's. The hippies children and children children are the reason SF has its homeless problems, crime, drugs etc
Fuck them all
What an weird name, what does it even mean? It looks a difficult word to remember and market.
It feels good to have a direct hotline to a bums phone so he can read this shit from his makeshift cardboard shelter.
So what can come of this? Is this just a new form of IRL spam? Its a pretty good way to advertise tbh
Something else I find interesting is the fact that the owner of the site won't get arrested for the tags. It could be anyone who visits the site.
he is legally liable
unless the person doing the tagging gets caught red-handed there isn't really any way to prove that it was the owner of the site
i have no idea what im talking about
if i start tagging the mcdonalds website around my neighborhood, does that make mcdonalds legally liable for my crime?
no sorry for being dumv
did you learn your lesson?
obvious bait
yes nigger. art. what else can't you recognise when you see it?
Its degenerate drug addict art. Probably painted by someone who died in the ghostship fire
I feel I should add to my post (>>6618390)
that in fairness to , I have seen cases of vandalism where the perp got busted without getting literally caught red-handed
In the case I'm thinking about there were a couple of brothers that were a little screwy in the head and managed to have disputes with several neighbours. To get revenge on the neighbours they regularly hired a petty criminal they knew to slash tires, smash windows, spray paint, etc. One day that petty criminal got busted for something else, and got out of it by finking the brothers out. The word of the petty criminal was enough to get the brothers found liable for the damages, which was tens of thousands of dollars.
You have to remember that the burden of proof in small claims court is different than the burden of proof in a criminal court.
tagging OLEVAU.COM over it is even more degenerate
How? Honestly How is it degenerate?
Graffiti is degenerate, and shitty graffiti that doesn't even attempt to look good, but instead shills a shitty website is even more degenerate
Still a pretty interesting situation to watch evolve
Yeah. I hope it culminates with the owner getting raped. Either literally or figuratively.
The owner is homeless himself, he built a wooden box on a cement foundation with a trap door on the roof serving as the only door. He has to climb a tree to get in the thing and its deep in thick brush in a good part of SF.
I don't think hell get into legal trouble unless he gets caught, then he would go down for all of it. Until that happens I doubt any cop would pick him up because they couldn't prove he did it.
maybe if he trolls hard enough there will be an investigation though, and from there if he got charged in criminal court but found not guilty his identity would still be public knowledge
and if after that he got brought to small claims court the burden of proof is different. They don't need to prove shit beyond a reasonable doubt, they make a judgment based on a "preponderance of evidence" (some nigger's best guess)
idk, I'm not a lawfag
Im hoping it will become a big enough deal, he just needs to hit bigger more important targets, Like the FBI building or some of the office buildings in the financial district
I guess you could egg him on right on his website
"oh sure, it's easy to tag your shit on small business owners, but you're too chicken to tag __"
I discovered this site a few weeks ago, funny someone would mention it here.
Thats actually a really good idea
heh, nice
if there were unique IDs I'd post in the thread agreeing with you, but there aren't so it would just look like samefagging
The people who browse there aren't that into image boards. Its all unique posts, plus the owner is who were targeting and he will see unique ip's