Hi /b, I will turn the memes you suggest into simplified glyphs that represent them.
Pic related, check 'em
I can do both latin script stile and gothic/germanic rune script
Ukøpãf pøf høqãy ukøt wqøsãdėbaf høyãqėx ukøt sødãzėjodøjãt bøyãtėdupøqãz ukøyãtėdøg.
just smug pepe in general, only pic i have on my phone
Smug Nazi gassing the degenerates is a meme, friend. Here's another variation.
ive never seen it so it isnt a meme, same with
I should have expected as much.
done, sorry about the shit lining
Nice didn't know what the original was, but still knew exactly what it was
this is too hard to glyph. ask for more simple memes such as wojak or gondola
Thank you based user. It's fucking perfect. I'm gonna draw this all over my town now
Røqosãg møt hozzi pøh føqãxėt wtøqwsãt fudøyutãg oføpãzėj ukøpãf yødãzėgøqãxėsi pøz ukøyãtėdøgãf. Jøqqãg soba QW.
Bumping in hopes that OP will deliver. Also requesting pic related.
I cannot just glyph Chris
did gondola
You would have a more potent sigil if you don't use a specific script.
can only do memes that can be reduced to a symplistic state, such as pepe, loss, gondola, wojak, the happy merchant, bane, etcaetera
any variation of any one of these