Agender, Androgyne, Androgynous, Bigender, Cis, Cisgender, Cis Female, Cis Male, Cis Man, Cis Woman, Cisgender Female, Cisgender Male, Cisgender Man, Cisgender Woman, Female to Male, FTM, Gender Fluid, Gender Nonconforming, Gender Questioning, Gender Variant, Genderqueer, Intersex, Male to Female, MTF, Neither, Neutrois, Non-binary, Other, Pangender, Trans, Trans*, Trans Female, Trans* Female, Trans Male, Trans* Male, Trans Man, Trans* Man, Trans Person, Trans* Person, Trans Woman, Trans* Woman, Transfeminine, Transgender, Transgender, Female, Transgender Male, Transgender Man, Transgender Person, Transgender, Woman, Transmasculine, Transsexual, Transsexual Female, Transsexual Male, Transsexual Man, Transsexual Person, Transsexual Woman, Two-Spirit.
Gay is wrong
Be sure to watch the video to the end to get the joke.
I don't fucking see Pedophile in there, shitlord.
im a transnigger
Several of those mean the same thing. e.g. Trans Male, Trans Man, Trans* Male, Trans* Man, Transgender Male, Transgender Man, Female to Male, FTM, Transsexual Male, Transsexual Man all mean the same. Eleven synonyms with varying levels of PC.
There's only seven genders there. Cis male, Cis female, Trans male, Trans female, Intersex (biologically both sexes), Gender Fluid, and Non-binary.
That's a sexual orientation if it's anything. (Most psychologists say "sexual preference").
Why is it called LGBT when lesbians are gay? It should be GBT or HBT. Also there are only two genders: male and female. All these other special snowflake genders are for attention and mean absolute fuck all in reality. I'm tired of companies and the government bending to these fucking chuckleheads' every whim, fuck them.
You don't even deserve to breathe because of how stupid you are. Trans is not a gender and non-binary is not applicable to humans you fuckwits. Just because you change the definition of an existing word or add extremities to it, does not make it take on a different meaning than what was already used. You fucking retards need to grow the fuck up and face reality. I don't want my son growing up having to deal with idiots like you who tell him, he's not a boy but something else when that is horseshit. If you were born with a penis, you're a man if you were born with a vagina, you're a woman if you were born with both, you're a hermaphrodite. There are no in-betweens
I agree with the lesbian part. Gender is however how you self identify. Sex, however, is the physical genitalia, and there are 4 sexes, not two. Male, female, hermaphrodite (its a genetic disorder in humans), and neuter.
Bro, intersex got jack shit to do with gender. And trans women are women & trans men are men. How's that difficult in the least
…. Until someone identifies as a tans. You cant really say that one thing is a gender and another thing isn't because its based on self-perception and feelings.
gay is bad and love is overrated.
Hermaphrodites can be also just be men or women with defected genitals, instead of defected xy xx stuff.
While, I don't really give a fuck about one's sexuality. Get the fuck out Tumblr.
looks like someone is pretending to be tumblr for keks.
You forgot Amdidextrsls for Christ!
Stick to Tumblr faggot
what does it make me if im little girl trapped in adult males body and also pedophile?
Who here has a rope so we can lynch this faggot?
probably a pedophile.
then is that clovergender wrong?
I'm not an expert on this shit.
You forgot about clovergender, you bigoted fuck.
thanks anyway
im so confused
fuck off faggot
A clovergender is a child that is trapped in an adult's body. It's a individual that is seen as a standard adult, but inside is a child. Clovergenders aren't always attracted to children, but most of them are. However they are not pedophiles as they are mentally children themselves. A pedophile is simply an adult that is attracted to kids. Clovergender = A individual that might appear to be an adult but is mentally a child themselves, therefor it is not pedophilia. How that helps you understand :)
i see, thanks
since im not really pedophile, i can now join the rest to hate pedos and feel superior! ;)
pedo scum!
sorry, it's not right
i can't hate you just because what you were born to :)
i wish it was that simple
perhaps im only half child and half adult?
idk, maybe should not think so much …
you rip my gender identity to shreds with hoax ;_;
rushing to stream n hero now
I think you're forgetting some genders there. We must be inclusive.
Please put a stop to such pure unadulterated filthy cutness, disgustingly-vile lovely youthful sweetness, along with degenerate displays of adorable joyful innocence!
You forgot minor-atracted person, pedosexual, hebesexual and clovergender.
Exactly. It shouldn't matter which social construct you're born as.
Why remember all those words when you can just call them faggots?
sexuality gender
Clovergender is actually more of an age identity than a gender identity. A kind of transaged to be more precise (adult-to-child).
The DSM doesn't acknowledge that children can be pedophiles, they require you to be at least 16 years old, i.e. an adolescent. Surely that's actually a biased view, because they don't want to taint the term "pedophilia" with what they consider to be accepted behavior. Children feeling attracted to children is accepted by them, so if you were to say they are pedophiles, it would imply that pedophilia sometimes is acceptable. Not really good for their agenda. So by the unbiased definition of pedophilia, which is romantic or sexual attraction towards children, you can perfectly be a pedophile.
currently stuck in my head so i thought i would post
love knows know rules ,, Darling C4L3B
you think u can trick us with your sience? u are a pedo scum and u chould die DIE PEDO SCUM
the ICD is superior to the DSM-5
You forgot Jazz.
I wanna Jizz on Jazz
You like Jazz?
ICD also enforces the view that pedophilia only can happen after 16.
I want to jizz in Jazz.
Tumblr faggots go home, there are only two genders. This extra shit is not necessary and you need to grow up
i know
i would like to fuck a cute little boy who looks like a girl.
Thats wrong. Because gender is a social construct. It was a term coined in the 1950s by John Money. There is literally no such thing as gender, just sex. John Money was a fucking lunatic
sjws for life