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It's being heavily shilled on the Jewtubs by ComputingForever, other Gamergators haven't joined it (yet).

Here's the Co-Founder explaining why Open Source is important:

And here's an interview with Infowars:


I don't know what the fuck it is, but it stinks of honey. Especially that ad looks like one of these badly engineered image macros media agencies would create.

The first thing I noticed is that they use googleapis for something on their main page. Beyond that I don't know why open source would make this trustworthy. Reddit is open source too.

another social network no one asked for

Actually, we're constantly asking for it.

wew lad

Is there a a reason we really need social media outside of specific purposes like videos or art? I really don't give a shit about the random thoughts of my "friends" or family. If I wanna talk to someone I can call, text, or irc them.

You may not like it, but normalfags control the world, ultimately. They decide what's OK. No leaders could control them without persuading them first. We may be comfortable on the fringes, but the normalfags still have control over our lives. They're the ones that made credit ratings OK. Now we have to kiss the bankers' ass just to get a job, even if we don't believe in spending money we don't have. They could make social ratings a thing next. You could blacklisted simply for not having a social media account with all of your personal info for social inspectors to give a rating to.

Aren't you relieved that some normalfags are beginning to value their free speech? We should encourage this choice. However, we also need to be careful that this isn't a trick to lure the normalfags back into complacency. That's why we need to investigate this Minds.com for skypery.

Computingforever did an interview with a co-founder. I haven't watched it yet.


Don't you mean "they will"?
China already have this, and it will become mandatory in 2020.

Surely it would be every government's wet dream to have a social network where everything anyone ever say or think is openly available to them, and as an added bonus, people with "abnormal" opinions are quickly corrected by friends and family simply because it threatens their social score.

Wow, it's like I'm really on 8ch -- sign me up!

this. It reeks of stereotypical out-of-touch-with-reality marketing zombies building an interactive billboard just so they can steal a bunch of VC money from equally stupid fuckers

Social media has always been about harvesting my personal info juices.
What makes this any different?

It's like reddit where you get upshekels for submitting things, but you can also spend upshekels to force other people to see your stupid posts. And of course you can conveniently buy upshekels with real money.

Yeah, I'm not sure who actually cares about those.

Anyway, everyone is constantly asking for clean open alternatives for their favorite social shit sites. Like with that open twitter shit a while back. The only reason the current ones are hated is because they're NSA.


Where are the real social networks for real coders such as myself who code only in C, Language of the Gods?


Why isn't Holla Forums written in C?

You can help correct this problem at github.com/shamoanjac/cchan


Is this like vichan where you run it and it runs a website for you, or is it like mediagoblin where you run it and get access to an existing webservice?

The entire purpose of facebook to me is a convenient method of communicating to normalfag friends.

Your grandfather isn't going to want to install tox to speak to you when he and all his geriatric friends use Skype. Just like your normalfag friends aren't going to drop the facebook group chat to join your encrypted IRC network.

You have only yourself to blame

tokumei is the superior anonymous social network


If you don't know how to get on it, you already failed the entrance exam.