Laura B Thread 😍
* Do not delete this Thread
* Be nice
* Post Laura B
Laura B Thread 😍
* Do not delete this Thread
* Be nice
* Post Laura B
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No mexicans allowed
Friendly reminder that these images don't fail dost
it fails the pedoshit rule tho
Laura B is ugly
I used to like LauraB, but all the constant spam ruined her. I even deleted my sets.
No u!
Daily reminder that LauraB has a fake cotton-stuffed mound
But this isn't spam
why do you keep making this thread?
There is no such rule my friend
Because why not?
ctrl+f pedoshit
Stop breaking the rules
I the user am creating a new rule for this thread: no pedoshit.
Rule revoked.
never give up OP
same I even had the rare pajama sets but I didn't care anymore
you son of a bitch
.. Thread not deleted yet?
I want
Let's be honest I want to dick them
don't be lewd
damn man she is absolutely flawless
Why was this video made?
Serious question. What was the purpose for that vidoe?
what do you have against some normal little girls playing and having fun?
I absolutely have nothing against them.
I am just worried about why they would produce such a video abnout just little girl's playing.
I just don't
why do people make videos of cats????
i fucking dont understand
Because they're funny, cute and actually entertaining for a large general audience.
But this is just straight up weird.
how is it weird?
Why does that blonde girl next laura look like a crack whore?
The girls next to her (except valensiya) must have been extremely jelly of lauras vile perfectness
Don't we have a containment board for this?? Just autoredirect anything with the word Laura in it to containment.
audios, muchachos!
deleted a long time ago, belongs on Holla Forums now
No, I checked, you can go to the board and it's there, waiting for you to make threads. Please do so and leave Holla Forums forever
this is a board of freedom and they can post however many laura b threads they want to.
She doesn't look like that anymore.
We know
It's time to move on.
more webms please !