Alfred Hitchcock

tfw almost 22, studied film (don't ask why) and have never watched a Hitchcock film. Where do I start?

In the trash because that's where he belongs.

getting a rope for ruining your life.


At least you're not as bad as Kike Cucklasa, an individual who spends all of his time watching and critiquing films, yet hasn't seen a Hitchcock film well into his late-30s. He couldn't have broken away from watching shitty, low-budget 80s horror movies one time to watch The Birds or something.

All I can say is don't start with Vertigo.

Shadow of Doubt, Strangers on a Train, Notorious, North by Northwest, and Rear Window are all good places to start. Like said don't start with Vertigo. It's a great film, but not for the uninitiated.

but we are initiated, aren't we, user?

Start with the color remake of Psycho, then watch the Anthony Hopkins biopic and consider yourself done.


you had one job

I spent 2 minutes writing an entire paragraph of what little Hitchcock did good before realizing this was a waste of my time. Watch indie films and Ingmar Bergstein like you were told OP. If anything I bet you made the Amelie and Kuno thread.

man I'm glad there's no public record of what movies I have and have not seen because I'd have a lot to answer for

even discounting the movies I just watched for titties

Isn't he the guy who made the prequel to Birdemic?


Start with the The Alfred Hitchcock Hour serise

The same way you study literature.

Yeah that is pretty good. My mother was a huge Alfred Hitchcock fan when I was growing up and she had all the Alfred Hitchcock hour dvds. Good times. Good times.

Start with Birds. It's gr8.

Rear Window


The Birds is his worst film. Watch Rear Window or Rope.

What the fuck. We watched "The Birds" in my introductory english class in an Oklahoma school. stupid coasties

Watch Rear Window and its shot-for-shot remake-esque semi-serious porn parody.



how does it feel to waste a year of life and a few thousands dollars for a major that's useless and will never get you a job in the film industry.