Safe, secure Holla Forums chat

* We can't access your IP.
* Images and links pop up with previews automatically so you know what you're clicking.
* Voice chat.

Come join us!



Hey, it's just an option. If you don't trust it, I totally understand that.


bookmarked for potential bunker.
Haven't looked it. Publish source somewhere and give us confidence you're not a honeypot.

OP here, trust me goy. :^)


Discord isn't created by me, but it is created by a company that is more preoccupied with their large gaming servers than they will be with our relatively small political server.

It's like the tox shills got bored and looking for alternatives to a honeypot.

Oh, also, VPNs can be used. None are blocked.

So its shit then.

either troll or 20 y old neo-luddite

Also, the numbers 4 and 2 are "shi" and "ni respectively.

If you combine shi and ni…

You get shini. Which is a Nip word for death.

I should have mentioned that it's safe as compared to IRC which disallows VPNs on most servers, of course, and yet is for some reason used by people who claim to care about their security.

There is no such thing as a 100% safe chat service.

why would we need a chat in the first place? Explain yourself Zuckerberg!

Sometimes chatting in real time is preferable to an image board which is inherently slower.

Sometimes people on Holla Forums want to shitpost about off topic things.

If you want neither, then that's fine too!

I saw an user here mention that chats are a way to isolate/monitor anons more thoroughly

Come on, don't be daft.
Just look at their bloody terms of service, they are pretty much saying outright you'll be spied on.

Information You Provide: We collect information from you when you voluntarily provide such information, such as when you register for access to the Services or use certain Services. Information we collect may include but not be limited to username, email address, and any messages, images or other content you send via the chat feature.

Your answer is like "strawberries are delicious, therefore you should eat more bananas, when strawberries aren't available because bananas are here, so in conclusion sometimes it's better to eat bananas instead of the 3,199 sorts of other fruit available for no apparent reason"

Damn. Your debate club failed m8

It's IRC for retards. Just make a Holla Forums room in EFnet or Rizon.

EFnet and Rizon don't have voice chat and don't load previews of images and links so you don't click shit you shouldn't.