What's Holla Forums's opinion on American Dragon Jake Long
What's Holla Forums's opinion on American Dragon Jake Long
The artsyle got shit by season 2
Haley needed a good nemesis.
It was shit.
Never seen the show but I like the porn.
I don't even like this show and it's somehow better - better in that I remember it and how much it pissed me off.
This show? Eh… It was just noise and I don't care.
It was fine, nothing fantastic but it was okay, I also liked the redesigns even when everyone else despised them.
And Season 2 Susan
Is there any good porn besides the jabcomix series?
Wait, this show is real?
I thought it was just a meme.
Season 2 was better since I could actually understand what this chigger was saying half the time.
It was the male Juniper Lee except he actually had powers.
/r/ing futa haley
Wrong thread?
Kill yourself
I wanted to fuck S1 dragon Jake when I was a teenager
I don't remember much besides the horrible chigger/wigger speak.
thats because some 70 year old jew businessman thought it had to be "teen friendly", and since hes the highest shareholder…
this is pretty much what happened with half of the shows of the early 00's, and why there's so many wiggers and shit in shows like juniper lee, american dragon, kim possible, and so on.
S2 animation was shit, you can tell their budged was dropped like an air strike
inb4 someone mentions poona the fuckdog itt
Well, the writing was much more bearable in S2.
Characters actually had personality, and were not just walking funny accents.
I really hated Jake's wiggerspeak and him being voiced by Prince Zuko made it all the more jarring and uncomfortable.
Great concept with plenty of potential to get better over time if the 'hip speak' version of the character was the starting point that would eventually learn shit and, you know, stop.
Horribly ruined by season 2's art change. And I don't even mean the human form of the characters, or really any human character in general.
His dragon form looked like such shit that all credit being lent to the series was instantly lost.
Would love for Disney to go, 'nah, we're doing this right' and giving it another go, but that's never going to happen.
I liked it. Hated Jake's wiggerspeak though. Despite the artstyle changing in the second season I like that there are more story arcs that do develop Jake more like the one's with the crystal skulls and Jake's relationship with the blonde chick. Though I hated how they pussified the Huntsman especially with his background episode.
It was good before they changed the art style and fucked it up
You think they did this on purpose?
It made me a dragon fucker
That's now how kikes laugh though.
oh i know how jews laugh
I remember being confused as hell when they changed art styles.
i bet haley fucks great almost like a beast
Yeah, I guess.
Is it worth watching? Forgot almost everything about it and was thinking about re-watching it yesterday.
Didn't expect to see a thread about it, what a pure coincidence.
No it is not worth watching.
Go for it, user.
Only you know if it is truly worth watching.
my god, this show happened way too soon.
what would you rather have her marry a beta male asian?
i wish i had saved that picture of the eurasian male looking at the asian bitch marrying the european male and having an eurasian male baby which then repeats the cycle.
fits this show pretty good.
Pretty much this. Those two components really made things abysmal, and does that VA even have range at all? He always sounds the same.
not much but I guess people hire him for just that particular voice. The one time I thought he was good was in Avatar the Last Airbender. His performance as Zuko was excellent.
I have no idea what disney jews were thinking with this show. For example, why did they make him speak like a nigger? Why does he and his sister look like a full blooded gook when he should be looking like Elliot Rodgers? Why did they have to ship him and some blonde haired blue eyed girl?
i already posted a theory about that earlier in the thread.
doesn't explain the other two.
Wigger Rufio works well in the proper context
i could never find any good porn of the twins
Wanted to hate it, but didn't.
I preferred the first season where they were actually twins
>I preferred the first season where they were actually twins
And redheads, to boot.
haley needs more love.