Are they gonna do it?

Are they gonna do it?

You mean fuck? Probably.



The show might air in Belgium in October.

Some episode titles have been provided.

10/10 Waterfilter / The Ring Leader
11/10 The Filth
12/10 Freaky Gwen Ben
13/10 Take 10
14/10 Animo Farm
19/10 Clown College
26/10 Something I Ate


Can't believe I'm saying this…but seeing the newer designs made me wish we still stuck with the AF designs.




Make porn of them? Gee whiz, Wally, I really don't care.




CalArts really is the cancer that is killing animation.





You can literally see the declining budget.

Thank god Samurai Jack is firmly in Adult Swim's hands, otherwise CN might make soft like this shit.

not gonna lie, I like the omniverse designs better than the original.


Let them do it.
I'll be watching Rick & Morty elsewhere…


No the original had the best design

I agree omniverse's design is shit

That's because the show as shit



You know what it is.


maybe when all this shit stops, like in 10 or 15 years user

unless we get lucky and a meteor kill us all of course

No and neither am I.

They never do which is why it always sucks. They'll just pair him up with an alien or that wolfaboo indian again.

We have truly fallen low.

let me guess this is an episode where they switch bodies, and Gwen turns out to be better.

can someone please explain me why do they keep remaking ben 10?

its gone through 4 different artstyles and reboots already, why can't they stick to one? preferably the original since it was the only good one.

its like its suffering the spurdo syndrome, from pedobear to spurdo to gondola to something else that keeps getting more autistic and shit looking with each iteration. Are ben 10 creators being "ironic"?

This is the first reboot. The others were sequel series.

Toy sales. Ben10 Toyline was very succesful. CN want to replicate that success again. Expecting with this style in the new show, I don't think so.


The series has been a cash cow.

Generator Rex had a good art direction in general. It's just to bad the characters and writing would range from bad to mediocre.

also, [/spoiler]Gwen is still a semen demon. [/spoiler]

gwen is gateway drug into raw pedophilic lust can't blame them though

I don't disagree.

Wait, what?

Two reasons, gota stay "fresh" and the real answer which is the first series with the best animation was made in 2005 and ended in 2008.
The Great Recession is a thing that happened around 07-08 that resulted in the scarcity of valuable assets in the market economy and the collapse of the financial sector in the world economy.
It is why we can't have nice things.



Why does CN want to make all of their shows TTG?

Me too

You know fucking what? "bwen" is shit. Fucking SHIT. I am sick of you shipperfags.
Kai was terriblly written, but if it upsets you then I hope "bai" happens in this show, your probably the kind of cunt that would watch this calarts horseshit.

production cost.

children will consume anything, its much cheaper to make a tasteless grey goop than a refined quality product, and you'll earn the same so…

Kids thankfully are not THAT dumb. They eat anything, but eat good stuff more. TTG is only doing less then half as well as TT was doing.

I disagree.

Why did you have to remind me of Gwen's Zoe Quinn desgin from Omniverse user?


This guy's art is always fucking censored and he hides the gud shit behind fucking patreon. Where did you find this?

Tonight, last night…
Tomato, potato…

I remember seeing an incest comic with ben and gwen on palcomix once. Kinda grossed me out then again I was new to the internet back then.

I only remember the one where Ben becomes a girl.

I remember seeing this one. How did you know my fetish?

Because its my fetish
Also the ending really disappointed

Giving out my goy money to maniacpaint with patreon

I liked the original the most, it was great


But it still took up the top 10 yearly premieres. Kids might not be that dumb, but they're still fucking dumb. That's why shit like Skylanders and Fairly Odd Parents is still around.

I like this design best and I don't care

Is this like the Teen Titans Go! for Ben10 or something?

Gwen always looked cute in spite of my never watching this. The many many series and artstyles make me not want to.

You mean kill themselves? If I were a horrible abomination, I would do the same.

We have to go back…..





still shit taste user.




fuck you

And here, just wondering.
Because I trully don't know since I stopped watching this at AF season 3, why does omniverse flashback gwen has such big tits.
Is she 12 or something?

Also is there any reason to watch this beyond B10 season 3 - AF season 2?

Hmmm makes me think.

If Ben came across Superman and scanned him, could the wrist thing allow him to turn into a Kryptonion? Seems a bit op.




Fuck you faggot