Was it Rape?

Was it Rape?

Other urls found in this thread:


Anime is visual rape

It's a kid's show so they couldn't show her pussy being eaten by an ant-eater so she suffers a mixture of pain and orgasm, so they showed tickling instead.


yeah that's a pity

anime goes on /a/

Why post this clip now, OP?


Why does /christian/ pretend they are Holla Forums's ally when Holla Forums would sell them out to Japan in a heartbeat?

Because Holla Forums are a useful idiots…




Hey there Holla Forums, still trying to drive a wedge between Holla Forums and /christian/? You'd think that after screenshots of the thread in which you explicitly discussed your plans to do that were posted everywhere, you'd come up with something different.
Then again, you can't expect much of the left.

Nice digits pal

What's it like being played like fiddle user?

newfags go on >>>/suicide/

Hey there Holla Forums, you think you can still pretend you're Holla Forums by changing your name to /christian/?


Christians worship a dead jew, fucking accept it, then go kill yourselves.


He was pretty much the worst Jew ever though.

You mean, best and most effective.

The majority of Holla Forums fucking hates you christcucks, you worship a fucking kike.

Which is funny, because a mod banned me for pointing out jesus was a jew.

Why must you faggots politicize every fucking thread with your commie bullshit. If this place offends you:

You obviously don't belong here, if you refuse to grow up, then go somewhere else to be that manchild in peace.

Ha, keep believing in your stupid fucking sky daddies. We're here to spread the truth, not petty bullshit.

*rolls eyes*
*shakes head*

It's a damn shame what became of her.

He made the Jews so butthurt they wrote a bunch of fanfiction about him boiling in a vat of semen in hell.

Of course they resent having to use one of their own to put on a nice face and pretend that the goyim aren't animals in order to manipulate them effectively. The shame of having to lower themselves so has to be worked out somehow. Rabbi Yeshua is their stress ball.

I think you're reaching tbh fam