They could easily stop people from talking about white genocide if they would stop committing genocide on white people. But I guess that's too straight forward for (((them))).
Nicholas Flores
Ok, what they can do about the daily stormer and nazi memes?
Landon Myers
Logan White
we have been making some real waves the last year and a half
Jason Robinson
Has any user made a webm of this particular moment? It's a must spread clip.
Austin White
we really are going to be infiltrated and shilled now its important we keep pol anonomys now
Juan White
Ryder Wright
…any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
So how exactly there is white genocide going on? Who is stopping you form getting married and re-producing?
Cameron Lopez
FBI pls go
Landon Ramirez
Stop posting bestiality, it's disgusting.
Jose Roberts
I dated a negress once. So glad I didn't knock her up..
Ryder Russell
Matthew James
This is what mass immigration and forced diversity policies are doing
Hey, the government has been doing this, too, to white people who don't subject their kids to the abuse of public schooling.
They're doing this extra-governmentally now, this is what disarmament is meant to accelerate.
Decades of desegregation and anti-white propaganda.
Logan Taylor
Read up on Brazil's policy of "whitening" and look at Brazil today to see how well that concept plays out in reality.
Camden Ward
we've been a harmonic oscillator now the whole structure is trembling in tune with our memes resonnance cascade failure criticality soon
Aiden Clark
I once sucked on some big black titties. Then I became Red-Pilled
Andrew King
Oy vey, goyim are awaken.
Zachary Rodriguez
Purposively wanting all the women to have careers so that they would have less children. I don't know if they teach that in American schools but at least in Europe they even admit having educated women means less births.
They talk how we have a population problem yet bring low IQ non-Europeans whose women actually stay at home and breed shittons of little niggers.
Logan Bennett
this. Diluting gene pools usually only works one way
Noah Hernandez
That's why I'm glad I didn't get her pregnant. The idea of bringing of a halfbreed mongrel into this world is worse than death.
Joseph Russell
Please step into the Minovsky ultra-compact fusion oven.
Nathaniel Sanchez
We Zeon now?
Alexander Powell
Bump, very important stuff
Nicholas Hill
Maybe the FBI is too busy dealing with Islam, or they're just lying.
Chase Anderson
White genocide is real, tell all your friends and buy a gun.
Colton Green
As a white male, I invoke my privilege of not getting killed by genocidal madmen.
Parker Cox
None of those apes are attractive. Kill yourself.
Christian Sullivan
Sorry m8, within 3rd generation of race-mixing my genes would have turned them into whites(this is assuming that I will only have girls and I will raise them to breed with white men).
Colton Green
Leo Ortiz
He called out the twitter account @whitegenocide(tm) right? Not the general use of the term
Colton King
thats not how genes work. and you dont eliminate them by turning them white. all you do is drag the white race down.
Kevin Murphy
Yeah, but basically the same thing. I love how clumsily these groids are trying to slide the whole discussion away from Clinton and onto le ebil whyte maine
Elijah Edwards
it's weird. There are some legitimately attractive negresses out there. You seem to be trying to find ugly ones.
Grayson Barnes
filtered, reported and noted.
Parker Price
Why don't we destroy the black races by infusing them with our white genes! That way there'll be no black people anymore!
Xavier Howard
Sorry for not being nothing more than normal fingol who happens to vote for leftist alliance.
It would work if all non-white males were castrated or killed off.
Nathaniel Long
Chase Myers
Nice dubs but don't respond. You're not going to change the mind of a shill, and you'll only frustrate yourself. The best way to make him/it look like a dumbass is to just let him/it shout into the void.
Parker Rogers
most white traits are recessive, genetically speaking. If I marry a nigger, my children will be niglets. They won't be white.
Zachary Lewis
Ayden Smith
Then obviously marry both a white and a black lady. Slowly dillute the black race away.
Parker Hughes
filtered and reported
David Collins
By the 3rd generation they will be white as the Sargon the cuck is.
Dominic Williams
Then have a child out of wedlock. If it's a half-breed why would it matter? It was common in the south.
Angel Foster
There is clearly only viable option to secure the future of white race!
Quit posting those pictures, you're re-igniting my jungle fever.
Jayden Collins
I've always said, this period in 2016 has been our final chance to make a stand. And if fail; we're going to see a fightback from the elite. Too many people have revealed their shitlording sympathies. Imagine what it must feel like for the kikes - that with all that power, after shutting everything down, after all that brainwashing. People still hate them and always will hate them.
If Trump looses expect to see the biggest "SHUT IT DOWN" yet.
Eli Nguyen
fuck off
Elijah Brown
"White genocide"
In America the term is more (((dangerous))) than than the happening.
Elijah Foster
For u.
Luis Robinson
the ridiculousness of this being asked in the house of representatives, what does anything said have to do with why comey was being questioned?
Nolan White
What the fuck is wrong with you? Niggers are fucking disgusting, they're not even human beings.
Connor Mitchell
So put the human being in them!
Mixed race is the only solution!
Angel Bennett
disgusting thread lads
Caleb Peterson
Liam Walker
its because he was black and worried about a push back. Its probably him sliding this thread now desperately hoping we fuck his women and go away.
Hunter Ward
I'd bet 20 zogbucks that if we had flags, we'd be seeing a couple New Zealanders in this thread. Not all of us are into shagging domestic farm animals. Just the god damned kiwis.
Juan Sanders
gotta give it to them, they did well in derailing it.
Gavin Stewart
who is that kike?
negresses look bizarre. some of them have some features that could be considered attractive but the sum of all parts is always something that resembles a monkey wearing lipstic and a wig.
Cooper Johnson
it was a very successful derail no one is even talking about the subject anymore
Carter Turner
Fuck off. What the governments of white countries are doing to their own people IS genocide.
Daniel Parker
I lost my virginity to a halfbreed. It was a threesome, so degenerate.
Colton Thomas
This is why we have ID+ filtering.
Easton Moore
I wouldn't mind keeping one as a sex pet/maid, but i wouldn't sire any niglets.
Oliver Carter
This is some real ass pain from intl and leftypol right now. How does it feel knowing white genocide will end soon and normies will talk about it daily?
You won't be able to think much longer. >>>/oven/
Ethan Thomas
Why not? You don't have to give birth to them and surely as you believe your genes to be more conductive to civilization, it would make black people less dangerous on average.
Take one for the team, bud!
Henry Thompson
Jaxon Wood
>>>Holla Forums >>>/oven/ >>>/auschwitz/
Easton Hughes
Brody Murphy
Hello cuck.
This is reactionary desperation, probably at watching your sister go black.
Just a reminder that even other shitskins acknowledged that white women were the ultimate prize
Austin Phillips
Good, I will probably join you then on that day of cleansing, and wait for the white nation-states to rise and restart our colonial projects in Africa and Asia.
Christopher Roberts
Why not? We're presenting a pretty good case to sire mixed children and thus cuck black males for the good of ALL of society and all you counter with is
Brody Baker
I really don't understand why racemixers pretend they enjoy fucking black women, they are settling for last. Whites are first, Asians are second, Indians are third, Niggers are last.
No one wants to fuck black women, they've just got no other options.
Ian Brooks
Do they do it for free?
Landon Ward
I can withstand the images, but I wouldn't be able to withstand the smell.
Ian Martinez
My sister is already an responsible adult, she is free to make her own decisions in life. If she desires life of sexual slavery, that is her choice.
Ayden Wilson
Nice dubs.
Why would you want to settle for something so normal and dull as white woman? Secondly, culturally speaking there is really nothing worse than a white whiny woman.
Adrian Harris
Mixed breed negroids have allegiance with other negroids while being more intelligent and thus more of a threat. They cling on even harder to their african heritage because of their identity crisis. Bob Marley, Malcolm X immediately come to mind without even doing any research.
Have fun with your leftovers BTW
Ryan Russell
What the fuck, this came out of nowhere during a Clinton hearing, and was ultimately an attack on Trump.
The director at least seemed dismissive of everything.
Brandon Jenkins
It's time for a trip to the oven.
John Miller
Kill yourself, your mother must be ashamed of you.
Chase Jackson
Jacob Bailey
How much will blacknes have to be dilluted until an individual is no longer "inherently" loyal to black people?
Jacob Edwards
When your entire life is devoted towards getting "back" at the black man
So was it your mother as well or what? There was quite a lot of thinly-veiled bitterness here
Christian White
Why would she be ashamed me? Her identity is not build around race, but rather Christianity.
Jaxson Moore
Not praising kek? Enjoy the jew God faggot
Liam Scott
After that entire fucking thread, no one bothered to make a webm of the mentioned segment? You really are a bunch of fucking larpers.
Chase Howard
>>>/oven/ You're so damn fucking obvious, you piece of subhuman filth.
Jace Morales
Larping as a kike is just as bad as being a kike. We're going to lynch you too.
Carson Kelly
I don't get what you're saying.
Let me rephrase. I a 1/8th black person still bound to "side" with black people. How about a 1/16th part black person?
Nice impotent chestpounding. This really reminds me of 2004 internet toughguys.
Logan Jones
I see all that cuck porn finally made you snap, cuck. You can't even hide your bitterness.
Jace Martin
Levi Brown
Okay. I am willing to bet none of you guys are going to lynch anyone on a large scale the next 50 years at least.
That's why I call it impotent chestpounding. It's just an empty thread, the weakest and most pathetic one of its kind.
Ryan Taylor
Do they do it (((FOR FREE)))
Joseph White
So who linked you to Holla Forums? Which article? Did you really think you were going to stop racism with pictures of niggers in makeup and bikinis?
Kill yourself, cuck.
Lincoln Taylor
Jesus they are getting desperate
Hunter Taylor
we've all made mistakes when we were young user. just don't do it again
Wyatt Richardson
I presented an argument for race-mixing as a way of getting rid of all the problems you guys feel there is in society today that doesn't require a great political uheaval.
All you guys can do is cuckpost though. Because you get triggered. It's like tumblr in here.
Jackson Nelson
Your psyche has literally been shattered by one too many cuck videos. Now you spend all day trying to get back at the black man by spamming on an imageboard. Peddle your inferiority complex back at cuckchan, cuck.
Owen Taylor
What the fuck is a "cuck video"? Movies or something?
Leo Sullivan
Yes, that's because you're either nonwhite or a cuck.
Luis Gutierrez
It's another planned push of the recent campaign to use us to smear him and separate us, started by his """antisemitic""" tweet but surely waiting in the wings for months.
Nicholas White
I mentioned that one ought breed with both white and black women. At no point did I say that you should breed with black women exclusively.
Gavin Ortiz
you can convince me to love a black woman.
you can't convince me to have a black son.
Nathan Peterson
I bet the jews are sweating big while white genocide is getting mentioned more and more in public spaces.
Michael Phillips
It`s exactly the point m8. Without black sons your family within 2-3 generations will become fully white.
Brayden Flores
More of this
Carter Scott
Use youtube-dl, it works fine. I'll working on a webm, stay tuned.
Benjamin Rogers
That's some dedication there for barbaric tribal sheboons in modern day clothing. You posting out of your zoo folder collection?
Jeremiah Cruz
True Holla Forums veterans have such acuity for detecting and mocking bullshit that infiltrators are no real threat to us here.
We need to keep hitting hard. We have a presidential candidate, we are the underground that is attracting rebellious youth to the right, our propaganda is effecting political results (Brexit being most dramatic), and they're talking about us in congressional hearings.
Hunter Martin
fug :D
Mason Sanders
Read the ID`s. Secondly, this is only my secondary folder as my first one with over 300 pics got destroyed when I had to wipe my computer clean.
Jayden Howard
white genes are recessive. if you mate with blacks, your children will be black.
Zachary Gonzalez
calling everyone who disagrees a shill is not an accurate way of "finding out infiltrators"
Dominic Lewis
Well, obviously you just have to dillute it A LOT.
Does the fact that James Comey claims to not have heard of him and his site make it more or less likely that Anglin's a plant?
Congratulations, you can use VPNs.
You're filtered in either case, so fuck off.
Owen Davis
Nigger, face shots of black girls is like posting portraits of argonian girls and expecting me to fap over that. It doesn't work because I can't be attracted to the ugly faces. Just get to the point and post the horse/black girl pussy. Actually, post horse vaginas.
Hunter Robinson
Camden Jackson
Thomas Watson
Jayden Gonzalez
what part of "white genes are recessive" don't you understand?
it takes about 32 generations of white selective breeding to cleanse nigger genes out of a pool, but it takes a single white on black pregnancy to nigger the entire genetic line.
Jonathan Baker
The long term outcome of what faggots like you propose would be a world where everyone is mixed, where there is one mixed culture and language, where every city looks like every other city and, there is a single global government. A nice grey global conformity and the death of the very diversity liberals love so much. Why would any race want that? Is it because you're a mongrel and want everyone else to be one too so you feel like you belong?
Daniel Morgan
Having a kid is a fucking commitment you communist faggot. Unlike you, good white folks don't go around fucking every bitch they see.
Chase Brown
| |> | |3 |
William Wilson
I'd rather lick hist sap from a dirty Argonian cloaca than kiss a nigger tbph.
Michael White
Grayson Jackson
lamenting White genocide is hate and dangerous!
Joseph Ward
Here's something most of you dont know about sheboons. Most are secretly into scat porn.
Luke Harris
Niggers are only good at destruction. They can't into infrastructure, society, agriculture, and etc.
Jace Fisher
So basically what this nigger wants is for the notion of white genocide to be considered hate speech, made unprotected, and used as a method for ending free speech and further destroying white people.
Robert Scott
William Howard
jesus go back to 4cuck
Juan Parker
Bait + Context Denial = Shitposting
Niggers have all of Africa. Let them go back there.
Europe and North America, probably Australia/NZ too.
Nobody is stopping us from reproducing physically; rather, our enemies are acting to make it unappealing to our people (esp. the youth and women) to reproduce, esp. in number, while shipping in enough muds (with their higher fertility) to override our numbers.
Its not an argument. Its not a debate. If you deny white genocide, you're just a tin-foil conspiracy theorist, and ought be dismissed as such. ;^)
Aiden Bell
Why do we even have moderation? What role do they serve?
Liam Wilson
It's literally less people than you can count on one hand afaik. Since they do things too (intl doesn't since they are all highschoolers and college kids getting gender degrees) they can't do mod stuff very often.
Hiring new people means real intl shills get in.
William Stewart
Carson Russell
Filter all nigger shilling and focus on the topic
Elijah Anderson
And? All they have to do is check in once every 2 hours. It shouldn't be that hard, and its basically the entire point of moderation in this context - a sweep ever 2 hours or so to clean out the refuse.
Except they don't actually 'hire' anyone, its volunteer status afaik. Further, they have access to the posting history - it shouldn't be THAT hard to find a non-intl addition to the team. Further still, your commentary implies there are not already intl-tier scum on the moderation staff, and I'm not convinced of such.
Here's the best part: In many cases, they DO manage to do the 1-2 hour sweeps to keep shit out… But the amount of shit they let slip through the cracks begs the question of
I was banned for 3 fucking days, for defeatism, for a post suggesting Trump isn't Hitler reborn. Yet here I look around, and moderation was on less than an hour ago - granted, only to dismiss reports on a post.
Additionally, the mods were on three hours ago. Its 17:30ish. Nigger spam started at 14:30ish. Purely coincidental, right? Nah, this shit happens - moderation suddenly disappearing in concert with rampant shitposting which is allowed to stand - with frightening regularity, and I suspect the reason is that its part of the moderation staff that is engaged in this activity.
Again, the moderation staff or BO at least have access to the posting history - it really shouldn't be hard to find people to fill out the ranks effectively.
And if blatant spamming of negroids while shilling for miscegenation and denying white genocide isn't worthy of being excised, or at least warned with a 24 hour ban, what the fuck is?
Aiden Evans
King Nigger Obongo is the most obvious example. Half-white, disowned by the nigger side of his family, raised by his white grandparents…..still went full nigger.
As much I love to fuck black women, I'd never want one to have my children.
It's not excused, you fucking mongoloid. Are you just an intl shill as well? Fuck off, kike.
Zachary Lewis
What the fuck are you on about, you pillock?
Alexander Thomas
It's insane how much time this nog and Cummings spent on Black identity politics in a hearing on a COMPLETELY UNRELATED subject without being called out on it.
Aiden Martinez
I'm going to get a white wife to breed with but I'm also going to keep a negress fuckbuddy on the side.
Ayden Thomas
I`m back boys
Adrian Gomez
Even when I was a shitty liberal, the thought of having a half black baby grossed me out. Who wants to have a kid that doesn't even remotely look like them?
David Jenkins
Me 2 m8! My dick is diamonds right now.
Benjamin Wilson
What a shock, a Negroid doesn't want whites to be able to even think about protecting themselves.
Luke Brooks
Why not send the africans to china so they can be culturally enriched?
Or the muslims to africa advertising fertile land to be had if worked for.
Im sure they'd be happier in those places over the "racist" areas like the UK or the US.
Ryder Nelson
Reminder: White people fucking niggers created the Puerto Riccan, Arab and nigger-Hindu races
Joshua Davis
The black chicks posted so far are hotter tbh.
Henry Wright
Luis Ward
No one want to fuck you Jew
Christian Morris
Attention, please.
What is happening in this thread is a suble form of sliding. They trigger people addicted to porn so they will leave the thread and masturbate. They don't want to convert you, they just want to slow down the discussion by flipping that switch addicts have. The more you know.
Thank you for your attention, you can go back doing whatever.
Nathaniel Nelson
Isaiah Hughes
Well please forgive me, because I'm falling for it.
At least you're posting white women
Colton Moore
oh god my dick
Nolan Fisher
I don't know the case with blacks but I'm Australian and with Muslims and Abos its worse when they're half half, as they have the destructive genes from muds and noongas but more intelligence meaning they are destructive but can think and not just act in a way that'll only harm them
Grayson Bennett
First pic got me hard. But that's rare.
Brayden White
Jason Kelly
I think the fact that Comey doesn't know him shows that monitoring protected speech on the interwebs in case of hurt fee fees is pretty far down on the FBI's to do list.
Having said that, under the upcoming Clinton administration monitoring "hate" is all the FBI will be able to do and a newly liberal supreme court will say that certain forms of "incendiary" speech are not protected under the 1st amendment.
Christopher Price
These fucking mods are so god damn useless I swear to god
Jack Allen
all semi attractive black ones he posted are mixed
David Wright
you're not cucking black males by fucking negresses because white women are superior
are you cucking a ford driver if you trade your ferrari for his ford?
Carter Thompson
FBI director said nothing wrong there even though they wanted him to, good on him.
Carter Brown
Ryan Fisher
Did you really think you'd come on here and convince any of us to race-mix? Consider euthanasia.
Brandon Nelson
4cuck pls go
Comey basically said that unless people call for violence or advocate violence, they're not worth the investigation because we have the 1st amendment protection of speech.
And Anglin has never called for any violence and his site has a disclaimer.
this is all about getting internet controls in to ban free speech
Jacob Morris
is that what, an hour long? more?
where is the WG part?
Brayden Gonzalez
Wyatt Murphy
Of course, it has to be a St.Louis/Ferguson nigger Representative
Charles Miller
(Checked) What goody bowtie. Who does this nig think he is?
James Moore
James Campbell
dubs say… Anti-white nigger BTFO
David Johnson
This and the Chimp out in the same day Coincidence?
Nathan Morgan
Now there's something I really didn't expect.
Chase Ross
in the olden days they'd say a comet was either a good or bad omen…
Isaac Williams
This man gets it.
Henry Harris
HAHAHA you disgusting niggers steal everything from whites, even our blood. Then you call it your own.
Pic related, pure blood african.
Nicholas Martinez
He was expecting the white guy to say some shit about The white genocide tweets and then drop the Trump retweeting bump.
Noah White
Race mixed people have, on average, an IQ between the average IQ of the race of each parent. Africans have an average IQ of ~80, Europeans at ~100. I don't want borderline retarded kids.
Enough said.
Jordan Cook
He is literally asking the law to crack down on people for saying things. This nigger hates whites that dare speak out about how they are being displaced by more and more non-white immigration, & how their percentage of the population is being PURPOSEFULLY driven down to eventually make them minorities…minorities without any protections, minorities that are discriminated against with "affirmative action" programs designed to put them last in hiring & last in everything.
Clearly the gibbering, feces-flinging congressman is upset that there are whites that will not be silent about their own genocide-through-displacement, and he wants all whites to go away quietly, without a fuss.
I think the tree-swinging congressman with the prehensile toes needs to read the 1st Amendment of the Constitution he is sworn to uphold, even though reading may be a bit beyond his natural capabilities.
You just know that while he's asking this insane question that, under his desk, he's peeling a banana with his feet.
Gabriel Thomas
user: "Hey guise!! Guise!! I have a great idea to stop white genocide!! Let's destroy the white race by miscegenation!!! Then there won't be any white race to worry about!!
Sheer genius.
Dominic Collins
Wasn't this the same congressman who baited Martin Shkrelli about supposed unethical practices? Makes you think.
Benjamin Torres
I swear the moments you faggots from 4chan bring the Makes you think to this board im leaving
Nicholas Evans
I'm sorry sir, could you tell me what dialect of niggerspeak that is?
Alexander Bennett
That chinaman has a cranial volume at least twice as large as the melanin enriched gentleman.
Jayden Brooks
jesus christ stop kidding yourselves, you just want to fuck tan wihte women
Jackson Hughes
I thought this was a fucking hearing on Clinton, why is this nigger bringing this up even?
And fuck him too, implying that there isn't an effort to eliminate the white race.
Ian King
I really don't think the FBI gives a flying fuck about a White Nationalist website.
Or let me put it this way; when you're the head of the FBI that shit does not get on your desk.
Fuck that stupid derailing nigger.
Owen Allen
Better yet, why did no one reprimand that fucker? There's a huge scandal, a huge matter of great national concern, and this jiggaboo starts whining about a website.
Cameron Moore
Gee whizz, wanna same the same about BLM you fucking retarded nigger?
Kevin Campbell
Jaxson Jenkins
I guess the Jews deleted the Andrew Anglin thread?
Jackson Martin
Gabriel Richardson
Comey's comet. lol.
Wyatt Phillips
Levi Robinson
Colton Long
>too many goyim reject "diversity" AKA "intermix out of existence" programming I can see why they keep getting kicked out of countries. They're mentally retarded.
Levi Wright
get the fuck out
Lincoln Ward
I did as well, she was actually one of the better girls I dated. Mexican girl was the worst, Muslim girl was one of the best. Sadly all if mt gfs that were white all turned out to be the most degenerate ones.
Ethan Perez
I'm sorry user but that image is wrong. Bond is not black.
Benjamin Young
Wow, really makes you think…
He's referring to the "really makes you think" meme that's popular on cuckchan.
Lucas Turner
That's not a Chinamen though. He's the bigger nigs son/brother/cousin or some shit. I remember seeing the video awhile back the big nig on the left beat the nig of the left for doing something bad or something. Can't remember what it was.
Charles Johnson
And they question why anti-semitism is increasing. It surely can't involve them having a strange obsession with hating white goyim, right?
William Walker
Big nig on the right*
Luke Jones
muh dik
Thomas Flores
Whos the qt 3.14 behind the nigger in the white jacket?
Nathan Thompson
Comey you know you faggots have been looking at our website don't try to play neutral
Juan Jackson
Why doesn't this Holla Forums have flags?
It's so handy knowing to just ignore someone because they're a leaf…
Michael Bailey
Why don't you people just fuck mares? It's safer and they look the same. Giving niggers white genes makes them stronger. It's like Saruman mixing orcs and humans to make urukhai. Diluting their genes is retarded. It just makes them harder to genocide. If you are tired of white female communists date an honorary aryan. They are our greatest allies. Or at least something other than a nigger. If you still want to fuck niggers just kill yourself and fuck demons in hell.
Ethan Nelson
comey the cumrag
Julian Gonzalez
niggers are a living meme
Benjamin Lewis
Me too. Love me some nice ebony bitches. No breeding, though, of course.
Levi Watson
The whole point of nationalism is to bring up and do what is best for your race, to love your race. We should no more destroy other races than they should destroy us. Hitler did not believe in elevating the german people to the detriment of all others. There is no reason each nation cannot should not strive for excellence as the Germans once did.
Bentley Edwards
5:20 Lacy mentions Trump retweeting #whitegenocide, and it starts raining salt Comey laughs off the judaism, video ends