Tfw to smart too use Windows but not smart enough for BSD or Linux
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Are you sure about that?
Start reading.
Windows users everyone.
Read the post again, he is obviously using macos
It sucks to be a lazy genius
Tell me what the next big app is and i'll make it.
If you're actually serious with that fedora-tipper tone of yours and want to get away from Windows but don't know where to start, just go with fucking Ubuntu despite what some autists here would say.
Okay. Basically it sends an alert on your phone whenever a women's nipples are hard in the vicinity. It's called "Nip Alert"
If you were smart you wouldn't be lazy.
Then he's not smart enough to know he's already using a BSD.
OS X/macOS is not "just FreeBSD".
No, retard, you're an idiot.
not my fault u suck @ sh*tposting
Linux is not hard, it just gives you an opportunity to make it hard.
Unless you run into hardware support issues, then it can get hard all by itself.
The fuck is this shit
Using Linux is fucking easy m8. Want proof? Everyone here who uses Linux seems to be mentally retarded.
September is over but the children still infest the site.
sup newfag
ok im going to make a competing app and call it boner boy and basically it sends an alert everytime a mans penis becomes hard in the vicinity.
You're mentally retarded. Sad to hear that user.
Try Solaris you dumb fuck.
It hasn't as much to do with intelligence as it has with memorizing a lot of shit just to use the OS. That is, unless you hold a firm grasp of autist logic, which is deeply ingrained into the whole system.
Sounds like you would have enjoyed Amiga or OS/2 computer.
In fact, I'm "smart" enough for the Unix systems (that's what I've been using since 1995), but I still prefer Amiga. I mean the old ones with 680x0 chips. It's only because the modern alternatives are so terrible that I bothered with Unix at all.
found the larper
kill yourself goon, your such a retard you can't even make a coherent sentence.
It's just getting used to a new paradigm. When your grandparents don't have a clue how to use their smartphones, that's you the first time you try a Unixlike.
GNU/Linux is so easy my mom can do it. Maybe you're just stupid, but smart enough to realize it.
well mamed my friend
Didm't you create this same thread on Holla Forums a couple of days ago?
I've never read a resource as useful as this one, I often wish other things had a handbook that nice. This is like a real product manual telling you how to do everything you'd ever need to know and it's all laid out in a format that's easy to navigate quickly.
Like when electronics used to actually ship with a textbook and it was the last thing you ever needed in order to operate the system effectively.
well spotted m8
How the fuck did you even get here?
heres what you do
this is pretty baby tier for anyone else reading, but if you want to get into *nix, there you go.
or, bear with me here, use an os that actually works
Yeah the 80's were better times.
Pic is BASIC and assembly language books that came with computer.
if you can't do this then you're retarded
Wait, this board isn't enough of a space space for you? The BO even bans people telling Holla Forumstards to fuck off.
someone made the board because stalmanism is pretty much commie shit, I think it's tollerable but a Holla Forums tech board is nice
I had a guide sitting around that I made and posted it there to help populate it as well as making that software for Holla Forums users thread
board is pretty much dead but by my count I've helped 4 maybe 5 users switch to linux
tl;dr board may be unnecessary but it helped some anons
Cross-thread spam or regular messages?
regular messages of course, how new are you kid?
Get a Mac
Install Homebrew
Best of both worlds
He might as well get Windows 10 and install Windows Subsystems for Linux instead, at least he'll get official support that way and he wont have to use a fucking Mac
Linux is not hard
Is time consuming at first
You have to learn almost everything from scratch and view your pc from another perspective
You have to get to know the thinking behind the OS, then everything will be easier
t. ex windows user, been using xubuntu since yesterday
Goddamnit. Just another reminder that I was born too late. 1992
Yo nigger, Wangblows user here. Windows is the most broken fucking shit of all time.
BSD > GNU/Linux > OSX > Windows
It wasn't bait you fucking mongoloid.
Literally semi-literates can use Linux Mint successfully OP. Stop making excuses.
use it yes but effectively use it?
I don't think they can effectively use any OS.
what do you mean effectively?
what constitutes effectively?
you're pretty damn stupid then tbh fam
Mostly for hentai and l33t h4cking like sniffing wifi networks and brute forcing passwords like a mad b055 on a tiled window manager with 6 rain meters
Install Wangblows 10 and install the bash shell and learn that if you're afraid.
Install macOS and learn the terminal if you're afraid and gay.
Windows Subsystems for Linux just werkz
Just get Ubuntu or Mint and learn by experience.
Listen to this user.
But not this faggot.
why are you on a website for chinese cartoons?
why are you on a board for ganoo?
that doesn't sound effective
that sounds wasteful
how am I supposed to run all of that shit on a 386?
It literally took me like a few minutes of interaction to install debian + tor. The rest was waiting for libraries to load and shit.
I would actually say it's harder to install windows 10 on a new machine do to the loads of dropdown boxes and settings.
Get in the game you idiot.