Was this the "Bazinga" if its day?





After that standup incident, I laugh extra hard when they show the Kramer episode where he meets the black parents in black face. Kind of puts it into a different perspective.

What? Fuck no, Bazinga is used like some sort of stupid rimshot after every "cheeky" joke.
NEWMAN actually had a purpose, it served as a quick and cheap way to remind the public just how much Jerry hates him. Imagine if they had to come up with several PG variations of "Oh god dammit it's that fucking fat cunt screwing me again, I'm gonna kill that faggot" all the time.

Out of a show about creepy annoying New York jews, the one character everyone liked was Kramer.

Yeah. The Jews were all borderline sociopaths and narcissists. Kramer was just a goofy goy with a wacky new plan for fun. He only wanted to share the good times with his friends.

They were all sociopaths in different ways and that's why I really connect with Jerry's character as a madman, but sane when compared to the rest of his friends, who he keeps around solely for the purpose of making his life seem better in comparison.

Yeah, you're the first person to have that idea

Your mum was the 'Bazinga' of her day

Was "Newman" an allegory for the jews, and Jerry was expressing his disgust of the kikes every time he said Newman's name?

Well, they were all jews, so there's not much point.

Newman was goy.

Even Kramer? I thought he was a goy, Michael Richards even called out a bunch of niggers for acting like niggers during one of his shows.

Kramer's a Jew. Michael Richards is a convert

But he was wacky and endearing.

Your point being?

I can't think of him as a jew when he did nothing wrong.

There are undoubtedly jews who did nothing wrong but they are such a minority and the rest are so destructive that it's probably safer to just let the oven sort them out.


That's an Italian surname although his parents act like complete jews

Dutch/German which means "traveling merchant". Obviously a kike but can be hit and miss in some cases.

Czech and Slovak, even though

Kike obviously

there's no such thing as a jewish convert
you're born one or you're not

Jews are not a race. Judaism is just a religion.

They are both.
Judaism is only recognised by other Jews as a child whose mother is Jewish.

I'm not sure, but a child who's mother is a convert probably doesn't count, either.

There's fewer and fewer Jews every generation. Maybe that's why they're trying to remove all other races, so they can breed in peace.

typical brainwashed republitard chiming in with his brainwashed opinion. Jews are jews. They are a religion of people.There is no such thing as an "ethnic jew".


There is, they are easily recognizable as they have very similar features due to very, very small gene pool among themselves as merchants
But their mixing with nobility also destroyed the shit out of them, especially sephardics

Med Coast semite, they are earingly similar to the lebanese, except not hunched and with no toddler blood addiction AFAIK

Don't be a faggot.
Their Holy Scriptures are what they base their entire faith off, and that's what is written in the fucking Torah and Dead Sea Scrolls.

t. user who grew up near lots of jews

Then how come you can ethnically cleanse them?

Fuck off you oven dodger.


That entire show was basically "JEWS in New York".

Their explanation was that Frank Costanza's family were from Italy. I'd assume they were Italian Jews.

You can convert to Judaism. They even had it in Seinfeld with Tim Whatley (played by Bryan Cranston), who converted to Judaism for the jokes.