For shitposting on youtube live chats, I changed my profile pic to a blank white 256x256 square. A few days later I get a warning about my profile pic being pornographic. I tried setting it back to white and was banned for two weeks. The ban was overturned on appeal but now if I try setting it to a white square it's reverted within 30 minutes.
If I use a BLACK square instead, it works fine. Google hates whites.
I've included both if you want to try it on your own G+ account. I'm interested if the 256x256 white square gets rejected on your profiles, too.
Google+ is Racist
People use Google+?
Just for youtube and hangouts (used in my company).
>>>Holla Forums
not sure whats going on here but if it is like you describe then thats just retarded
It is. I'm currently doing a binary search to find how white is unacceptable for Google. I have a #808080 256x256 square up right now. #fefefe was rejected so there's some middle ground.
Are you the same guy that posts that in every thread?
Well shit
kill yourself.
So #f0f0f0 works while #f1f1f1 is rejected after some minutes.
why are you such a flaming homosexual?
Google+? The service moot went work for?
You don't say?!
Go back to 4chan you flaming faggot cuckold.
It'd honestly be more alive than here, wouldn't have mods on 8/pol/ banning me for going against the groupthink, and wouldn't have to deal with retarded filenames because the staff of this website is too fucking stupid to actually fix the schema of vichan.
We really should go back to 4chan. This is the Detroit of the internet, it's full of niggers trying to intellectually mug you at every turn.
So fuck off.
I don't really care about Holla Forums nor do I honestly like them, but OP here has a valid point to make about something unfair google is doing. Go bitch this isn't a leftist hugbox somewhere else.
what's up with all the offtopic shitposting in this thread? Somebody besides op try it and post results.
So you've not heard..
Fuck off communist
It works with white as long as at least one of the pixels isn't white.
Seems like whatever algorithm they use to generate hash code of the picture, produced a collision between porn and blank white square.
Hear what? That they didn't lose any activity at all, really? Contrary to this shithole that has lost a lot of activity since the fall we came here.
That halfchan is dying.
Not an argument.
the only google-accepted porn avatar
I agree with the posters on the Holla Forums shit. It's not that I give a fuck what Holla Forums does on their board, but they infest literally everything else. You can't talk about a cartoon on Holla Forums without some Holla Forumsfag complaining it was written by a jew or some car on /o/ is degenerate because it has a sunroof.
how absolutely disgustingly jewish
You understand, of course, that if 4chan shuts down 4/pol/ they're all going to come here?
Why are you on Holla Forumschan, then? You're a locust, spreading from field to field destroying it. Go back to the barren waste you previously created.
Go back to stormfront you fucking neckbeard. The rest of the internet is not for you.
Again, why the fuck are you here?
Rhetorical question, I'm fully aware it's because you hate the site you "won". You're a Muslim refugee of the internet. Having driven the best people from your land and destroyed it, you invade theirs and try to drive them out again.