Time to trigger some SJWs again
Mr president
trump bump
I liked the part when he complained about buzzfeed.
If I wanted to troll SJW's, I would wear a t-shirt of Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad.
I feel like taking a piss mates.
I love Trump
RIP king of the spear chuckers
Trump just crushed that press conference, he hasn't calmed at all. He's getting more powerful.
Is buzzfeed gonna finally be dead? What about CNN?
He is already the greatest president of all time literally
Halfchan theme, just go back.
photoshop…try harder noob
You're a failing pile of garbage
that's pretty funny tbh
who's this demen semon
Trips makes it true
fuck off kike. Trump is just a stepping stone, there won't be 8 years of your faggotry. In 4 years Israel will get the nuclear treatment and there's nothing you can do about it
Here we go again with the Trump ass-kissing/worshiping. You guys are just as brainwashed as Obama supporters.
stay salty pussy boy
I'm not salty. I'm simply speaking the truth. But it looks like you're salty.
I don't care about the discussion but that pic is
the Syndrome of a down
I can sense the saltiness in you.
Well your senses are shit I don't care about the topic I am not some fat fucking American. I just think than even having that pic on your hard drive should get you arrested by the FBI for violating the human rights treaty.
You are so damn salty, I can taste just how salty your tears are. LOL Just looking at a Latino man fuck a hot redhead woman makes you angry.
It's more the ridiculously bad chat bubbles.
Also I do not think that guy is Latino. Furthermore she isn't a real redhead. You're pic is just shit that's all.
Stay salty my friend.
You're putting a lot of effort into this for subpar results.
just an onlooker
stay salty wetback your tears are Delicious
I'm glad that trump is gonna be president. But you really think that there are sjws on Holla Forums? (that one guy who had the /sjw/ board ditched).
There aren't man.
Holla Forums is still a virtue signaling hugbox, and Holla Forums is a commie hugbox. The people into politics on this site are always so far in one direction and dellusional/childish its not even funny.
Trumps got a good chance to make a difference; hope he does.The premise of your thread is flawed.
Upvoted!!! xxxDDDDDDDDDD
SJWs are commies dummy
Nice non arguement.
Get over it, you can't create a consesus with any person with even a bit of intelligence by shouting it down as reddit.
See the first reply.
This is untrue. There may be some that are both commie and sjw but its far from a given.
People here have some sort of cognitive dissonance.Not liking commies and neo nazi LARPers dosen't equal reddit you sad kids.
You're getting older, and you'll realisize you never learned to do anything but virtue signal and shout shit down.
Make an argument, this shits sad.
SJWs come directly from Cultural Marxism that user was correct.
I voted for Trump. I didn't let emotional thinking obscure my judgment. Trump master race
dub trip dubs. You cant refute this. Have a little Trump OC
Did I just win the internet?
Allright, tell us what is wrong with his policies, and general standpoints. If we really are brainwashed, tell us where we are wrong. Because with this kind of non-argument discourse, you'll only make us like him more.
Oh, I get it! Because of the golden shower allegations. Barth2032