Classic Joker Storytime

Celebrating Jo-Jo Day with Mr. J.




Just so you know, these stories are massively out of order.

Dig that Jerry Robinson artwork.



The art for this issue is early Dick Sprang. You can tell from the strong caricature and the unique panel layouts. He was drawing for Batman since the 40's.

It's really a shame that DC doesn't recognize him like they do Neal Adams or Frank Miller. He was instrumental in defining Batman.


Joker Is A Dick: The Comic.

Oh, I'd have to buy that comic if I was kid back in the day. I mean, what the fuck?

I love that The Joker actually spent money advertising his upcoming crime spree.

They knew how to sell comics back in the day.

One of the more clever ways to thwart the Joker.







This one is an odd one.




Why Bruce and Dick shared the same bed during this period ?

They didn't.

I know you're referencing the Superdickery image, but if you look closely, you can see that it's really TWO beds. Sheldon Moldoff's art just isn't that good, unfortunately.


… I just started and I have SEVERAL questions about this. I mean, he can hypnotize them PHYSICALLY back in time, or is it a mental thing? Is it like Assassin's Creed, or what?

I like that they just sorta keep tickling him after the scheme is over, just to make him look like the Joker more.

They actually do go back in the time. There is historical evidence that proves they did it.

Some more Joker hijinks.


The Joker pulling a prank on people? Absurd!

We're getting into full Dick Sprang with this issue. The Joker's Fritz Lang getup, his giant office, and his amazing disguise of a ridiculous mustache. I love it all.




I wish these characters would team up more often.


So ends one of the best partnerships in comics.

No humorous antics are safe from the Joker's schemes, not even college hazing.

Here we get our first glimpse at Joker's giant vaults of swag. If you ever wondered how the Joker funded his insane operations, now you know.



Once again, the Joker starts this plot off by being a dick.





In a shocking twist, The Joker actually WINS in this issue.


I was kind of hoping "BATMAN THE CLOWN" would show up in a Batman: Brave and The Bold cold opening.







Continuing my classic Joker dump.



















I like the Joker's master plan in comic.













I can't believe anyone actually fell for that ad.

So ends my classic Joker storytime.

There are many more Joker stories from the golden age out there than what I posted here, so you might want to grab a torrent and check them all out.

Just a few pages in and it already doesn't make any sense at all

You would be surprised how often Batman time traveled. I guess Bill Finger wanted to put his knowledge of historical trivia to good use.


Silver Age?

Why not? Since I consider Batman's Silver Age to be the advent of the "New Look"(1964), that's what I'll storytime.

Joker has a scant few appearances in this time, mostly thanks to DC reducing the original 52 pages to the now standard 30.

But we should be lucky we even have Joker stories at all. The big Sci-fi push at the tail end of the 50's nearly killed off his rogues gallery, and Batman comics period.




It's Joker's SECOND movie themed crime spree. Look at that sweet Carmine Infantino artwork. It's like a oasis in a desert of mediocrity.

They actually adapted this issue for the Batman TV Show, but gave it to the Riddler instead.

Everybody remember TRAMP, DEADPAN, SPECS, and BANJO? They were certainly better comedians than Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, and Harpo Marx.

I wonder if the Joker's goons from the BATB episode "Emperor Joker" had these names.



Man, classic joker is an S-grade asshole

Who needs crime when you can MERCHANDISE?


Of course, merchandising his mug is just an opener for his real scheme, INVENTING NETFLIX.

Gaggy is the only Joker sidekick I acknowledge.

That's evil incarnate
Not even Vince McMahon charges that much…

I like to believe that James Tucker put Gaggy in the episode "Night Of The Batmen" as a take that to Paul Dini forcing Harley Quinn on him.

You get what you pay for.


Earth is just too small for the Joker. He needs to be the Clown Prince of Crime ON THE MOON.


One of the Joker's more inspired death traps. I bet you little faggots didn't know the Joker glows in the dark.

And with that, we're done with The Joker's NEW LOOK appearances.

The Silver Age and its wackiness. Jeez.

What a dick the narrator is to forget the brother's name.

Trump approves.

Golden Age. That story was published in 1948.

Seriously? They wrote a story of Batman going in time just to find a Joker-look a like criminal?
With hypnosis, mind you.

Jesus H. Christ.

Charming, and cringeworthy. Gotta love alliteration.

What if I told you everything you knew about the Golden Age was a lie?


Every Joker was an asshole.


At least he's a laugh.

Anyone got more to storytime?