French fag goes on rampage in Apple Store

Which one of you did this?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's using a steel ball to smash the screens.

If only that faggot reserved his hipster rage on bashing Muslims heads instead of iPhone screens

Arigato... Gyro...

He ain't no fag. Seems pretty based.

fucking apple shit up for any reason deserves an applause

he probably is a muslim

So much this.

This guy is a fucking hero

Remove this. I am an apple user and this video triggers me.

Only thing he did wrong was not working faster and finishing the job.

Stop falling for viral marketing shit.


It's highly triggering watching all of this high quality, reasonably priced, Apple technology being destroyed.

Posted from my iPhone

Why didn't he smash those fucking imacs???? idiot

Was it ever revealed what his fucking problem was?

I guess you could say he really phoned it in.

He received bad customer service apparently, I don't know any more than that.

You mean your wife's son's iPhone?

Problem is, it only costs Apple $3 to make a phone, and those were all designated for display models.

He'd have destroyed more value by wrecking that table.


He's obviously mentally unstable to have such an extreme reaction. I wonder what will happen to him?

yeah, apple service is a bit of a cunt if go anywhere beyond the usual shit

I just made it up. Problem?

Yeah I have a fucking problem. A problem with liars on the internet.


Here's a shitty chart to make it up to you.

A certain percentage of phones will pass QC, yet still be faulty when the customer buys them. This number will dwarf all the display models in all Apple shops worldwide.

He should have raged smarter to maximize damage.

I still don't believe your $3 phone hypothesis considering they are fully functional iPhones.

You would know this if you've ever been to an Apple Store.

I know. The chart clearly shows the materials alone cost more than $3. If I were a burger, I'd now ask you to 'sue me'.

Yes, I don't like retards.

If you were a burger I'd have eaten you already.

What was his end-game?

To become more authentic?
Who knows. Hipster thinking is weird.

Very nice

This guy gets it, Apple's store furniture is worth more than the garbage sold on it.

Their stuff is at the very high end of what the public can touch and has to be kept in pristine condition.

Getting caught.

I want this to spark a revolution.

What's the next step in his master plan?

Go back where you came from degens
>>>Holla Forums

I like it.


Are you new? I don't think you understand how this works.
Who brought up off topic trife first? did, therefore he is the one who must return to his designated board because this is Holla Forums, not Holla Forums. It would be like me posting hadiths in Holla Forums, wouldn't be very welcomed would it?
Also, why send me to /tumblr/? Like, I get /islam/, but Tumblr? You're not one of those 'everyone who disagrees with me is an SJW' kinda guys are you? Actually, you probably are, since you're clearly someone dumb enough to eat up Holla Forums retardation.


You sure upset some faux-intellectuals with that lol

You shouldn't expect people to talk exclusively about X on /X/, just not derail threads with anything else or create threads not about X.
Because they hopped on the "religion of peace" bandwagon with their usual moderation.
As a Holla Forumsnologist also going on Holla Forums, you're wrong. The signal to noise ratio is about the same as on Holla Forums (maybe even better).

I'm not saying some degree of diverging from original topic shouldn't happen, I'm saying that here, it's completely unwarranted the thread had literally nothing to do with Islam, Muslims or even Arabs, at all.
Who is 'they'?
No, I'm literally saying Holla Forums's views on a large quantity of things are stupid and reminiscent of a 12 year old edgelord and the signal to 'noise' ratio is most definitely not better, considering there's so much noise that I once thought it was a satirical board. Also
You mean Holla Forumsie, who the hell calls themselves a Holla Forumsnologist here?

Fuck off redditor

I'm not even talking about racism, just about going way off topic for no reason.

I don't understand him even though I'm french. He talks about the Consumer's Rights, Contratist Laws. I think he's talking about Apple deliberately not offering refunds in their consumer policy even though it's against a law. I'm no lawyer nor am I living in Frankistan so I have no way to know. And the bit I do understand is he saying:
Basically he feels he's in the right and backed by the law which is why he's not scared about showing his face (I think he's being recorded by a friend). He even taunts the guard about it saying it's all gonna be on youtube.

Someone post this on cuckchan /g/ and report back with the salty shill reactions

I saw it posted on /r/apple and some were talking about how therapeutic the noises were... they spin everything into an excuse for an Apple product to give them an orgasm.

I have a macbook pro, and they fucked up my repair three times so they decided to give me a brand new machine. Not bad service.

Crashing that Apple Store with NO SURVIVORS

*hits the dab*

Hmm, mabe a new form/way of playing Jeux de Boules?

Yes, it's Petanque. It's not new though.

This should be official Holla Forums banner.

Be the change you want to see by killing yourself.

I'm not even Holla Forums you idiot and I'm not the one who derailed the topic, all I did was tell the idiot not to do this in future and people decided to argue with me so I defended my position like any normal person Read: autist would.

where do I donate money for his legal fees?

If you hadn't said anything the topic wouldn't have been derailed, so yes you did derail the topic. Fuck off back to reddit you fucking faggot. If you don't like imageboards go to where you can downboat people you disagree with to hide their opinion from the world. This isn't that place.

You can send bitcoins to the French Fag Legal Defense Fund at this address

need something a little more substantial before I start emailing rando's cybersheckels

Wow people are really starting to act out. Either way 10/10.

Guy who said the French hister should bash Muslims heads in here

I just wanted to say for the record this;
Was literally the only post I made in this entire thread

Its a real shame mentally ill leftards have to shit up this site, oh well

Oh hey, someone saved the picture I made for 4/pol/ in 2012 or something

Feels weird seeing it again.

This is uncle Ted, in front of the house.

nigger really? This is probably the 50th time I've seen that image, both on 4chan pre-exodus and on here

Damn it feels good to be a social democrat

I originally saved it as a png and this one's a jpeg, which leads me to believe that this image probably made it to Facebook where it got spread around a great deal.

top kike.


Original video is 65.4 MB
better reupload that

yeah, these compression artifacts are disgusting

4/10 if bait.