Where'd Chrystal go??

Where'd Chrystal go??

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More importantly where did Sena poster go??? I really miss him/her.

He's looking for another chick to pay 400 bucks to for some shitty pics.

Elaborate please? This sounds like an amusing story.

He paid some chick 400 bucks for some shit nudes and vocaroos. Then he made a thread pretending to be her. She had a man voice which was really gross. He called her Pot Chan.

Some tripfag that obnoxiously spammed porn in every thread they didn't like. After people stopped caring about them, feeling deprived of their oh-so-precious attention, they hired some whore to draw Holla Forums logos on her tits and record her talking about how much she wants to fuck dysnomia. She had weed stuck between her teeth so people called her Pot Chan. Eventually they revealed it was all an epic ruse though, and they just wanted to make Holla Forums great again. It was pretty mundane actually while it lasted.

Her pics were terrible. Her tits were gross. And that voice.

All the cat's cradle / tripfag thread people are undoubtedly still here, just not shitposting as hard.

That's not amusing at all. Someone actually paid a girl THAT much just for that? I think they got ripped off.

He admitted that he paid too much.

I would have just shooped an existing picture tbh

only Chrystal would ask that question.

fuck off, Chrystal.


Nope, I used to be analmoose.
I've just been busy raising a kid now and haven't been on Holla Forums for several months.

Hey moose. How goes it?

Anti-America user.
How goes it man??
Just basically working and taking care of my girlfriends kid.

I'm still pulling off those trips like a champ.

I don't think I could handle that. I don't even want to have my own kids.

not just any porn, it was 3dpd porn.

She's the sweetest thing ever.
Up to you if you have kids or not man. I felt the same as you but your heart softens when you see them.
Has Holla Forums changed a lot in my time gone??

Not really. Same old shit. Do you know what happened to crossdress user?

I hope you're at least getting some sweet cunny.

I haven't seen him since I said I was gonna change my name. And that was a while before I left.
Why? Gonna confess your secret love for him? You know you are always welcome to post some of your penis to try to summon him.

Whenever I want it :D

Kek. Was just wondering. Where do you work?

Except me I run the board now lmao.

don't forget to like and subscribe to the weekly cradle archive.


Again Just wondering. Never mind.

Oh shit, you guys still remember my ridiculous ass? Nice to see you moose & anti-American user!

I've been around but can't think of anything very interesting to post.

You could live stream your an hero

Rich coming from you. But you could be anyone, not the actual sage.



Fuck you analmoose. Why did you draw me out and then abandon thread? Now I'm going to shit up this board all over again. I had quit for three months nearly.

Bring back the tripfags. It's a whole new year.

Where did you guys go?

Oh interesting, I was wondering that myself.

At least you should have posted all the ridiculous emojis and hearts and shit ♥♥♥

you guys sound like fags. take your faggotry out of my board