He is the best president in history.
Why is trump so based?
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That whole photo is wrong, and so are your beliefs. Hitler did in fact, do nothing wrong, he knew the Jews were evil and now that we are in the future, we can see that they are evil. Trump isn't even racist, and only want's to deport illegals.
He isn't the president yet m8. Let's see how he does in the future.
"we memed it"
-t.braindead polfaggot
king of kings
only adolf himself was better
maybe trump will win best king of kings all times
how stupid are you, op? i know that's a tough question so i'll answer it for you: very. trump isn't yet president. are you paid to talk shit or have jewish alien democrats rooted your os?
Let's be honest, it was between Trump and Hillary.
When did Trump use racism to rise to power? Can you cite when he used racism?
What made you ASSume I'd chosen sides?
You are a faggot. By saying Trump is bad you are promoting Hillary. If there are only two choices and you decide to attack one, you are indirectly promoting the other.
you are going to trot out the tired old arguments that his policies targeting a religious minority and illegals is not racist. k, we've heard it all before. you cannot deny, although you probably will, that the trump campaign and its backers managed to unite and harness the racist elements in american society in favor of trump. Holla Forums is a perfect example of this.
You didn't cite a case when Trump was a racist, you just tried to predict the future and make assumptions.
I'll ask again, what did Trump say or imply that was racist?
that's outright false and you know it. perhaps if you repeat it a few dozen times with caps and red text, i'll move to another thread and you will have convinced nobody but yourself. are you a bot?
No, it's outright true, especially during this era before Trump has even taken office. If you made claims that Trump sucked after he has taken office then yeah, I would say that you are genuinely against him, but you are demonizing him before his inauguration like a typical Hillary supporter.
but he isn't even president yet, in 12 days he will be.
He has however run as successful business, got to him that.
No I think he used the american presidential election system to rise to power.
What's wrong with mass deportations of people that are illegally in your country?
Promising to make a once great land, great again, is wrong? How?
This has to be bait.
more dishonesty from you.
the pic states, uses racism to rise to power. the only user itt to mention trump being racist himself is you.
oh, and while you're awake, may i point out that in 2017 racism is often mis-used as a generic term which describes discrimination of various types? you have to make allowances for poor education these days.
I'll ask again, how did Trump use racism to rise to power? stop avoiding the question
no need. just read the thread.
This thread will be included in an analysis of the methodology employed by the Russian intelligence services and their proxy entities to influence popular opinion in the USA
It's presumed that just because Hitler did something, it is automatically bad.
It is very moronic to think this way.
I'll ask again, how did Trump use racism to rise to power?
Are you with an intelligence agency?
I run a presidential campaign, My presidential campaign is endorsed by people that are racist. This somehow means that my hole campaign is based on racism.
The KGB subversion was a mistake
user, he clearly has no argument, just like all the others have no argument because there is no argument. Trump did not use racism to rise to power. Go do something productive, because you aren't going to convince a guy who's already made up his mind.
The KGB is now known as the FSB.
I don't think that that is his intention. I believe his intention is to convince the people watching the altercation that their belief, (Their belief being that Donald Trump used racism to rise to power) is incorrect
Trump isn't necessity a racist, himself, but he certainly exploited the fact that there is a large racist contingent in the country. It's not racist to want to fix illegal immigration or build a wall, but when you predicate your entire campaign on the issue, it's certainly going to appeal to a lot of racist people; Trump knew that this was an easy opportunity and seized it. And it's worth noting that this is also the guy who began his political career by trying to convince everyone that our first black president was a fucking African.
Can I prove any of this? Of course not, it's a subjective assessment; however, Holla Forums is unabashedly racist, and it's no wonder why they love him.
Trump companies have been sued several times for racial discrimnation.Trump himself has made various comments of a textbook racist nature. these are facts
Yeah exactly. You are using a term to demonize him. I don't exactly like the guy based on his cabinet appointments, but you are basing your hatred on shit that doesn't exist. Keep repeating that "Trump is racist" rhetoric even though you apparently don't think he's racist.
Literally none of those examples are racist..bahahah….SJWs fail yet again
fuck shitskins and fuck you
Wait, hold on, none of those examples are racist. I mean they even did the hole 'pepe the gasser' meme.
I don't expect anything else from those hypocrites.
To add.
I'm no the user you were bickering with.
Unfortunately, most liberals don't seem to realize that racism/xenophobia/misogyny and various other accusations are subjective issues, and unless you're dealing with someone who is proud of their racism, you're not going to reach an objective conclusion on these matters. But I think it's completely disingenuous for anyone (especially someone who posts on a site that, for the most part, literally embraces racism) to act like racism isn't the icing on the cake that got Trump elected.
Remember the term racist is only used now to shut people up that don't confine to their narrative.
You clearly know nothing of Andrew Jackson.
please, no cuckposting
What is elliot doing there out of all people? He was a lib, he even subscribed to the young turks.
Trump is the third best President. First is Jackson and second is JFK
Yeah, no. I'd prefer a President who can avoid getting assassinated.
how long have you been in these parts, stranger?
if trump gets shot, keks will be had.
decide whether you are a chan user or a normie.
one will be busily encouraging his assassination, the other on his knees praying for the man's survival.
Duterte is the best president.
Your dying english queen and bankers are plotting for world war. Typical of a boomer to drag down everyone in their graves, just look at their age.
I can assure you Asia will destroy US and EU.
As much as I loathe the idea of being a fucking normie, we need Trump to combat the SJWs and political correctness. Keks will not be had if we're all in jail, dead, or if chans are banned.