Windows 10 has a shitty security system. I always had a single administrator account on my Windows 10 computer, and was password protected. I left when the cleaning lady came over, and when I came back, the computer was tampered with. My account still had the password lock, but the administrator privileges on it were removed, and a new account with administrator privileges was created and could access the entire fucking computer. I'm so fucking pissed Microsoft fucking allowed this shit to happen.
Windows 10 has a shitty security system. I always had a single administrator account on my Windows 10 computer...
That's no cleaning lady but a government agent, they're on to you OP.
Delete this thread, we'll contact you.
Revenge fuck the cleaning lady then install gentoo.
is probably right. they are on to you. better get out while you can.
She was a white American
You fuckers are too paranoid.
Just be pissed at yourself that you allowed yourself to "upgrade" to Windows 10.
Guess who's on cleaning duty from now on OP.
OP installed a trojan.
this tbh fam
You got owned, OP. Your computer is no longer yours. Smash it into pieces and scatter the remains between over separate states. Buy a new computer, pay by cash, and use an OS that respects your freedom.
You get what you deserve OP.
unless you used the default admin account (does it still default to no password?) how would a cleaning lady of all people access it?
did she have a live cd with her?
also why didn't you set a bios pw?
I'm fucking sick of this shit on Holla Forums. I make a post, then people respond with fucking lies. This bullshit never happened you fucking retard.
How the fuck am I "shit at computers"?
Did you not fucking read? This shit didn't happen until the cleaning lady came over.
Install Gentoo
Since you're retarded I'll spoonfeed you a bit
Make sure to avoid using FF and don't install random software you find online.
It won't matter how much his OS respects his freedom when his maid installs a hardware keylogger or fucks with his /boot partition.
fucking let me post kikejim
>NT/System < can decrypt bitlocked files too OR even remove password or create new admin accounts>>660342
what the actual fucking fuck!
seriously fuck you jim.
I don't understand why my post won't go through 5x not until I changed .exe to ,exe
Fucking spam filter or cloudflare botnet?
[email protected]/* */ test
ITT: OP is a braindead normie and has to show everyone just how retarded he is.
Windows users, everyone.
Man, I kinda want a security camera, but my apartment is tiny and I don't relish the thought of having to manually power it off or wipe chunks of video off the NAS every time I decide to fap.
No shame in boning that spic lady, user. They can be very persuasive.
Take a look at Arnold, for example.