Holla Forums,,
why r you paedophiles ??
jus' askin'
Holla Forums,,
why r you paedophiles ??
jus' askin'
I would guess their brain processes the visual stimuli of a kid in a way that elicits a sexual response.
I want something that hasn't been tarnished by kike, user,
Little girls have a magnetic pull for me and I find them wickedly addictive.
Something about their soft, wet, open lips …..
You have bad taste tbh
because little girls are more sexually attractive than big women
Isn't the lady in OP's pic that one who in one video is strapped to the floor and is forced to orgasm so hard she like has seizures
that's the one, user
'rap' video she did. She posted it Dec. 7th. vid.me
wrong thread