Stop hurting catstop hurting cat

I hurt my cat but I want to stop how do I stop hurting my cat

buy a dog instead

I live in an apartment

Think of it like this. You can hurt your cat a little bit for the rest of its life, or you could hurt it tons in one go. Take the latter, go sceet shooting.

Hurt a small dog. Unlike the cats the an annoying little bastards deserve it.

are you chinese?

small dogs can be just as intelligent and obedient as large dogs, they just get a bad rap as yappy little shits because most owners buy them to pamper them, not to train them

No I'm Korean. Dog meat is too stringy and I wouldn't feed it to a snake.

It's the yapiness and the owners that I hate. Some coalburner carrying around a little dog in her purse while staring at her phone fills me with rage.

Yeah, but a small dog isn't really different from a cat now is it? Small dogs are just loud cats

Cats are more independent and would rather you not watch over them 24/7

get a smaller dick

That's the thing, my cat doesn't like me so I hit it to get its attention, then it walks away casually. So it only pays attention to me if I smack it hard

not sexually

Get to know your cat. Take her out, give her a good time.

He's a he, and I said not sexually in

Try using a spray bottle of water instead. It's the only way I could get my cat to quit climbing the curtains.

no cause then he'd just run away. I pin him down by the neck and stare him down

Hmm. Maybe try using a toy or shaking a can of cat treats.

maybe having sex with your cat would make it feel better after all the hurting?

So you're a Gook.
You should kill yourself.
Cats are more important than Gooks.

who is that asian qt?

I tried doing that and it works, but hurting it is more satisfactory. I should rephrase what I mean, and that is that I want to stop hurting (period).

I already told you that I dont want to have sex with the cat

I'm not sure, i've had this picture saved for 4 years or so. If it's any solace her tumblr is on the bottom (Mintymu)

have sex with your cat.


this is lewd as heck. just let the cat be little spoon and it'll be ok.

I dont want to have sex with my cat I want to stop being violent to animals. please help with that

Cats are the most beautiful creature anyone who doesn't get sexually aroused by the sight of their anus is fuckedup in the head.

lmao gtfo

They're nice animals but I dont want to look at their buttholes

This is my thread if you're going to post then help me

im with this dude.

You don't have to look at it if you sick yiur penis in it.

it's pretty easy if you really need help. I'll spell it out for ya, don't be a dumb asswipe of a cunt that hits cats. cats will either claw your face or mosey on away cuz they actually don't give a fuck whether you're nice or not, they're fine by themselves and will proceed to be fine by themselves whether you're nice and are fine with them or not.

I dont want too

It's not that I want the acceptance of the cats, but I think its more that im redirecting my anger of being ignored towards the cat. The cat is my throw pillow.

then you're a dumb asswipe of a cunt. have you ever considered self harm? it could be beneficial in your situation.

I have but I dont like pain so I dont do it

well if you don't like pain, and the cat doesn't like pain, i think it all works out pretty well.

Yes but i dont feel the cats pain so its all right then

you're in pain enough just looking yourself and your violence in a mirror to shitpost about it on the Holla Forums. seems pretty alright to me.

well i know its not what you're supposed to do, ive read articles and what not about not to do that to animals so I think that it would be a good idea to try and stop. I haven't really ever had pets so it's new to me.

go see a therapist

That's a bit expensive now isn't it? and even if I went wouldn't they report me or something for hurting animals?

how about this, don't have a cat at all. in fact, im sure the cat feels the same way.

right, but he's big now and where'd I put him? should I just twist his neck and be done with it? It's not like I dont like him, he really is like another soul in the house


I like pussy but not pussycat

give him to a neighbor that will show him affection instead of beating him for existing.

what i think ill do is ill get rid of the cat and get a kitten instead. I dont know any of the neighbors. Can you just throw away a dead cat or do you have to hand it in to a morgue or whatnot? I dont want to dig any holes for it

Op should probably buy a spray bottle, fill it with acid and spray her once in the face. Say that she got electricuted or something. She'll listen then.

well no its a boy

go get a psychologist.

Op should probably buy a spray bottle, fill it with acid and spray him once in the face. Say that he got electricuted or something. the cat will listen then.

I addressed that in

well if i spray him with acid then he gets ugly to look at and I dont want that. I also dont know how to make acid or where to get it

If you hurt your cat too much somebody is going to find out and come after you. Be warned.

you see that's what im getting at, I dont want to hurt him but i do. So i ask about how to fix it. I think the therapy is a good idea and ill chance getting in troubleā€¦ Maybe lie and say I have "thoughts" of it. I dont know if it's a childhood thing or a chemical imbalance thing but im sure there's a pill for it

Do you miss somebody?

Get rid of your cat.
