Blender 2.78

Blender 2.78 has been released today. Get it here,
You can start learning at
Or at
Blender is one of the best open source packages out there IMO.

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looks like rev60 on the right

Six years later and they're still using Sintel as an official mascot. At least it's still not Susanne.

This was the only image I had that was relevant.

We should make a libre 3D movie featuring RMS that surpasses Sintel and has an even more qt waifu, so they can use that.

Not much new for the video editing bits of Blender in this update...

But, performance is a little better, and it's easier to deal with videos that have different frame rates now.

The funny thing is that while 3D animation studios have switched to linux, they all use proprietary software and nobody uses blender.

Most of these prefer their own custom software. It's not like you see them running Maya either.

Despicable me used Blender for character creation. I think what you should have said was "Blender doesn't have money to pay people to talk up their use on projects"

Interesting... There anywhere to read up on this?

Is it a viable replacement for Premiere yet? At least for simple to moderate tasks?

Yes. That is, if you don't mind taking time learning it, and have the right hardware.

With current CPUs it's a toss up; AMD gets you better performance in the editor, and Intel gets better rendering times .by default (with a little Python trickery AMD pulls ahead here too).

Graphics cards are no contest: Nvidia and CUDA crush AMD and OpenCL in Blender.

I've not really tried to get CUDA working in linux for rendering, I wasn't even sure it was supported.
I didn't even know blender supported CUDA until I looked in the user preferences just now, shit dude. This is a game changer.

How is it for NLE? I havent really edited video in years, but I miss vegas and kdenlive a shit.

how do you make cuts, etc?

Hit k for soft cuts; shift+k for hard cuts.

It's pretty powerful and stable enough. But the learning curve is kinda steep.

I have used Blender for years and never realized it had those video editing capabilities.

Maybe they should even make it a separate program.

Nah. As it is, It takes less than two minuts to set the UI up for video editing. Besides, there are times when Blender's other components (especially the compositor) come in handy for more complex video editing projects.

I just wish they (and AMD) would improve the OpenCL support.

So what's new in the hood

Here's a better one.

oh sweet jesus


Too much?

Why would you want to see a fat rabbit fucked by a Dragon?

You must be new here. Holla Forums is the official furry board of Holla Forums.

OpenCL was effectively killed by a combination of Nvidia faggotry and Khronos group mismanagement. OpenCL is also an obscenely verbose API from the start with its 300+ line "Hello World". Why couldn't we just have an API where we mark a function as a parallel function and pass it a pointer to the beginning of an array with a length argument? Instead, we find ourselves with an API that requires us to set up hundreds of lines of boilerplate for a five line kernel. Although I admit that memory management between two unalike hardware devices is complex, the driver could have very easily taken care of it like it does for graphics.

Sage for offtopic rant.

Tits aren't big enough.


Cheat with arrayfire or whatever they are calling it these days. I'm not sure if that's the old or the new name.

export as a web based hgame pls

But user, that would be SAAS...

as long as you can download the original its a platform agnostic delivery method.

We only make an exception for Kiki. Anything else is heresy!
3 clause bsd cuck license

Why does Blender have Theora support but none for Webm?

That looks extremely promising

And even then Kiki is not for sexual.

Yeah, I stumbled across it when I was doing a little mental masturbation about building a computer to Data's specs and making an AI on it.

So is there a better FOSS 2D video editor than Blender's? This might sound strange if you haven't tried it before, but out of all the libre 2D video suites I've used Blender's is definitely the best. It has problems that mostly stem from the fact that it wasn't intended to be used like this, like how you can't pipe video files directly into it and have to open them once inside, but it's pretty decent.

Of course I'd rather use something more like Sony Vegas but I'll take what I can get.

You sure about that, user?

You might want to look into the Blender Velvet extensions. The 'theme' might be offputting, but these extensions are very handy for video editing in Blender.

And no, none of the other F/OSS NLEs are nearly as powerful or stable as Blender's VSE. Kdenlive and Pitivi show some potential, but they are both still too underdeveloped and crash prone for serious work (and the less said about Openshot, the better).

Go post that shit on >>>/furry/
Leave us alone.

You must be new; that's a Holla Forums original.

seemed appropriate


There's almost a Kiki for every occasion now.

What do you mean by "pipe video files directly into it"? You can drag media files into the editor from the 'File Brower' window.

probably some console command like makevideo | blender, that's what's usually meant by piping something into something else. It's really useful for many things, such as ps -A | grep some_process_name, which finds all entries of some_process_name in the process listing generated from ps -A.

I think he meant pipe into stdin. Like how you can either call less like less or cat | less
to pipe stdin into less. That's quite handy if you want for example to extract a text file from an archive to just read it without having to save it to disk first. It's not something I use very often though, but it is handy when I want it.

Sintel looked pretty good, but damn if the plot wasn't pants-on-head retarded

The adult dragon she killed was the one she found in the beginning of the movie. The baby must have been it's offspring.

But yeah, it is weird she didn't realize she had gotten older.

The last sentence was sarcasm. How the fuck she journeyed for decades and never thought that her babby dragon would grow into an adult is retarded

I still think it's much weirder that she didn't notice herself ageing over the years...

I never said it was weirder, it was just another pile into the retardfest that was the plot. I still consider the movie a relative success because the actual point was to showcase the strengths of blender as a 3d software. However, as a publicity piece it fails precisely because the plot is stupid and not much people feel like recommending it for that reason.

Maybe she simply thought it was another dragon?

Enjoy wasting your time on a program that'll make employers laugh when you put it on your resume

Trying out some new bait Vegasfag?

Then why would she give a fuck about it?


She wanted revenge on her baby dragon for getting kidnapped? Did you not see the movie, or are you just retarded?

It takes years to git gud at 3D modelling, and you usually become mentally locked to a particular program. Just google "learning Maya/3dsmax for Blender users" and almost everyone is just bitching about how different Maya/3dsmax are compared to Blender and how they prefer using it.

and I don't see the reason behind handicapping yourself to an open source program that's only used by hobbiests/freelance artists when you could just pirate a professional software and actually make money doing it. Even if you just wanna do it as a hobby you always have that door open to you, unlike Blender.

Blender can be found in many small studios and is frequently used by freelancers. It is most frequently used for product visualization, architectural visualization, and advertising (print and television).

Blender has not made much inroads into large studios (feature film work) though there are some well recognized characters it has been used for modeling (in general studio pipelines are quite strictly managed, so only areas of high compatibility - ie object modeling, uv unwrapping, and texturing are external programs allowed to be used).

It can it be used in studio pipelines that are already standardized on Maya or 3DS Max, etc. for tools for which standard exchange formats are well defined and widely supported.

I guess I don't remember the movie as much as I thought.

The amount of jobs is not even close with Blender

Adobe brings one good reason to go with an open source tool. There is zero chance Blender can ever be locked down, turned into SAAS, or any other such bullshit. It also works on every major PC platform.

*never be locked down

Anyway, you just contradicted yourself. There may not be as many, but there are paying jobs for Blender.

It's just one example of how dramatically different the employment options are. To me it's like trying to claim it's better to learn GIMP compared to Photoshop if you want to get a job in graphic design.

Yes you could, conceivably do it. But it's way, way harder and you'll end up wishing you just bit the bullet and learned Photoshop instead.

No. Comparing Blender to Maya is more like camparing Krita to SAI than trying to say the GIMP is a replacement to photoshop.

Nigger, some people just want to edit videos on Linux without shit crashing every other minute. If Blender can do that, it's worth learning.