Why can't anyone make linux look as good as windows 10 or OSX...

Why can't anyone make linux look as good as windows 10 or OSX? I thought they were totally incompetent and free software was superior? Why then can't they make something as good as the proprietary stuff?



It looks 10 times better. I couldn't find one linux DE that looked as good. Not even close.

Have you even looked at Plasma5? I'm sure you have, but you would never admit that it not only looks better, but that Windows10 ripped it off.

Let me spoil it for you, Neddy.
Bing OS looks like garbage because it is garbage

bad b8 thread

Compiz existed in 2006. It still exists today.

The question you meant to ask is "why is my attention span so short that I can't look at an OS if it doesn't change wildly every 3 months?"

Windows 10's UI looks like vomit, and OSX's is only marginally better.


Technically Linux may be superior, but tasteful design is a proprietary thing. The type of people that care about free software are mutually exclusive from those that value aesthetics.

Because GUI was 95% perfected in the 90s. Almost everything added since then has been gimmicky marketing or idiocracy-tier color tiles.

GNOME with a nice theme is infinitely more aesthetic than either Windows or OSX.

Windows 10 looks like shit. At least with 7 they tried to make something cohert. It was better than Bozo the Clown on XP.

Stay homo, OP

I'm pretty sure both those look appealing to most people.
I mean they do have to sell it.

And keep in mind, "most people" hardly includes anyone here.

lmao kiddo, come back when you get compiz working on wankblows

You probably can though via Windows Subsystems for Linux, Unity is already shown to work

Just be careful what you wiah for m8

Shit fucking damnit. Is GNU/Linux the only operating system on earth that doesn't have integrated virtualization?


Linux has had vservers for at least 16 years and LXC not long after that. It's the others that are lagging.

It has namespaces. They're used by Docker, firejail and systemd, for example.

Trolling aside, I use Gnome when I'm not running a headless server, and dwm when I need minimalism. I think if you are looking for something to have as cohesive of an interface as Mac OS or Windows Gnome has the best defaults.

KDE/LXQT/XFCE can be really awesome but I have to spend a while configuring them to behave the way I want.

But after using cinnamon i actually prefer it.
Atleast it beats windows 10.

Linux will never top windows, at least not in that field, because they have hundreds of people making it's UIs only, meanwhile linux distros have a couple dozen (at best) neckbeards working overtime to deliver stable releases every year

koreans did it long time ago, this is RedStar OS

Meanwhile Windows removes all user customizability, makes their high contrast themes even more of an eyesore than before, and completely obliterates Windows Classic. Score one for the WINNING team eh? EH?

Still pisses me off how fucking heavy it is. On both the GPU and resources.

If you love the Aqua/Win10 UI so much, why not use either OS or rice a DE so that it looks like it instead of baiting on an image board?


kill yourself tbh fam



I don't know what you're on about m8. I use aero with 95% CPU and memory and it still works smooth. No more or less smooth than if I didn't. Even use it on older shittier computers to more or less the same result.

Aero is fine fam.


I prefer Budgie (Solus Project) using GNOME applications.

I think the better question is,
why use an OS designed for servers on your desktop?
That just seems really retarded.

Right back at you.



ironic niggerposting is not niggerposting ok

LXQt = Windows 10 Killer

You can't be serious...




The thing is, I am not being ironic though. I really hate "tbh fam" and their ilk as I belive that they are a step to far in the degradation of the english lanuage. Also emoji are way below shit and should be plurged from this world.

Your Facebook started shit is not netspeek, faggot. Kill yourself.

the jokes write themselves here on Holla Forums

More things should be plurged. There's entirely not enough plurging going on, and frankly if you're not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.




come on man, don't be a potato

Mint looks bretty good.



Who the fuck wants those pointless meme features anyways

Do you by any chance have a higher-res version of this wallpaper? Might be of use if I am ever forced to use Wangblows. (polite sage for offtopic)

Window control buttons should be on the left side.

Your fonts are total poop…