how many copies of the gpl do you have on your hard disk? It's pretty easy to check:
ls /usr/share/doc/*/copyright | wc -l
I had about 2,000. Is there an easy way to calculate how much disk space that's wasting?
how many copies of the gpl do you have on your hard disk? It's pretty easy to check:
ls /usr/share/doc/*/copyright | wc -l
I had about 2,000. Is there an easy way to calculate how much disk space that's wasting?
Not all software is licensed under the GPL. The software that is licensed under the GPL has nifty notices like "On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'." instead of the full license text.
Or is your distro just retarded?
For what it's worth:
$ cat /usr/share/doc/*/copyright | wc -c | numfmt --to=si 33M
That's for a total of 2547 files, one for each package. I have a lot of software installed.
$ dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\n' | awk '{i += $1} END {print i*1000}' | numfmt --to=si18G
So that makes 33M out of 18G, which is almost 0.2% of my total package size. What a waste!
Hopefully none
(running OpenBSD)
honestly I was just tooling around in the terminal looking for weird stuff and wasted space (I found 18GB of templates buried in mac os once) and I thought it was interesting.
I also figured it'd get some interesting responses from the unix beards. It's always nice to learn new things and read excellent posts, like
which ones do?
Btrfs and ZFS do. ZFS is older and probably more reliable, but because it uses a weird license it's questionable whether it can be legally provided with Linux so not all distros support it.
What's this nerd shit? How can i check on windows?
~ $ { bzgrep -l 'GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE' /usr/share/doc/*/COPYING.bz2; echo $(portageq get_repo_path / gentoo)/licenses/GPL-2; } | xargs du -bsc6244 /usr/share/doc/attr-2.4.47-r2/COPYING.bz210686 /usr/share/doc/bison-3.0.4-r1/COPYING.bz26177 /usr/share/doc/distcc-3.2_rc1-r4/COPYING.bz26179 /usr/share/doc/icedtea-3.1.0/COPYING.bz26155 /usr/share/doc/lrzip-0.630/COPYING.bz26177 /usr/share/doc/openbox-3.6.1/COPYING.bz26155 /usr/share/doc/smartmontools-6.5/COPYING.bz218011 /var/db/repositories/gentoo/licenses/GPL-265784 total
The fuck are your distros maintainers doing?
How about you check these doubles
You might as well be running windows, nancyboy
02:12:50:~$ ls /usr/share/doc/*/copyright | wc -l310:14:29:~$
10:15:12:~$ cat /usr/share/doc/*/copyright | wc -c | numfmt --to=si29K10:16:08:~$
$ ls /usr/share/doc/*/copyright | wc -l1
how's the performance impact on deduplication? Also should i pick zlib or lzo for compression on btrfs?
Actually fuck i googled it and it's nowhere near what i expected
I'd use deduplication if it was as simple as the computer automagically doing it when idle but it requires me running a command. Writing a script would be a half assed solution since then i wouldn't be able to stop the proccess if suddenly i decide to put some load on the machine.
On an ideal setup it would deduplicate when idle and pause/continue as needed
ehh wtf is this user?ls: cannot access /usr/share/doc/*/copyright: No such file or directory
How do I delete this crap.
why should you? its taking up even 100mb on hdd, and there are even more of crap around that license files which we are not speaking here
We speak English here, faggot.
not everyone is native english speaker, i try my best, learned from internet, thats not nice user
Because it's taking up ~45mb on my computer and doing nothing. That's called bloat.
sudo rm /usr/share/doc/*/copyright