Not News: 81 Shot on 4th of July Weekend; News: In "Gun-Free Zone" Chicago
Not News: 81 Shot on 4th of July Weekend; News: In "Gun-Free Zone" Chicago
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dis iz the brize of freedom :DDDDDD
Niggers shooting niggers. Not Americans. Niggers.
Take your D&C and shove it up your cunt.
Fuck off retard
wew lad
as a follow up, how much nigger dick do you suck daily? inches, amount of time, number of cocks. it doesn't matter to me.
I wouldn't consider niggers shooting each other a bad thing. FFS. They aren't even human let alone American.
Those are niggers, not Americans.
It's so beautiful….
Fugg xDDD
will your lust for kike and nigger sperm ever be satiated?
how asshurt are you that glassberg is kicking killary's cunt?
what is the name of your wife's nigglet?
we really don't. just kill yourself
why have you forsaken us?
On the 4th of july, god help you if you need actual help, because you're not getting a single cop with how under staffed they are that day.
fuck m3 for using nigger tech
Eh this is a simple situation of convenience. Here, let's put things in perspective.
Why are more crimes committed on nights with a full moon? ANSWER: You don't need a flashlight to see. It's fucking easier.
So, why shoot people during the independence day celebrations? ANSWER: Fireworks! Most people in cities can't tell the difference between fireworks, gunfire, and a car backfiring, so people take advantage of the noise. I will admit, alcohol helps though too, lol.
I wonder what the demographics were. How many dindoos and how man of the weapons used were illegally owned?
I don't understand how even now to this day the left remain fully committed to running a big line through the second amendment. It's like they jerk over the idea of finally repealing it or something and to have that delayed, temporarily or indefinitely, results in severe bouts of sexual frustration for them. Almost like they can't live with the knowledge that people can freely carry guns with them.
is english your first language?
Chicago sounds like a really fun place to live, like a modern cyberpunk wild west
only if you're a nigger. guarantee your ass will be ratted out, arrested, and prosecuted if you do nigger shit in the hellholes that are chimpcago hoods if you're white.
how come niggers always get to have all the fun
Muh nigga
Proceeds to state
I appreciate your use of bait. You are learning from the God-Emperor's methods.
so, yeah… ^this.
You're a cunt, OP. These aren't "Americans," these are niggers in the inner city fighting over Jordans and respek.
brb op, turning in my guns to the local PD
thanks for opening my eyes
i was so foolish
Truly I have seen the light, brother.
sorry to mess up /thread but I'm going to need a source on that song
They're just practicing to get into wizard school.
The paranoia is real.
There are two things to take away from the OP's article: First, that gun-free zones do work as long as they're enforced. CPD didn't care about the shootings, as the article notes, only called in extra units when they felt personally endangered, and - most tellingly - didn't even try to find the culprits. They clearly don't care because African-American lives just don't matter to law enforcement.
Second, you stupid boyim can't read for shit. This article is from two years ago. That's right,
In your extreme racism, you got excited over nothing and have shitposted this thread to oblivion with your excessive bigotry. What could've been a great thread discussing the necessity of the African-American Lives Matter movement became a dumping ground for your shitty white supremacist wet dreams.
Over a single news article from two years ago. Think about that, stormderps. That's how sad and empty your lives are that two years later you're still circlejerking about a few days of crime reports in a city few, if any of you, have ever even been to.
Looks like those passersby had Defense Against the Dark Arts training.
The article in question was posted on
July 7, 2014.
How about I filter and report obvious slide threads like this one, and obvious slide bumps like yours?
Obviously fake. Why the fuck do you think its called a gun-free zone? There's no guns there you fucking idiot. There can't be. Its a GUN- FREE ZONE!
God damn it America, it's about time you man up and enact proper nigger safety laws already.
Why the fuck are you surprised at Tyrell and Paco shooting one another? Or think this represents white America?
this. I watched the fireworks from the roof of my building in the loop. there's no telling if the one's coming from the south side are just illegal decorative gook style fireworks or illegal european fireworks turned gunpowder style fireworks.
there's no helping niggerland. cops don't bother going down there regardless of the date. hell, even tow trucks do their best to avoid it.
on the other hand, while all the good thinking libtard whites are giving their standard self-hating spiels to save face on trump day, the negroes are all wearing american flag shorts and have flags hung up with their BBQ's, so I'll give them that.
south side is all black.
Funny, this year's number is still pretty damn high for a single weekend
Where is this?
It's Chicago. That place is one of the nigger-infested hells of our nation.
No one gives a fuck if some nigger dies there.
you're thinking of niggers, friendo
12 year old detected
GTFO you little retard, come back when you have learned to not be such a bitch
Who made this song?
Don't make me google the lyrics
Jokes on you. It doesn't matter what year it is in Chicago. The niggers always end up posting amazing numbers. Since July 1st there has been 90 shootings in Chicago. Over the 4th of July weekend there was 63.
So really, the fact that it doesn't matter what year it is, makes your entire tirade sound retarded. That article could have been a decade old, and it wouldn't matter. The same thing was happening then.
That article could have described any 4th of July weekend in Chicago, the only difference is the niggers shot have different names.
How the fuck are niggers still alive in Chicago?
Top result
Nice try, Rach, but we all know you're just Rach Rachsponding to Rachself via Tor.
Yeah I'll take a few retards shooting each other over the millions of crimes prevented by the freedom to do so. Stay cucked!
Those were all niggers, faggot
The official count is 62 people shot by negroes in Chicago for 2016. Note this does not included people that were shot but did not report it, or people that were shot at but were not hit. Which would most likely bring the count to nearly 100.
i.e. on the 4th weekend… doh!
How are they so bad at shooting people? 80+ shootings and less than 25 killed.
2 years old article.
Why is this pic a fat white guy when the news topic references the routine black gang murders that have been ongoing for three decades?
Yuropoor perspective here:
No moon means nobody sees you and I never heard that on national days or End of Year celebrations are heavy gun fires with 14 shot dead in one city.
so… meh.
In the context of anything American a Euro's opinion is worth about as much as an American's on Euro politics: nothing.
And what he's saying is completely true. Niggers shoot each other on the 4th all the time because no one can hear them doing it. It's a holiday where we simulate bombs and gunfire so you'd have to be a retard to not think once that maybe you could shoot off a real gun and have no one notice.