
Are there some up to date online resources for learning it sec?
Is kali a meme or do professionals actually use it?



fuck off idiot

Not an argument

fuck off idiot

Wow, am I in /g/?

Kali is basically just Debian with a GNOME and a whole bunch of prepackaged shit installed. Some programs like Maltego are specifically designed for Kali. It's okay for learning what tools are out there, but chances are there's a whole lot of shit you'll never use.

Kali has some good tools, however as a distro is utter garbage, they went with Gnome 3 god knows why and its coded by edgy teens and Pajeets.
that shit will break after each updates, literally.
try it, go dl Kali, install it, then update it, than reboot it.....and you get a nice kernel panic.

do what i do, just get Xubuntu or any decently maintained distro and install the tools you need on it.


But GNOME 3 is nice.

Kali isn't a meme distro, but it isn't a great one. It's mostly used by new pentesters and super 1337 hackers. After enough time you get a feel for what works and what doesn't so you rely on kali less as you will only use maybe 10 tools tops. There are some things that work well on it like veil, but almost every tool is outdated and you would be better just running a real linux distro and installing things manually.

why would you install kali? i thought it was used as a tool that you boot into

No Kali is not a meme. The tools available can do amazing things. However I recommend Backbox.
Backbox is my fav pentesting distro. Actually It's my favorite distro period. I use it as my daily driver. It's nice to always be able to crack wifi or etc.

It is best suited to be used as a live USB. But if you have a spare PC to use for hacking why not install it?


well what does BackBox have that Kali doesn't?

This is pretty nice.

Kali is great for LiveCD/Virtual Machine applications where you need a set of pentesting/network analysis tools and don't want to fuck with installing and configuring them on another machine. It's not intended to be an everyday OS or something that you would leave installed for long periods.

Can it be though?

It can, but it will break.
Just get x/l/kubuntu and install the tools manually if you want a dedicated distro.
Kali is a meme. Noob pentesters/skids are the main demographic they target.
Nethunter is very nice though.