Is there really any problems money can't solve? Wanna share you experiance or suggest one?
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There is no problem that cannot be solved by a sufficient amount of money. This is a fact.
Holla Forums
I'm pretty sure you can fund a research on on resurrection, but I doubt it would be possible. Same with immortality. Death is the only thing that money can't fix.
Until now
Gtfo then
Money can't create a white ethno-state.
Okay bye
Don't even say another word cuck
If a machine is created that is able to repair cadavers so well that they begin to show signs of life, is that resurrection?
look at all the butthurt already in the thread. this is a bait thread.
It's at least more interesting than the stream of threads complaining about the dicks or the child model threads or the threads complaining about the child model threads.
It depends. Sure, you can have a functional body again, but the problem is the brain, because that shit is delicate. When you die your brain "shuts down", and I assume every kind of information on it disappear. Say the body is back, including the psysical brain, but that person have no memory of ever living because it's brain got "rebooted", since all the information it previously had just can't be restored.
If that body that came up doesn't act exactly like the person the body belongs to, it's really resurrection?
I guess that, if you can keep the memories intact AND the body too, then yes, that's fucking resurrection.
I guess it starts to get really philosophical at that point. Questions like "are you still a person if you are in a coma" or "are you still you if you loose all your memories" or "what is the exact threshold between being live or dead".
Greed, no matter how much money you have, you will always want more. It is an inescapable spiral of depression, however it is also the driving force of humanity that pushes us forward. Even so, greed is still a sin, and thus a problem.
oh yeah? what's God gonna do, give me cancer again?
fine, bring it on bitch!
How about this then, you will continiously worry that you don't have enough money will will lead to either depression, a hearth attack, or premature death.
which will lead*
no I won't. that's for poor people.
Yes you will, no matter how much money you have, it will never be enough. You will always want more and worry that you don't have enough.
wanting more ≠ worrying that I don't have enough
Money can't fix how much of a faggot you are.
Human stupidity, Godlessness, love.
hey, those are pretty good ones.
you can't buy happiness, you just get more hot plastic trash
you can't make a good movie/painting/song with unlimited amounts of money it has to come from inside you
You can't purchase harmony and tranquility cuz someone usually fucks it up when you have it.
Mike Pence would like to have a watt with you
Let's praise Him with joyous song!
"Open your bowels for Jesus,
Open your bowels for Jesus;
As you dwell in His Word,
You'll be undeterred
To open your bowels for Jesus."
Praise him with many motions!
That sounds pretty painful tbqh, famaroni
You can buy the website and remove it
The fact that it ever existed and went to the current shit Holla Forums is will always be a thorn on my side.
Beyond the philosophy, I think that if you have the same body and memories when you return from the dead, then it's problem solved until you die again, probably. It also involve things like immortality, as I said, or even age regression/eternal youth.
Say that you grandma dies and you want to bring her back, if you go and bring her back to the body and age she had, she'll just die again. Solution is obviously immortality or age regression/eternal youth, with all the memories until the time of her death intact. I doubt any amount of money or research could ever achieve that. Ironically, you'd be dead before that.
You decide to invest on cryogenics or something more plausible to maintain yourself, your body, and your memories until the research is completed. That on itself have various problems, the fact that you money can tun out if you don't keep it up, and the fact that the planet and the solar system have a time limit too.
brain damage
It appears you're doing god's work.
so what if a machine is made that prevents your body from ever deteriorating into a "Shut down"
Being a pedophile!
And then…
That's some serious shit when the floor of your fireplace threatens to kill.
I won $100 with a lottery ticket once. Still don't have any friends
Buying medication or things to distract you doesn't really make it go away, it just masks it for a while. Eventually it all comes crashing down when you realize that deep down you still hate humanity and, most of all, yourself.
born without arms and legs
Stem cell research.
But I say happiness. No amount of money will really make you happy. Take the fable of Midas, for example. Gold will only fulfill so much for you. Until you realize there's the choice of your friends or your job. There is no in between. This is the harsh reality. Either take lots of money and power, or take the happiness in your friends/family
I fucking hate money personally. Not because "poor nigger topkek" but because its abused. I need a green piece of paper, to exchange for a paper that allows me to own a home. I need the same green piece of paper to spend on a system that takes my green pieces of paper from MY LABOR (taxes); Only for it to be used to pay off loans from private banks…
The Government/money as a whole is a shitty system as it is.
I am a full fledged Anarchist. Think about it. The world was built without laws, authority, money, etc. I'm not religious whatsoever (as its yet another control system built on the concept of fear and desire and incoherence), but this world was made without aforementioned concepts.
I've developed my own existentialism theory suggesting that we're a product of our own imagination. A chemical called DMT is in our brain, and its suggested a massive release of it happens when you die. If energy can not be created or destroyed, and our brain is nothing more than electrical impulses, (i.e. energy) then can we truly die? Plus DMT is a psychedelic, so Im suggesting that our life could be an ever occurring loop of our own imagination. See how it comes full circle? If life is fake, death is fake. Yet reddit and christianfags will be like, "man you gotta lay off the dope lel" the fucking irony right? Turns out, "my theory" is actually something many new age philosophists concur with.
Even if I'm absolutely 100% wrong here and death is a true end, there's nihilism. If my theory is incorrect, then life is inherently meaningless, if all it means is eternal non-existence. So I'd rather fulfill my life with innate happiness opposed to green paper/extrinsic happiness.
Can't go to college either as its honestly just a trap. You get a shit load of debt that you must work to pay off the rest of your life. Or you go straight in to the work force, living paycheck to paycheck, but hey, no guaranteed debt.
Yet I'm still viewed as an idiot, I jack off on myself on a daily basis, and am too depressed/anxious to maintain a good job.
Life is so grand, isn't it, OP?
Plus I forgot to mention everything is subjective within our perspective. It doesn't make sense that one God can determine what is right and wrong.
Why is it that God is on our bank notes? God is in the pledge of allegiance. Wanna know why? Because religion is a control system employed by the Government (the American one, at the very least)
Fuck you, God. Holy shit, am I gonna go to Hell? I could care less. It would be better than going up to a bunch of brainwashed autists. I consider myself a good person, I really do.
Call it arrogance if you will. I feel good this way. A major reason I don't kill myself is because I am very knowledgeable. Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power.
I couldn't fathom becoming the very thing I hate. If being an arrogant asshole makes me happy, I will damn well do so.
but how many hundreds of dollars have you spent on lottery tickets that didn't win?
You crash your expensive sports car
You lose a limb and passenger close to you dies
Sometimes money causes problems
that problem isn't caused by money. it's caused by driving like a dumbass
Be from a rich family, see your parents get killed in a robbery….become Batman
I think money is an energy, like fire, it is capable of being used for good and bad, yet is inherently neither
So there you have it. Money cannot solve the problem of being a dumbass.
It looks pretty tasty don't it :)
I came here to post this. Also OP being a faggot.
Climate change
Thermodynamic entropy
Guilt about having too much money
Suffering arising from the monetary system
Inability to break laws of physics
Inability to be in two places at once without altering my conception of identity
Not being born in the eighteenth century
Money can fund research on just about anything, but research does not guarantee results. Hence we can make spiralling lists of incurable illnesses, disabilities, mental conditions, personality traits, sexual orientations and preferences, biological features which might or might not be soluble by money. People have already said not having arms or legs, pedophilia, depression, mortality. It would be easy to multiply these. Old age. Having to piss and shit. Incurable cancer. Psychopathy. PTSD.Not being able to teleport. Not having a pet dinosaur. Not having a nuclear-powered rectum.
thats a hoax not a problem to be solved
not a problem to be solved
you made this up poorfag
suffering arises from the megarich pitting poor vs poorer
government caused, crush government and its solved, money is involved
not a problem to be solved
not a problem to be solved
pls no
all illnesses are curable
not having arms or legs is already solvable iwth money
psychopathy isnt a problem to be solved
teleporation can be solved by money
so can having dino pet
pls stop
Money can't stop that bitch from whining
It absolutely can, you can pay a hitman with money
Yo momma's obesity
You don't know that.
Lots of other things, too. Faster-than-light travel, time travel, living on Jupiter. Some people think they're possible, some people don't.
It's a problem if it leads to the heat-death of the universe.
If you're poor then you're sad you don't have money. If you're rich then you're worried you'll lose your money and become poor. Money can solve the former but not the latter.
If you're only prepared to recognise problems that you yourself want solved, you're begging the question.
What about love?
Money can buy sex, it can buy the resources to hold someone captive and rape them, it can buy lots and lots of expensive gifts for someone you like, but it can't make someone love you.
Money can buy confidence, it can make you more attractive, you can go places where you'll meet women that are actually worthwhile.
But it might not be able to get you the one woman you're interested in.
Also, what if the type of women you're attracted to are the type who are looking for something deeper than physical attractiveness, money, or confidence?
There is something else besides those three things to be attracted to?
Being interested in one woman to the exclusion of all other possibilities isn't love. That's obsession. At that point, money can buy you therapy and drugs to fix whatever is wrong with your brain.
Unless you run out of money. That's typically a problem for most people.
yes, most people are retarded
Yeah, I actually do. Evolution demands it.
spoken from experience?
Maybe fake parasitic ones.
1st image related.
You're retarded, know how I know? I used to be one when I was in high school, I even read a few books on it. What I wanted at the time was for people to trade instead of using money and for people to govern themselves, luckily I realized how unrealistic that ideology is and am now a right leaning libertarian. I believe less government intervention in our lives is a good thing, besides obvious shit like policing, national defense, etc.
The whole human race is based off of authority. Your mom is a fucking authority, a community is an authority, a tribe is an authority, a government is an authority. I mean for christs sake, most animals are built around authority/hierarchies. This just shows how half baked most anarchists are nowadays (myself included at one point in life).
It's not ironic in the slightest. One believes there's life beyond death and the other believes there isn't. Neither of the two suggest life is fake. It's something you half baked pseudo intellectuals come up with.
Fucking [current year]. You'll first have to prove it isn't a theory, which you won't be able to do. Inb4 shifting the burden of proof.
Good job, you just determined that right and wrong isn't always black and white. Something everyone already knows.
Religions were around before governments even existed, try again.
Then good day to you idiot.
As an user who pays bills, money would solve all my problems. Paid bills means less stress, better food therefore a better life. All you hippie faggots that say wealth is the root of all evil can fuck off and get a job at McDonalds.
well that's one way of looking at it, but why should we stop questioning everything? the author of this quote seems insanely butthurt and wants to make an easy cop out to avoid the critical thinking that goes along with questioning everything and the critical thinking that goes along with that critical thinking and so on. if we stopped questioning everything that would destroy all learning beyond the very first things you are told to be true. very convenient for those in power don't you think?
who gave you those bills in the first place?
who gave you that stress in the first place?
who gave you permission to have a better life?
who let them do that to you? and you reward them by playing their game?
You really don't understand anything he wrote did you?
critical thinking =/= critical theory
small dick
mitä vittua
I seem to have struck a nerve, did that flamzomble your transponies?
you must have terrible reading ability if you can't connect my comment to what I was commenting to.
Critical theory =/= critical thinking, you stupid double thinking nigger.
There is about 4 more inches of dick hidden inside our body, and by cutting a couple tendons surgeons can free about a inch or two.
If your fat an extra inch can be freed by having a liposuction on your pelvis.
Trump won the election.
microsoft windows
Clinton won the popular vote
In a real democracy she would be president
Having money made you act like a dimbass, though
Money cant buy anything real, only dead objects
living is about giving and receiving love
Power is the fool's errand
At your small level anyway there is little power involved in having money, merely safety. But safety shields you from challenge.
Money is an effect, not a cause. An effect of your ability and discipline.
money is bad master, but it can help to attain what you love
lmao i could win the popular vote if i bussed in illegals to vote for me too and im just a regular ol guy
That's the delusion. Paid bills wouldn't solve your problems. You believe your problem is lack of money but it's not. If you had extra money you would realize the cause of your problems is elsewhere: inside yourself.
being profligate
Only legal residents can vote, stupid little shit
not according to us presidential election
Not really. There's a documentary about a guy born without a dick and how he went through surgery to get it back.
I know, I just realized what a monster cock I have. It's a shame no woman will ever feel it.
My bf will tho.
Bring Hitler back to life.
actually because of all the fake votes you can obviously notice that trump wont the popular vote as well.
just look nigga at how many states trump won thats way more fucking people than the tiny states that had hillary.
Yes you huge stupid retard, critical thinking was mentioned only because it relates to what was said about critical theory in the other post.
poor bait.
just for that I edited it and made it even better.
well that's one way of looking at it, but why should we stop questioning everything? horkheimer seems insanely butthurt and wants to make an easy cop out to avoid the critical thinking that goes along with questioning everything and everyone and the critical thinking that goes along with that critical thinking and so on. if we stopped questioning everything and criticizing everything then that would destroy all learning beyond the very first things you are told to be true. we must always ask "WHY?" "HOW?" "HOW CAN THIS BE MADE BETTER?" "HOW CAN THIS BE DONE BETTER?" but if you never ask ask questions or criticize anything, everything will stagnate and rot along with everyones intelligence and ability to critically think. very convenient for those in power don't you think?
anyone that even slightly hints at trying to force some kind of balance between "questioning everything" and "being polite" seeks to withhold information from everyone and become their master. there is no exception. everything must always be questioned, it is the very basis of learning and improvement. only politically correct hugbox diversity-overpushing special bubble safe space social justice warrior femminazis that can't handle being offended, disagreed with, or criticized are against asking "why"
Prove it, stupid Trumpshit.
It can't solve you existing, but it sure as hell can help you buy a noose OP
Death, you can't bribe the Reaper.
look up all the fake votes that hillary got from people who weren't even legal voters
Holla Forums the thread.
Have some facts to back your stupid shit?
Not him but… this is blatant rigging of the system.
Political propaganda is "voter fraud"?
Damn, this is beyond stupid.
Boy, I can just see how this "debate" is going to turn out. I'm sure you think Hillary won fair and square over Bernie too right? Here, have a sage.
Fucking tards, fiat currency isnt worth a penny and has value because men thinks that fiat currency has value. You cant tell every single human being to put a gun pointing at their heads with money, just check what happened to Gadafi, he had more money than any of the guys killing him, money is just a paper that can be manipulated, one day is worth a live, then nothing, is just a tool and the masters of money arent immortal, they cant control the world and they are exposed every time they do war for the value of money.
yes look up all the fake votes that hillary got from people who weren't even legal voters
Is this an official voting place? Because it really doesn't look official.
>If some one says "Vote for x :D " it's voter fraud
You're pathetic and stupid
Post proofs or shut the fuck up
sure no problem look up all the fake votes that hillary got from people who weren't even legal voters
Emotional problems>>6598100
money can't solve ""any"" problems
brain damage
money = shit
Money can buy some of you ugly guys thai brides get saving and stop complaining you aren't fucking anyone.
What in the fuck are you implying? Have you ever actually voted? Because voting machines are usually in pretty bland buildings.
It actually is in the states. You can't tell someone to vote for someone at the voting machines it's fucking illegal to do. This just shows you don't have a grasp on basic laws.