oh no no. None of that tranny shit. Fucking around with hormones is a very dangerous thing. The only reason this is being done today is because of leftist retardation.
meh, absolutely none of the GMOs you see in the market today have any kind of nutritional value above the non GM ones. Right now they are done purely for aesthetic reasons, with the exception of Golden Rice but that an all together different shitshow.
Muscle mass and muscle definition are two different things. You need strong muscular legs in order to lug around a 400 lbs body. As for usefulness, that all depends entirely on what you do for a living.
you would be surprised at the variety of sexual deviants in this world
I live in eastern europe friend. The living conditions are a little above spartan ones. Living conditions alone do not allow me to be fat so whether I like or not I am fit. Working part time on construction sites was not fun. Except for the hammer time. I love wrecking walls.
I am molecular biologist friend. Firstly I need to remove or at the very least lessent the harmfull effect of visceral adipose tissue(hard fat around the organs). This is largely a receptors game that direct the storage of fat, at this point it is still extremely fucking difficult. The second big problem is not so much muscle mass, but muscle efficiency, and this is where gene therapy comes in heavily.But before I can get to that I need to find a way to safely integrate or what's more likely control the expression of genes that are responsible for muscle strength yes genes play a part in how much you can lift, the other half is you working your ass off developing that potential
As for ensuring the world doesnt collapse because of leftist retardation:
Remove Jude
Remove Gypsy
Remove Kebab
This can be done quietly with an engineered virus. Currently there is work on creating synthetic proteins. Once that becomes more streamlined it is entirely possible to cram the genetic sequence for that protein into a virus. A silent virus that targets all the undesirables shitskins and removes them "naturally". Mother nature's a bitch, ain't she?
Go into personalized medicine, which means greatly reduced pill popping for shit you should have let your immune system take care of. Chances are it could even remove the need for vaccines. A yearly vaccine is borderline retarded. You have an immune system for a reason.
It is hardly insincere when I keep telling you fuckers that it is absolutely scientifically impossible that your gut bacteria can't incorporate genes form what you eat. DNA cannot survive in an acidic environment, let alone a fully intact gene.
They sell them here. Not very tasty.
I am not a progressive degenerate, I am a slavic deviant/freak with a stem degree.