How often do you masturbate per day?
Holla Forums jerk off poll
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5 times
Havnt jacked off in 20 years.
lul why?
1-3 times a day
Idk, it's too hard.
Shit man, what is so arousing it compels you to masturbate 6-7 times?
It's the hormones in the water turning the frogs gay
Fuq you mean its too hard? It's literally one of the most easy things ever.
How do some of you faggots have enough cum to jack off 5 or 6 times a day????? I could never do that.
2, maybe 3. Seldom 4. The most was around 7 the first time I played UAB.
2 or 3
Bout 10
1 one or none at all, very scarcely do I jack off 2-3 times anymore.
I don't want to have sex with 3DPD, so nothing left for me to do
why not?
I was raised by my mother, and she told me if I wanted a gf or a wife, then I better expect to be used and to only be loved for what I can do for them. The internet also didn't help.
well yes, you're alway used. you're used by the government, men, women etc. just make sure you got something for the trade.
been in a 5 year relationship now, great lass, loyal, nice, fairly smart, goodlooking etc. she has mentally imprinted on me since I was her first time and I can be very affection etc. if she doesn't see me for about a week she gets really fucking pissed at pretty much everybody around her. she uses me. I warm her when she's cold, I go pick her up 30min away when she doesn't have a bus, I pay for a bit more things than she does. in return I ask exclusive and on demand physical affection, food, etc. she asks me first before she buys something even if it's not with my money, I decide what's added to our rooms, what she wears etc. it's a trade. there's nothing wrong with being "used" if you "use" in return.
I guess at least 4-5 times a day but I don't keep count as some time it is so many time that my masterbate is fire.
I started taking a zinc a few months ago and saw a huge improvement but that might have been just the placebo effect. NEET now but masturbated before work and several times after work when I was working.
I found electric six and surf music are good to listen to while jerking (I usually go dry unless I abrade the skin) and the cover the moans and cries from my neighbors. I keep strange hours and am not sure if I would be more mortified if they heard my porn or computer game at 3am.
no point. Males are reproductively disposable, meaning people take a indifferent attitude towards men
not saying you get nothing out of the deal, just saying it not worth it, and carries risks that you aren't even aware of
just give my reason why I would resort to masturbation rather then trying for a 3DPD
perhaps men are ment to destroy each other to make sure only the strongest mates? Meanwhile the sneaky genes continues.
tbh I sometimes jerk off once every three days
used to jerk it three times a day but then is became to much of a chore so now I only jerk it when I really need to
i swear my libido is beyond human levels, i could jerk off all day if i go 1 day without, the next day i jerk it like 8 times in a row
what risks according to you
there are laws, as well social structures designed to destroy you physically or financially on her demand. Also every time you stick your cock inside of her you're giving up some of your rights
laws that have no affect on me. I'm not married and I never will marry. I suppose you're an NA fag in which case, good luck. in EU it's still decent.
and what rights according to you do I lose with sex?
Anywhere from 0-7 times a day.
Sometimes at work.
I drive around by myself quite a bit, so it's not hard to rub one out between stops.
depends on how busy I am, sometimes I go without masturbating for days.
also, have some ass, you sound sad
I bait all day every day in the forums
good, but you're still not safe, and it isn't just the EU, it is in all of the first world
the accusation of rape is enough to destroy. There is also the risk of children
they don't wipe? that's disgusting. even as a man I dry my dick after pissing. fuck sake, where is this?
enough to destroy your life*
I don't just fuck random chicks while they're drunk. there is no evidence to suggest I ever raped her. she's not some campus broad the sleeps around. accusing me of rape would be stupid, her world and sanity are based on me. why would you smash your own foundations.
don't get me wrong I understand your point. I've taken the necessary precautions around it.
3DPD think with emotion, and emotion is subject to the current state of the person, meaning she might fuck you over, just she is bored, and thinks to herself that she deserves. Problem is that government gives her the tools act on this.
I hope, but nothing is full proof, and laws change, and with women vote block the laws are only going to become more gynocentric
I agree, she can be emotional but she listens when I correct her on it (if it is necessary). she's pretty respectful and submissive even. the moment that changes and she goes bitchmode Im out. 5 year relationship or not.
I hear you there buddy.
well, at least you're willing to do that. I hope it works out, but as for me, I'll stick to jerking off to cartoons
that's really fucking weird, not gonna lie. not sharing affection and sex with another warm, loving, cozy human being. having a real face look back at you, have another person scratch you in the back when she cums… I could not do without, not gonna lie.
Haven't fapped in 2 months
I consider that a weakness honestly
nice trips
and why?
how exactly do you prove whether or not someone consented to sex? consent happens in a person's mind, the only way to tell whether or not someone consents to something is by knowing what's happening in their mind. the most effective method of discovering that is by simply asking them. which is not in any way reliable because people are capable of lying; someone who consents to something and says 'i consent' is indistinguishable from someone who does not consent to something but says 'i consent', someone who does not consent to something and says 'i do not consent' is indistinguishable from someone who does consent to something and says 'i do not consent'.
all the prosecutor actually needs to prove in order to convict someone of rape is that sex took place, disproving consent is a matter of claiming that the 'victim' only acted like or said that they consented even though they didn't because they were afraid the rapist would kill them or something if they didn't consent.
apart from that, the accusation itself is enough to ruin your life, even if you don't get convicted. people don't hire accused rapists. people don't want to live near accused rapists. sometimes people beat or murder accused rapists.
relying on another person makes that person valuable to you, makes you able to lose something, also makes you incomplete without them
again that would require a crazy cunt. I've broken her personality about 3 times now, she is not capable of inflicting that. I could probably actually rape her and she wouldn't tell anybody and forgive me in time. she'd still be emotionally fucked obviously and I have no desire for rape since I'm sexually satisfied and all but she could emotionally not live without me. she breaks down. stops eating etc. broke up with her once to "teach her a lesson" I guess. she was acting out of line and that was the result. I gave no intention of taking her back during those 2 weeks so it wasn't "faking" to get me back. she didn't tell me either, it was her mother that told me afterwards. Im a pretty good at judging people's characters and she's not smart enough to competent enough to fake it that far, she's very easy to see through.
I'm not talking about that individual per se. I'm talking about the act. I have options if she ends up being a loose end. I can get affection when I so please. it's just better when you're as close as I am
Consent? Since when did that begin?
I don't know where this conviction is going at this point. it was fun, at least you're not like one of those idiots who can't even consider ideas outside of what their dicks deem appropriate
yes. women are crazy cunts. and what you're doing would be considered by the law to be 'emotional abuse'. she will have you arrested and go on state benefits.
if you think you're safe, you're not. you are expendable and society will destroy you if it thinks you've hurt a woman's precious, precious feelings.
yeah Im aware. a risk Im willing to take. I understand the bullshit that can surround it but I'm not going to let that stand in the way of having families. because at the end of the day, I'm reproducing and you're not. we can fix gynocentrism but only if we have a youth to show for it. we can't beat islamisation and globalisation if we stop reproducing. I'm not prepared to give up my genes just to spare me some butthurt by the state. it's bigger than just me or even just my generation. civilizations rise and fall depending on the attitudes people have towards families, security, ethnic stability etc. I'm hoping on a 4th Reich, but we need to reproduce for that. take women back more towards motherhood and such and men towards honor, integrity, back straight chest forward. all-round good capable men to build up civilization, progress, etc. I'm tired of having to compensate for the mistake of my parents and grandparents, I want to make it good again for my children and grand children. and that starts at your individual level fighting back against a plutocracy, not by "just not having kids and relationships". you want greatness, you need to be able to take risks and sacrifice, for the good your children and the prosperity of the generations to come. Heil Hitler
masturbate only during the weekend
2-4 times
Enjoy your prostate cancer.
1 to 3 times a day, every day, every week, every month, every year.
I came back just for this little thing. You are going to have to replace 3DPD with technology if you ever want to see gynocentrism permanently dead.
it will never be permanently dead, it's a bit of a mgtow meme. there will always be compensation for it. I do see you argument though but thinking it can be destroyed is an illusion.
strong family values suppress gynocentrism enough to have a strong, vibrant, expanding society.
it can be killed. You just need to take away 3DPD's choice them not being able to find a male due to all males being happy with their waifu via some kind of technology or take away male competition of the best females all males have the best female via some kind of technology
We also need a way to asexually reproduce so the human race doesn't die out
no. we can't.
women are the limiting factor in reproduction, therefore a single woman is more important to the ability of the species to propagate than a single man could ever possibly be. in fact, assuming 100% fertility, if a man were to impregnate 1 woman every single day, he would conceive approximately 270 children in the time it takes 1 woman to carry a baby to term; a single woman is potentially 270 times more important to reproduction than a single man. therefore, women decide how society is to arrange itself. if women decided it tomorrow, the human race would simply end within a generation. oh but men could just rape all the women, couldn't they? and then what? she's got the baby inside her, all she needs to do is fuck a coathanger or throw herself down some stairs every time you knock her up until you submit to her will. fortunately for them, they'll never need to go to those extremes because men are innately inclined to capitulate to women anyway and men who have somehow broken out of that inclination typically find themselves ostracised or hanged.
no, technology is not a solution. the organic method of childbirth will always be cheaper, easier and overall superior to any artificial procedures. the human body is the result of 4.3 billion years of evolution, you're not going to improve on that with clumsy human hands. very, very ironically.
you're never going to be able to reproduce artificially in time for islamisation (and other thread) to take over. the moment women realize artificial reproduction will fuck them is the moment they vote against it. and you're not going to be able to stop them same way you haven't been able to for year. and yet again the most potent men will reproduce and you will not. there's no way around it.
Never. In my entire life, I have never masturbated.
Usually 1. Go about a day or 2 without every week. Absolutely no more than 3 times a day.
I'm trying to cut it down to about once every other day.
check em
technology gets cheaper as time goes on. This is future talk, man.
easier for whom? not you, as all you would have to do is go somewhere, pay them, give them some dna, and come back to pick up YOUR child
human childbirth is messy, inefficient, and carries undue risk for both the mother and the child
evolution isn't god, and if we hope to move forward as a species, we need to take control of our own evolution
Yeah, I don't know what to do about that.
artificial reproduction can and will be dressed up as a good thing for 3DPD, and they will swallow it, because they fairly stupid when it comes to things that will take "weight" off their shoulders
I don't want to reproduce. I think children are shit. This is just so humans won't die out when men have a better alternative to cohabitation with 3DPD
I support what you're advocating for sandniggers are a problem for this plan, I am just not willing to sacrifice myself for it.
if you don't want to reproduce then why are you making such a big deal about it.
and who will "dress" it like this? women are in pretty much all aspects of governance at this point, how do you think they wont find out.
My love is pure.
it probably is.
doesn't change that you're a faggot.
natural childbirth is free.
the people performing their biological imperative. it's really easy to put your dick in a vagina. in fact, it's probably easier than not doing it; refusing to fuck a woman is a subversion of your very instincts.
yep. and it's still superior to any method humans could reasonably, feasibly devise. the only way to even match it would be to essentially synthesise an actual human which itself would render childbirth of any kind moot anyway because you've just synthesised a human anyway.
compared to god, it is.
they've already started writing articles about how it should be banned before it's even viable as an alternative. they know it's the source of their societal power and will therefore never give it up.
The human species is unique compared to all other species on this planet, and I believe humans have the potential to become something more, to the point that they may give legitimate purpose to their existence through acquisition of knowledge and capability, and the dynamics between the genders stands to both weaken and destroy this potential, thus it needs to be gotten rid off. I don't believe that mindless shitting out children will do anything for me or this goal of getting human to a sustainable point of growth.
I also really want a sexbot
top kek
I don't disagree with being able to transcend ourselves in a sense but we're talking at least a couple 100 more years. and if we in the west don't reproduce enough and win the demographics war in the civilized world we lose all technology and enlightenment that came with it.
My faggorty is
This is magic
They swallowed feminism didn't they. Any bitch will half a brain should have been able to see how that would backfire.
taking the "burden" of childbirth off 3DPD will be enough to get this technology into existence
hospital cost for a baby is a few 1000 bucks
in this hypothetical a better technological alternative for a intimate relationship with another human exists
no it is, there isn't any intelligence behind it
maybe for now, but as 3DPD get more comfortable, they'll get more complacent
The far east is more technologically advanced then west, so I wouldn't really worry about losing technological advancement
the far east has only perfected. europe and the states came up with around 90% of all significant innovation. japan just perfected some aspect of it, which is also a good thing, I consider japan a part of "the west" as a the civilized world
point is, japan will still have that tech if the sandniggers do win
and what will they do with it? they're like .5% of world population. no room to expand. they're going into space alone? you think when europe is over run japan will be able to stand ground against india and china? give me a break. one of the necessairy things is eradicate 99% of china's population. secure some of the best women first would be ideal. india same thing. the East mainland needs to be whiped clean within 50 years or they'll get expansive and form a significant problem.
it not just Japan, it is all of the far east
no it's not. china and india aren't technologically advanced, are you kidding
china is getting there, India not so much, especially with that whole shit street thing
china is nowhere near it. there's just a lot of em to make heavy labor more easy. it's like and ant colony, individual members are completely useless and disposable but with that much of them they can pose a threat
i don't man. I guess you're right. I still want a sexbot.
1 a day, occasionally 2, but never more than 2
I dunno, always found toys and the likes a bit pathetic and faggy. its more the recognition of my abilities and aptness of my skills as a man etc that satisfies me. dominance etc plays a role. there is no difficulty in dominating a sex bot. you also can't "satisfy" it.
My sexual satisfaction has been based more around fantasy, and I know none of that shit real, and yet I cum buckets.
which is why I find it sad. fiction never interested me. I want authenticity.
Well, I'll never be able go to silent hill, and get raped by rule 63'd pyramid head, or live through all 3DPD becoming really big into femdom and turning all men into shotas and keeping them as sex pets, or life a happy life with a monster girl, so fantasy is all I got, and you can't tell me that you and your 3DPD don't try something new any now then, and everything new you try stated as a fantasy.
there's a difference
me: change to a new brand of car
you: dream of a car with 7 wheels that can fly and dispenses dr Pepper instead of CO2
there's nothing weird about being curious about new things, you sort of go overboard on that
I never planning to have sex with another person, so I think I am allowed to go overboard. You have to confine yourself to some base in reality, or you'll end up disappointed.
why not. why would you not want that experience. probably the most mind blowing, satisfying experience out there.
also had sex once
couldn't cum
had to tell the girl to leave, while I finished off myself
wew lad. too bad for you
0.4 times per day on average.
yeah, even I had been able to cum it wouldn't have been mind blowing
because you have zero experience or probably pretty low self esteem and anxiety as well
maybe, but none of that really matters now
I suppose
That was an awesome game, but I never jerked to it. I played it for the plot…
Try out Wanko to Kurasou if you're never played it.
How? The twins were hot.
is this your 3DPD? If so why are taking pic of her and posting them online?
why not
don't know. I put porn on my posts as a kind post filler, but males generally seem to value the 3DPD they are in a relationship with, and consider the possibility of other males looking at her with lust as a bad thing
looking I don't really give a shit. she fucks me, not them. I got her, they cant. touching her though ends up being a big mistake.
hmm… guess you're just showing off then
huh, well I am sure at least one thirsty user will appreciate it.
good luck to you, and may you beat the odds
I don't get it.
Once, I used to fap about three times per day though, but those days are over.
he fucked her then threatened her life if she didn't give him something. so she made him an ice sword, and he let her go.
i dont even wipe when i cum
so you swallow