Does anyone have the original image?
Does anyone have the original image?
Other urls found in this thread:
Here, I cleaned it up with my government-issue zoom and enhance software.
You're so funny!
what is this? Cheese pizza?
so what then?
Who knows, OP doesn't have the original.
OP what is this grainy picture of? Why do you want the original?
data analysis here.
it's an asian with a fat ass, not sure if cute, probably judging by the shoulders and hair.
she is marky.
Here it is
who the fuck is marky?
marky thompson.
Not lurking archives. What a fag.
p.s in that same thread you find a link to a MEGA that has tones of her "safe" pics and some vids
Did marky ever posttits
i can't believe that shit hasn't been deleted yet
i don't even have to check
mods didn't care for my report
wait a sec, is she underage?
i think she was 16 when that happened, during christmas if i remember right.
i was in those threads btw.
got tits, ass, but no pussy shot, its killing me.
Yes, it's all cp
Nah, she later regretted it so she said she was under age, to stop people posting them. I remember an user posted her dox proving she was legal.
He is right, it was a chan myth.
Dude you can still easily find all of them on the archives.