Celebrities who are secretly pedophiles

Celebrities who are secretly pedophiles

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[Insert Hollywood Jew Here]

Donald Trump is an incestuous pedophile.

Why live?


He's probably fantasized about fucking his daughters but he would never do anything. He just masturbates while blocking women from exiting hotel rooms.


OP said secretly, user.


This is LIBEL

mods, please delete this thread

actually, when it's spoken, it's SLANDER

t. lawyer

From a recent interview:

so a fat man in a Superman costume has probably had sex with another fat man in a Lex Luthor costume while a drag queen eats heads off live chickens?

Frodo is lucky he made it out.

How hasn't he been blackballed yet?


He's not


though I don't know how secret it is when you invite a 15-year-old girl to spend a few weeks at your house

I love Dan the Man

When did that happen?

bout three years back: grrm.livejournal.com/353777.html

Yep, probably a pedo, I can't believe he didn't bring Sophie instead.

Shit taste/10

fun detail: the ugly woman in the far right in is GRRM's wife

Tarantino is a foot fetishist, not a pedophile.


Please explain

Impersonating a lawyer is illegal.

t. judge

Impersonating a judge is illegal.

t. fbi

Impersonating a FBI is very illegal.


Impersonating a President is very illegal

t. Real President

Impetsonating a Real President is illegal times infinity

t. chief justice


The faggot probably wanted to be "raped" and is pissed he didn't

So.. all of them?
