Why do conservatives care more about that disabled white guy that was beat up by blacks...

Why do conservatives care more about that disabled white guy that was beat up by blacks, but then ignore the black kid late last year who was killed in a similar way to emmett till?

This was my last post on Holla Forums before I gave up on it, don't bring Holla Forums here unless you want to talk about geopolitics and the militaristic consequences.

Its not just Holla Forums though, talk show radio hosts are doing it too

Disregard, I'm a faggot and thought this was /k/.
Feel free to shit the place up with identity politics.

because black lives don't matter

Then why dont these radio shows just say they feel that way instead of lying and trying to seem like good guys

Welcome to the world, neither side tells the truth because it makes both of them look bad.

There wasn't one. You just made that up.

I also think it's hilarious that niggers have to go back to the 1950s with this Emmet Till bullshit to find an instance of White-on-Black crime that's on par with the Black-on-White violence that occurs on a daily basis.

conservatives don't actually care about the victim, they care aboutusing the heinous crime as a way to say "L-look we experience racism too." Drawing false equivalencies between black prejudice and justifiable racial anger and White Racism/Supremacy so they further deny, downplay and ultimately ignore the Black plight.

The same way they use riots where the only victim is property damage as proof of Black people being violent.

When white racial riots have claimed far more many lives and neighborhoods, but they don't teach that in history class.

These four black people are already in jail and will be summarily punished the only reason there's such a commotion is because they can use to paint Black people as animals to defend themselves from and next to property damage the greatest crime a black can commit is to put his hands on a white

Ignore the racial aspect and look it this for what it is, someone being abducted and tortured for their political beliefs. This is textbook terrorism and should be dealt with harshly is any nation that claims to be democratic.

Just as expected, you didn't provide any proof of a niglet being tortured recently.

*in any nation


You got a link to that? I don't doubt it happened but suspect it has more to do with wealth and family standing than race.

Always an excuse

Except that's wrong. Every time there is a chimpout there are Whites who get pulled out of their cars and beaten, or clotheslined on the sidewalk as niggers take advantage of the confusion to play the knockout game. And those are just the things we know about when videos get posted online.

There would be a lot more White victims of assault and rape during chimpouts if not for the 2nd Amendment. There's not too many home invasions during these things because the threat of being shot is real.

Your arguments are weak, to support my claim I'll point out that R Kelly got away with statutory rape and production of CP of which there was photo evidence.
Do you think he got away with it because blacks are favored by the justice system or because he's rich?

You want to bring football into this, be my guest. There's plenty of instances where Black football players get away with rape.

Actually, R Kelly got away with it because of jury nullification. There is a known conundrum in the legal system of Black juries letting their own off for heinous crimes. They're not fit to serve on juries objectively.

You think that would have happened if it was just another hood rat? Wealth and fame open a lot of doors, in many cases those doors lead from the courthouse to the street.

Can you prove that at all?

I think if it wasn't a majority Black jury, he would have been convicted, regardless of who he is. The evidence was overwhelming, like you said. That video was all over the Internet.

Can I prove what?

Black riots are not deadly like white riots.

Prove the shit you said about blacks pulling people out of cars. I recall this happening at anti-trump rallies where whites did this as well to women.

You're the ONLY voice of reason on this shitty website.

Bullshit, only the irrational, hate-filled faggots actually attacked women, the normal men were pulling them off.

Dunno, user. Probably related to how ugly and stupid blacks are. But it's really an interesting question…


There's always a spike in carjackings during Black riots. All the regular Black criminals seize the opportunity to do what they do in the confusion. This proves you don't know what you're talking about. Not every crime is broadcast on CNN.

I wish I knew where the rest went, we were once the majority.


And can you prove that there is a spike in carjackings during black riots? Got any reliable stats?

Whites have higher percentages on most of those

I find it funny that the only crimes whites are disproportionately responsible for involve getting drunk.

Provide your source, I like to keep up to date with facts and don't lie to exaggerate a point.


Even so, how do those stats affect a regular black guy going to college? Why should he care?

If he doesn't want to be robbed or killed statistically he should hang around whites.

Listen to the police scanner during the next chimpout. You might raise your eyebrows at what you hear.

You guys are very, very mean

Actually I'm white and although I'm a loyal friend, most of my white friends will betray any non-white they 'befriend' or at the very least talk major shit about them behind their back even i they're cool guys.

I can't speak for anyone but myself but for me I'm sick of the media trying to turn everything into a race issue. On top of this if you actually look at crime statistics based on race you find that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime while whites are statistically more likely to be killed by police.

You might be loyal but it sounds like your "friends" aren't.

I'm just saying that most of us are like that. A black college student/grad would be best suited to make friends/date with asians or mexicans.

Because the difference is were the races switched, the media would cover it immediately. We had a white man pulled out of his car because of Trump victory and for him being white, no one cared. We had a white man stripped and beaten in a parking lot by a black mob, no one cared. A white man was kidnapped and tortured for 48 hours and the media was silent and the police said it was kids being kids. Conservatives are pissed off at the racial bias here, and if you can't see the disproportionate coverage, I am not sure if you are even looking.

t. Democrat

false. stick to the facts please.

It appears you are right for 2016 with 54% of police shooting being on whites out of 62% of the population.
For blacks they are 28% for 13% population which doesn't look good until you remember they are responsible for ~50% of murders and ~34% of other violent crimes.

You were just passing by the thread, and decided to make a post simply to let us know that you're smarter than everyone else?
Nice way of showing it, bro! Try bringing the ball back when someone throws it, and we will congratulate you again.

Probably because the kidnap and torture was streamed live on facebook.

Its the cool thing to do now if you want to go viral.

Like how people dont give a shit about video games but then when someone is streaming themselves live playing one they get millions of viewers.

Didn't a black guy/potential draft just get released from jail because the rape charges were phony? It was all over the news a while back. In fact, the rape victim tried to hook up with him again. If i was him, I would probably killed her. She didn't even get punished for it. He is a better person than I.

Are you not aware of the assumptions you're making?
Why wouldn't you just assume that all races complain about all other races? And that all ethnic groups complain about all other ethnic groups? It just ignores the world history of ethnic groups everywhere killing each other just because they're different.

To be really clear I mean to say that all ethnic groups complain about other ethnic groups amongst themselves but not with others.

False rape claims are way too common and the vast majority of the time nothing happens to those making false accusations.
If it happened to me I would be seriously tempted to rape her.

I realize that there are many false rape accusations, however Blacks have a tendency to play that card all the time, which is paradoxical since they are statistically much more likely to actually rape.

this event serves conservatives by showing that whites can be victims of discrimination and it serves liberals by showing that they will defend whites too. it helps that he was special needs too. it's a perfect storm for the 4nogs and they deserve it. for once, both sides in the us political cancer agree with each other.


and be a victim of rape. the full facts, please.

If you want to get technical the most common rape is blacks raping blacks followed by blacks raping whites.


I think we should gas the retards and the niggers.

jew first

Also how does a retard go missing for like 3 days before the parents call the police and start getting worried?

They'll all get along fine in mass graves.

if someone walked up and folded up that motherfucker on the table I would have mad respect for him

The same reason why Republicans bring about Saudi Arabia and Islam every time gay or transgender issues come up.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

I don't think this chart is weighted by population, its just national averages beside the race demographics

Not really, more whites live in a area where they would be arrested for public drunkness.

burn in hell for putting a modern scope on that Kar98k

well lets see
this might come as a shock if your IQ is low or you happen to be non white and just happen to hate whites so anything said to not villify whites rustles you

alright lets begin
how old was he?
just being under 18 doesnt make you a "kid"
being mentally disabled does in fact make you a mental kid for most of your youth if not for life
was the black kid blamed for being the instigator of an evil politician (trump supported by all whites by proxy?)
was he called a black supremacist that intentionally supported destruction of whites?
did the attackers record themselves and upload on youtube?
did their group include a girl who specifically called him a politician supporter and a supremacist?
ill await your answers OP, with citations

all people do
in fact over 150k was raised in his name