The FBI will not indict presidential candidate Hillary Clinton:
Kang Obamas' explanation for Shillary's lack of popularity:
The email scandal now in the hands of the American people:
The FBI will not indict presidential candidate Hillary Clinton:
Kang Obamas' explanation for Shillary's lack of popularity:
The email scandal now in the hands of the American people:
Blow it out your ass euro fag
Brit/pol/ is cancer though, and honestly makes me embarrassed to be English sometimes.
Perhaps yank/pol/ will end up being less infested with retards and tripfags.
Copying and improving like always.
Yes such improvement
Confirmed for never setting foot inside Brit/pol/
I like Brit/pol/ but the shit posting is too much, when they effort post they actually make a lot of good points.
The entire board is fucking Ameri/pol/
Are we pro-civic nationalism and Bomber Harris around these parts?
Blow it out your ass
Im-fucking-plying mate.
I'll admit i havent set foot in the place to any real degree recently, but from the moment you faggots arrived you were full of tripfags, circlejerking, and other retarded shit like mummyposting.
Don't try and pretend it's not a cesspit.
Stop judging the many by actions of a few
There are a few dedicated autismal pricks who spend their life bringing the quality down yes but most of us try to avoid it
do all burgers have tourettes?
answer is yes.
tbh I regret that we stopped being part of the British Colonies
Why? do you wish you had Muslim no go areas or some shit?
At least it's not Britcuck/pol/.
I'm sure he's happy enough with your nigger no-go areas.
At least we can actually shoot them brit cuck.
elellelelelecucks cuckckckckckckc cuckcuckcuckcukkkkkkkk
The place is Tainted, mate. There's far too much of this (I realise this post is satire)
Those of you who arent total cancer ought to create a different thread then, because I'd love somewhere to actually discuss british politics without having to wade through shit. Call it Uki/pol/ or something.
There are areas you avoid because they're shit, but they aren't no go.
Like I avoid the adult diapers section at the store. Just because I don't go there and avoid going there doesn't mean it's a "no go zone".
What's the interracial crime rate over there? Aren't whites raped in the hundreds of thousands?
Meanwhile we flipped about 1,800. Take that in "cuck".
learn how to filter
So? I can walk through Muslim areas too, no-go usually means "don't go there if you dislike scum and crime".
They're actually going to become more diverse and inclusive after they left the EU. It's very ironic.
… You have the rape capitals of the world. You can't really use that as an insult.
I'm in a 100k population city. Rape is like 51 / 100k / year. approx
We aren't a very safe city either. merely safer than 25% of cities, so we're shit.
Southurons the thunders mutter northern flags and south winds flutter, TO ARMS IN DIXIE!!!
The (((britcucks))) will use the fact that we still have guns as an insult.
They'll simply say 60% as though it's an insult. Hey Britshits: have fun with your stronk wimyn leader who wants more diversity and open borders. Have fun begging for the US to come save you when the EU army starts shitting on you. I'm not sure we will.
Why has Douglas Carswell invaded this thread?
im southern you fucking nigger
If you didn't notice I'm not the representative for Europe, moron.
No shit. I'm not calling you a Brit. I'm pointing out what they use as insults to you.
oh shit sorry man.
If you didn't notice I'm not the representative for America, moron.
You sure seem to like living in a place where your government not only wants, but helps plan and cover up rape of thousands of young white girls.
I understand though. Being a cuck is your fetish.
Oh. You may like this so what's that about rape being a problem here?
Me moving out of my parents house was the balkanization of my family and not the start of my own life.
Laws don't apply to powerful political clans.
I-I guess that's okay
well now you're getting a double dose of burger eurocuck.
Oh you burgers always make me laugh
i want reddit to leave.
This isn't /d/ you degenerate faggot
d e g e n e r a t e
wew lad
This thread was shillrd to Oblivion because you bitbongs and amerilards can't get along. Both of your countries have serious Problems. We need to stop infighting it makes likes easier to d&c us.
It's off to a good start :^)
The stars and stripes look like they were designed by an autistic child who's teacher put him forward for a flag designing competition out of pity.
Fucking hell I'm American but I hate this shit
OK, I was against it at first, but you got me. I have to stay. Please keep making these.
Then define "no go" for us.
Because in America, cops don't even respond to shootings in African-American areas, and only call for backup when they feel themselves personally in danger, with zero thought or care given towards the African-American community.
It's being discussed in another thread right now:
Links to the story itself:
Who will be our ginnie
U.S. postes have possessed the entire board already, to the point many nationalities cannot be be brought upon due to bullshit "muh hwite genocide priorotay"
Murrika-centric threads are redundant
Do we really need more national threads taking up space? For fucks sake the southerners even had national threads a year ago.
I disagree vehemently with that shitty ideology, but completely misrepresenting your political opponents' positions is uncouth.
Good goys, fight amongst yourselves instead.
If you can't handle da bantz, get out of the bantzister.
Hell is forever!
Tbh maybe the civil war should have been east side vs we set side
American Indians are the future of this country and we need to properly invest
Tbh memefash trumplad
Western women is degeneration I would rather date beautiful Filipino women
Hillary is a true American, Trump is fascist
This board is basically American. Our news ist he world news
This idea is stupid as shit. Fuck this idea, this is a British shill D&C'ing
you have the whole site, lads
Stormderp privilege status:
[_] Not checked
[X] Checked
What the fuck could be discussed on the rest of Holla Forums if all burger politics are here?
We must destroy brit pol for the good of the world
To secure the existence of #RefugeesWelcome activists and a safe space for our pyyple.