Wow, okay this has got to be the lamest attempt at a meme I've ever seen. What fuck is this and why does it exist? Oh golly, there's charity? Gee I wonder where it goes.
You're telling me a massive conglomerate of jewy lawyers are partnering up to smear the greatest Presidential Candidate with a flimsy t-shirt website? This is the best they can do? Have I caught this early?
The rabbit hole keeps getting deeper and deeper. After hours of digging and doxxing all i can think of right now is:
WHERE IS THE CLINTON FOUNDATION CONNECTION? _______ I stayed up all night digging up surface info. Here's what I have so far.
What do you mean by that ? Also they're probably just a bunch of lawyers trying to cash in on the Trump hate and migrant crisis, they make a cheap stunt with the shirt and hashtag and then parade around like that faggot lawyer who put the sticker no niggers allowed on whatever store and then was like "I did it" and started lecturing dumbasses on racism. It could also be some cheap attempt at discrediting Trump like the whole deport racism 2016 with that shitskin kid flipping the finger.